The role of stylistic devices in comprehension of literary texts
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Reading is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words. Analyzed book is a thought-through book. If you analyze a book, you are an owner of it
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To own a book To pay for it To make it a part of yourself
Reading is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words. Analyzed book is a thought-through book. If you analyze a book, you are an owner of it.
The object of the research: the text under analysis “A cup of tea ” by K. Mansfield and the Russian version of the book, made by H. Lineckaya The subject : stylistic devices used by the author and by the translator in this piece of narration .
The purpose : to analyze the text “A cup of tea ” by K.Mansfield , to show the role of stylistic devices in the comprehension of the narration, to compare the stylistic devices used by the author and by the translator.
Figurative language metaphor epithet irony simile metonymy personification
Kathleen Mansfield ( Murry ) (1888 – 1923) The pen name Kathreen Mansfield A master of the short story Named herself a pupil of Anton Chekhov Loved Russian literature
A CUP OF TEA The plot is focused on 3 characters Narrated In the 3d person Presented as a matter- of-fact Ordered chronologically
The exposition The knitting The climax When we come across with a rich couple Rosemary and Philip Fell Philip comes home and tells Rosemary that their guest is too pretty to keep her at home Rosemary meets a poor girl in the street and drives her to the house
All the characters are vividly-drawn and true-to-life
The message Sometimes we do plausible actions just to please our own vanity The theme The relationship between people
The title is symbolic and metaphorical. It is in strong position
Stylistic devices A little battered creature with enormous eyes ( metaphor) Thin, birdlike shoulders( simile) Poor, little thing ( metaphor) Poor little creature ( metaphor) She pushed the thin figure in the chair ( metonymy) The big eyes were raised to him( metonymy) I like you awfully ( oxymoron)
The language of the characters reveal their nature -Come along -Come ,come upstairs -Don’t cry -Be nice to her -Kiss me -Do stop crying -look again my child
Lexical and grammatical transformations in translation made by H.Lineckaya She was gazing in the winter afternoon ( она вглядывалась в зимнюю полутьму ) People hurried under the hateful umbrellas ( Люди бежали под уродливыми зонтиками ) And when did you have the last meal ? ( Когда ты в последний раз держала хоть крошку во рту!) She turned impulsively saying …( Поддавшись порыву, она вскрикнула..) I am very sorry madam, I am going to faint, if I don’t have something ( Простите сударыня , но я упаду в обморок , если не выпью что - нибудь горячее ) My darling girl, you are mad! ( Детка , это совершенно немыслимо!)
С ongratulations ! What on earth are you going to do with her? ( А что ты собираешься с ней делать?) He saw the coat and the hat on the floor ( И его взгляд скользнул по пальто и шляпке ) Look again , my child ( Ты подумай , детка ) What ‘s happened? Previous engagement? (Что случилось? Она приглашена в гости в другое место?) Yes, you can wasteful woman ( Можно , маленькая мотовка ) I saw a wonderful little box today ( Я видела чудесный ларчик сегодня )
The point of the translation is a bridge between national and international coloring. That is why its main function is the turning of spiritual values of one nation into the property of other nations; translation is transmission assisting to mutual penetration and influence of national cultures.
Kathleen Mansfield is like an observer, who describes the characters and gives us clues about what the characters are thinking to themselves. This story is of deep psychological analysis and make the readers think of their own actions
Thank you for your attention.
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