разработка кружкового занятия At the doctor's
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
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Let’s begin with the tongue twister A good doctor treats both the patient and the disease.
a surgeon a dentist a dermatologist an optician a psychologist an orthopedic surgeon a chiropractor хирург – стоматолог – мануальный терапевт – окулист – дерматолог – психолог – ортопед –
Health problems сломать руку шея затекла иметь зубную боль иметь сильную сыпь нужны новые очки ужасные кошмары операция break your arm have a stiff neck have a toothache terrible nightmares have a bad rash an operation need new glasses flu грипп have a cold простудиться tiredness утомляемость
Learn new words and collocations have sunburn – обгореть на солнце my body aches – моё тело болит feel dizzy – чувствовать головокружение have a runny nose – иметь насморк feel sleepy – чувствовать сонливость
Problems Symptoms A Have flu 1 I can’t swallow B Have sunburn 2 My body aches. I have a fever. C Have tiredness 3 I cough and my nose is runny. D Have a cold 4 I feel dizzy. I have a headache. E Have a sore throat 5 My skin is red and hot. Match health problems (A-E) to their symptoms (1-5). Then in pairs, ask and answer , as in the example I’ve sunburn . My skin is red and hot. . What’s the matter?
Describing symptoms In pairs, match the exchanges, then read out the dialogue A B 1 Are you OK, Peter? You look pale. A Yes, I’m burning, and my body aches. 2 Have you got a temperature? B Actually, I feel tired 3 I think, you have flue. C That’s a good idea. I will do that. 4 You should go home and stay in bed. D What should I do? 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C
Answer the questions about the film Mrs. Jones has ….. . diarrhoea b) a bad cough c) a toothache 2. She has got the symptoms for ……..? four days b) fourteen days c) forty days 3. What is her diagnose ? She has got ….. . constipation b) stomachache c) flu 4. The doctor prescribed her to … drink plenty of fluids b) give injections c) take antibiotics The woman has to call the doctor, in …. in case she doesn’t get better? a) 3 days b) 2 days c) 10 days The key: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b
Study the examples and make up similar dialogues Calling first aid Hello! -First aid here. What happened? -A man here is having a serious heart troubling. -Name and age? - Sidorov. 58 years old. -Address? -42, May Street apartment 16. -A car will arrive in 10 minutes. -What’s the matter with you, sonny, where does it hurt? -I don’t feel well. -Where is the pain? -I’ve got a very bad headache and my nose is running. -You have got a cold .Take a pill! Have a cup of hot tea with honey and go to bed. I don’t feel well
Imagine, you are a doctor. Match the problems to the advice. Begin like this: If you have burnt your arm, you should ….
Make up a dialogue “At the doctor’s”
First aid kit to take temperature to cut a bandage/a plaster to clean a wound to make pain go away to treat wounds to stop bleeding to extract a splinter We use a thermometer ….. Imagine, you are going on a beach holiday. In pairs, decide which of the following you would pack in the first aid kit. Follow the example: I think we need to pack tweezers. I agree. We will need tweezers to extract a splinter
Crazy nuts Which would you choose? a boring, well-paid job A badly paid, but interesting job 2. You feel very lonely, what would you do? I would download my favourite game on the phone and … I would buy a bar of chocolate and … 3. The bank machine gives you an extra 100 dollars. What would you do? I would keep it I would give it to the poor I would throw it away
Describing Pains Common aches: Headache, toothache, stomach ache, backache Digestive complaints: diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, sickness, vomiting Throat complaints: cough, sore throat ‘ I can’t swallow’ Other problems: faintness, tiredness, shortness of breath, cramp , sneeze Illnesses: flu, a cold, fever, persistent cough
Medical phrases you might want to use: I’d like to see a doctor I need to see a doctor I’d like to make an appointment I’ve got a stomach (head) ache / sore throat / pain here, a cough … I’ve been feeling sick / ill / faint / tired I’ve been getting headaches / diarrhoea / pains Will I get a sick note?
Medical phrases you might hear Do you have an appointment? Have you got a health insurance card? Please take a seat in the waiting room What seems to be the problem? How can I help you today? What are your symptoms? Can you describe the pain? Does it hurt? Does it hurt here? Does it hurt when I press here? Does it hurt when I exert pressure here? Let me listen to your chest / back (using stethoscope) I’m going to take your blood pressure / temperature / pulse I’m going to give you an injection I’m going to examine you I’ll write you a prescription I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics
Match the replies so that you can get the correct dialogue -Would you like to come in? -Thank you. -That cough sounds really very bad. How long did you have it? -For about two weeks. -I think I should listen to your chest and to your lungs Take of your shirt! Breathe in deeply , that’s right…and again, please, sit down! I’m going to take your blood pressure. -Can I put my shirt on? It’s rather cold here. -Oh, certainly you can .Sorry about the cold. The central heating is broken. -Now I want to take your pulse. Stand up, please, and touch your toes. Do you smoke? -Yes, I do. -You shouldn’t smoke at all, I want to take your temperature. Take this medicine 3 times a day after meals.
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