Internet Addiction (text)
материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Текст с заданиями по теме "Интернет зависимость"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Task 1. Study the words. Рассмотрите новые слова.
One click away - в одном шаге
To cause - вызывать, быть причиной
Severe - тяжелый, серьезный
Addiction - зависимость
Illness - болезнь
To measure - измерять
Drug - лекарство
Recovery - восстановление
Task 2. Read the text. Прочитайте текст.
Experts say that millions of people around the world are one click away from ‘online’ addiction.
The Internet is where we spend more and more of our time. But for a great number of people, it’s an out-of-control habit that causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones and work. Experts say that internet addiction is a global problem. Doctors say that addiction is a serious illness.
Doctor Young developed a test that uses a 20-question survey to measure levels of Internet addiction.Online gaming is the most serious form of it. “There are no real drugs for this yet,” she says. “It’s not medication, it’s therapy.” At the Institute for Addiction Recovery, some patients need 30 to 90 days of in-patient treatment, and after that - a long care program. But Internet addiction recovery, (well, any addiction) requires lifelong treatment, experts say.
Task 3. Find the following words in the text. Найдите слова и выражения в тексте.
a)неконтролируемая привычка -
b)вызывать стресс -
с)опрос -
d)стационарное лечение -
е)требовать пожизненное лечение -
Task 4. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
What is the most serious form of internet addiction?
How can people cope with the addiction? (Is there any medicine?)
What does it mean - to be addicted? (your opinion)
Are you addicted to the Internet?
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