Music and Art. Grammar practice(preparation for exam)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
Материал для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку по теме "Музыка и другие виды искусства". Раздел "Use of English"
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Have you heard of Band Aid 30? Probably not. Then let me explain what ‘Band Aid’ is. In 1984, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure ___BRING____ together a group of British and Irish singers and musicians and produced a song, called ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’. The song was a charity single. The musicians said that the money from the sales ___GO____ to help poor people in Ethiopia, who were suffering from a famine. The group ___CALL____ Band Aid. Over forty singers were involved in the project, including Paul McCartney, Bono, David Bowie and Sting. In 2014, the group changed its name to ‘Band Aid 30’ because it was the ____THIRTY____ time the song was recorded. That year, the song aimed to help those who were suffering from the Ebola virus. Since the time of its birth, the song ____MAKE____ a lot of money. The money is still used only for charity. Although the song has sometimes been criticised, over 312,000 ___COPY____ of the song have been sold. Usually, I __NOT/LISTEN___ to music a lot, I have other hobbies. But one of my friends, who is a _____GREAT____ music expert than I am, says that, if the song helps people in need – it can never be a bad thing! I agree with __HE_____.
There is a popular opinion that all children are talented. It’s true - children are curious and have a good _____IMAGINE_____. It helps them make ____AMAZE____ things from very routine objects like stones, leaves, or strips of fabric. Coloured paper, watercolours and pencils stimulate their ______CREATE____ minds a lot too! However, sometimes parents may ____APPROVE___ of their children’s artistic activities like drawing on the walls and indoor experiments with fireworks. But _____PUNISH______ is not a good solution! Any art activity develops children’s brains and stimulates their ability in science. Be _____CARE_____ with your children’s natural talents. Never stop them doing an activity but instead create an appropriate and safe environment for it.
In 2005 the rock group The Rolling Stones released an album called ‘A Bigger Bang’. Many critics chose it as their favourite. This isn’t very ____SURPRISE___, but just think, it's their 25th album, and the Rolling Stones have been on the stage for more than 40 years! The lead ____SING____, Mick Jagger, the guitarist Keith Richards and the other musicians are over 60! And they are not losing their ___POPULAR____, even nowadays. However, they are still much more ____FAME____ for the songs they made in the 1960s and 70s. But, you know what? Young people _____REGULAR____ listen to the Rolling Stones with their fathers and granddads. Isn't that_____IMPRESS____? In all aspects, theirs has been a remarkable career.
They say that pop music is created by and for young people. It often happens this way. A young ____SING_____ makes one or two good records at the start of their career. Every year, lots of new stars become ____FAME____ but for a short time. And just a year or two later they either ____APPEAR___ or make less interesting records. It is difficult to find musicians who could make great records for a long time. Lots of popular groups from the 1970s, for example, are still better known for the songs they made in their ____SUCCESS____ past than for their more recent recordings. Some performers leave the stage but don't lose their ____POPULAR____. They continue to appear ___REGULAR___ on TV as presenters, or in chat and reality shows.
Most graffiti street artists are anonymous. However there are some artists who have become globally ___FAME___. Like the twin brothers from Brazil who call themselves Os Gemeos. They paint everything from small images to huge, ___COLOUR___ pictures of people on buildings. Another celebrity among graffiti artists is Blek le Rat from Paris. He paints pictures of ___HOME___ people. In this way he hopes to encourage residents to think ____SERIOUS___ about the problems of these people. Another well-known artist is Faith 47 from Cape Town. She paints big bright pictures of people and animals. The works of this ___PAINT____ can be found on pavements, empty factory buildings, and abandoned cars. It is ____POSSIBLE____ to predict how street art will develop in the future but we can be sure that it is here to stay!
Not everyone likes street art. ____USUAL________ nobody asks owners’ permission before drawing graffiti on their houses. Sometimes the drawings may be ___INTEREST_____ and nice but sometimes messy and ugly. What is graffiti – a form of art or vandalism? It depends on the drawing, I think. A friend of mine, John, is a street __ART____. He says that street art is a form of ____COMMUNICATE____. A person can tell you nice or rude things, can’t he? As for John, he is a really nice and ___CREATE_____ person. He enjoys drawing _____VARY_______ characters from animated films. When my neighbours saw his drawings, they asked him to paint some pictures on the wall of their house. Just to make it look brighter and more positive.
I’m not a child but I still like cartoons and animated films. ___RECENT____, I enrolled in an animation course in our university. The ____TEACH_____ of the course explained to us how animated films are made. Basically, animation is just a series of pictures with a character. Each picture is a little ____DIFFER_______. When you show the pictures really fast, it looks like they are moving. Some people say animation is not a serious thing. I strongly ___AGREE_____. Animated films may be ___FUN_____ but clever and useful to learn new skills. I believe they can be used in many spheres, and most importantly of all in ___EDUCATE_____.
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