Презентация "Открываем древние цивилизации. Цивилизация Майя"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Баркалова Людмила Юрьевна

Данная презентация является дополнительным материалом при изучении темы "Цивилизация и прогресс" в 10 классе. 


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Слайд 2

Like ancient Egypt in Africa, the Mayan civilization in Central America deserves a special mention. There is no other country that has so many wonders.

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The Mayan civilization was formed in 2000 B.C. and existed up to 250 A.D. it is known due to its writing, mathematics and astronomy.

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M athematics

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The Mayans built stone cities with grand pyramid temples which were densely populated.

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They made a complicated system of basins and reservoirs to collect water.

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Their calendars can be used even nowadays.

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They were hunters, gatherers and farmers. The main crops were cereals, vegetables and fruit. They used the cotton plant to make clothing. Mayans also kept cows, pigs, goats and sheep.

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Hunting and fishing allowed them to make their diet more varied.

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But still they couldn’t fight against nature, so one of the reasons that caused their collapse was the intense drought.

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The Mayan culture played a great role in the history of mankind. Even nowadays we can see the sight of its culture. First of all, the descendants of ancient Mayans are not only Mayans who preserved their language and some traditions but some Spanish speaking people of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, their calendar-system is very exact though complicated and their writing-system is unique.

Слайд 16

Why the Mayans disappeared is a question that historians still ask. Some researchers believe that civilization could disappear due to prolonged drought. Recently, experts from Cambridge University found evidence of this theory. Scientists conducted an isotopic analysis, which showed that in the territory where the Mayan tribes lived, the amount of rainfall by 1100 was reduced by almost 70%.

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