Unified state exam (essay)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Предварительный просмотр:
Unified State Exam.
Tip. Understanding the task and getting started.
Use the following plan:
- Make an introduction (state the problem)
- Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- Make a conclusion restating your position.
Organising your ideas.
Essay Plan.
Paragraph 1:
A What is the topic?
B What is the problem? Rephrase it.
C Give your opinion
Paragraph 2:
Your opinion: reason 1, reason 2,( reason 3)
Paragraph 3 :
The opposing opinion: reason 1, (reason 2)
Paragraph 4:
Why you do not agree with the opposing opinion. Your counter-arguments to the arguments given in paragraph 3.
Paragraph 5:
A Restate your opinion
B Summerise your arguments.
Introducing the topic.
Useful phrases to start with :Nowadays… Generally… In many places…It is a well-known fact that…There is no doubt that…There is a trend that…It is obvious that… -
Stating information.
You can state facts as well as give your personal views.
Practise putting your points in order:
First of all… Firstly… To begin with…
Another point/ thing/argument/(dis)advantage is…
In conclusion…
Linking points.
The phrases are used to introduce a second idea on the same subject when both ideas are positive.
In addition…
What’s more…
The same construction can be used to link two ideas which are negative in meaning
Traffic in cities pollutes the atmosphere (negative point); moreover, it can cause damage to people’s health.(negative point)
Other ways of linking similar ideas.
Flying gets you to your destination quickly…
As well as this, it is the safest form of transport.
Apart from getting you to your destination quickly, it is the safest form of transport.
Apart from the fact that flying gets you to your destination quickly, it is the safest form of transport.
Besides getting you to your destination quickly, flying is the safest form of transport.
Giving examples.
For example, …
To give an example, …
As an example, …
For instance, …
To illustrate/show what I mean, …
Giving suggestions ( appendix 1 )
Extending ideas ( appendix 1 )
Opposing opinion ( appendix 2 )
Writing the conclusion.
- Use a phrase at the beginning to tell the reader this is the end ( in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, in summary)
- Restate your opinion and summarise the main points, including the opposing opinion
- Relate back to the original question.
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