разработка вводного урока Starlight 5 Module 6
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)

Минеева Наталья Сергеевна

Дистанционный вариант работы над вводным урокам Модуля 6 (Вы когда-нибудь....?) по УМК starlight 5


Файл 07.04.2020_module6.docx16.69 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Good morning dear students!

I’m glad to work with you again.

How are you? Hope everything is fine 😊

I am sure that you have your student’s books, your workbooks, exercise books and pens/pencils next to you.

Today we start the new module – module 6. (SB p.97) This module is rather interesting. It is devoted to different experiences: your own experience, the experience of some other people, a bad experience, and a good  one…We are going to discuss all the  sides of this topic and our helper is going to be…. Can you guess? The new Grammar Tense…. Some of you are dreaming to study it as soon as it is possible….))) Ok😊 PRESENT PERFECT! Oh yes, it’s time to review/learn it – Present Perfect Tense. And a little bit later compare it with Past Simple.

So, let’s start!

Task #1.

  1. You have the first audio file.
  2. Listen to it./ Listen and repeat.
  3. SB p.97 now you say (read the phrases under the pictures)
  4. Make up your sentences using all the phrases (all in all 8 sentences) in Present Continuous Tense (What are the people doing in the pictures?)  in the written form.
  5. Take the photo of your sentences and send it to me.

Task #2

You have the second audio file.

Listen to John describing a photo. Which one is he describing?

Listen to the record once again and answer the question “What does he say about?” . Complete the table (+/-), take the photo of it and send it to me.

John says about

The place

The time of the year

The weather

The people

People’s clothes

The activity

People’s feelings

Choose 2 other pictures (your taste). Make up the same tables about them and describe the pictures using this information. 2 descriptions in the written form (Present Continuous Tense!). Take the photo of them( the table and the descriptions) and send it to me.

Task #3

Over to you. Only in Past Simple

  1. What of these activities did you try?
  2. When? How old were you?
  3. What was the place?
  4. Who were you there with?
  5. What was the season? What was the weather like?
  6. How did you feel?

Answer all of the questions in the written form. Take the photo of your sentences and send it to me.


  • What were we speaking about?
  • What were the new activities for you?
  • What activities were usual?

Right now I’m waiting for your letters (photographs of the completed tasks)

  1. Make up your sentences using all the phrases (all in all 8 sentences) in Present Continuous Tense (What are the people doing in the pictures?)  in the written form.

  1. Complete the table (+/-), take the photo of it and send it to me.

  1. Choose 2 other pictures (your taste). Make up the same tables about them and describe the pictures using this information. 2 descriptions in the written form (Present Continuous Tense!). Take the photo of them( the table and the descriptions) and send it to me.

  1. Answer all of the questions in the written form. Take the photo of your sentences and send it to me.

Don’t forget about the time. You have to complete this work

by Wednesday (08/04/2020) until 6:00 рm

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