Английский язык и культурология англоговорящих стран
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Елена Сергеевна Пономарёва

Урок- игра «Морской бой»


Тема «Англоговорящие страны»


Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык и культурологя  англоговорящих стран.

Урок- игра «Морской бой»

Тема «Англоговорящие страны»

Цель: актуализация и обобщение страноведческого материала,

развитие интереса учащихся  к изучению английского языка.


таблички с номерами от 1 до 5 по количеству участников,

игровое поле для игры в «Морской бой»,  

компьютерная презентация игры “Sea Battle”.

В игре принимают участие 2 команды по 5 человек.  

Для проверки и оценки заданий выбирается жюри в составе 3 человек.

На доске заранее вывешивается игровое поле. Команды по очереди открывают клеточки игрового поля, на котором изображено 10 кораблей. Каждый корабль занимает 1 клетку игрового поля. Если команда назвала номер клетки, на которой расположен корабль, обе команды выполняют задание. Команда, выполнившая задание лучше и успешнее, получает    корабль. Выигрывает та команда, которая «захватила»  больше кораблей.


Примерное игровое поле
























Ход урока

Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you.

Today we`ll play the game “Sea Battle”. We have two teams. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have the task. If the pupils of the team do the task better, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count the ships and we shall find out who is the winner.

Корабль  А 4

 “ Flags, countries and capitals”

I want you to look at the blackboard. You see many different flags. Please, name the countries and its capitals.

(На доске  изображены флаги  разных стран. Участники  игры по очереди  называют страну (по флагу) и ее столицу.)


Great Britain – London

New Zealand – Wellington

England – London

The USA – Washington                                          

Scotland – Edinburgh                                            

Northern Ireland – Belfast

Wales – Cardiff

Canada – Ottawa

Australia - Canberra


Корабль  В 1

“Geographical outlook”

Do you know English-speaking countries well?

Read these geographical names and name the country .

(участники игры читают географические названия и называют страну в которой они находятся )


Tasmania – Australia

Ottawa – Canada

The Cordilleras – the USA

Snowdon – Great Britain

The Darling - Australia

The Hudson - the USA

the Murray – Australia

Wellington – New Zealand

New York – the USA

The Irish Sea – Great Britain

Oxford – Great Britain

The Thames – Great Britain

The Severn – Great Britain

The Simpson Desert – Australia

Hollywood – the USA

Корабль С 6

“Riddle countries”

№  1 .  Guess the names of these countries. Listen to some information  about the country . What country is this information about?  The winner will be the team that gives the right answer and does it quicker than the other team.

( На доске изображены карты разных стран под номерами. Учитель зачитывает информацию о стране, игроки должны поднять табличку с номером карты и назвать страну.)


1. (Australia.)   It`s the largest island in the world and the smallest continent.  It has strange animals and plants.  Summer begins in December in this country.  Much of the country is a useless desert.  

2. (the UK)   It`s an island state. It`s not very big, but it`s very beautiful. It consists of 4 parts. It`s  the country of fog and rain. There are a lot of places of interest.  The Queen is the head of state.

0.  ( New Zealand)   It`s an independent state. It is situated to the south-east of Australia. The official language is English. The capital is Wellington .

3. ( the USA)   This one of the largest countries of the world.  It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the East and by the Pacific Ocean in the West. It consists of 50 states.  More than 250 million people live in this country. The most interesting place for children is situated in this country.

№ 2

2 – Great  Britain

3 – the UK

1 – The British Isles

Корабль D 2  

“Famous people”

№  1   Do you know famous people from different countries?

Назвать известных людей.  (Найти соответствия или ассоциации)

C. Chaplin           - a comic actor

G. Washington -   the first president

A. Christie       -    a  detective writer

Elizabeth II      -    British Queen

Victoria    -            the first British Queen

Benjamin Hall    - famous clock Big Ben

Walt Disney     -   film studio in Hollywood

C. Columbus    -   discovered America

J. Cook            -    discovered Australia

M. Twain       -      book  “The Adventures of Tom Soyer”

Elvis Priesly   -     king of  rock`n`roll

Admiral Nelson -  national hero

Корабль Е  5

“The UK”

I want you to answer my questions on the topic  “The UK”

  1. What is the capital of the UK?  (London)
  2. What is the name of the British Queen?  (Elizabeth  II)
  3. What is the longest river of London?   (the Severn)
  4. What is the name of the first Queen of the UIK?  (Victoria)
  5. What river does London stand on?  (the Thames)
  6. What holiday do the Englishmen celebrate on the 31 of October?  (Halloween)
  7. Who is the national English hero?      (Admiral Nelson)
  8. What is the official language of the UK? (English)
  9. How many bridges are there over the Thames in London?    (27 bridges)
  10. What is the national emblem of England?  (a red rose)

Корабль F  7

“ Australia”

I want you to answer my questions on the topic “Australia”.

  1. What is the capital of Australia?  (Canberra)
  2. What is the largest city of Australia?  (Sydney)
  3. What was the first capital of Australia? (Melbourne)
  4. Who discovered Australia?  (Captain James Cook)
  5. When do people celebrate the New Year in Australia? (in the middle of summer)
  6. What is the best –loved animal in Australia?  (the koala)
  7. What is the official language in Australia?  (English)
  8. When does summer begin in Australia?  (in December)
  9. How many different kinds of kangaroos are there in Australia? (more than 40 kinds)
  10. What is the name of the wild dog in Australia?  (Dingo)

Корабль   A  7

“The USA”

I want you to answer my questions on the topic “ The USA”.

1. What is the capital of the USA?   (Washington)

2. Who discovered America?  (C. Columbus)

3. How many states are there in the USA?  (50 states)

4. What is the biggest state of the USA?  (Alaska)

5. What is the longest river of the USA?  (the Mississippi)

6. What is the largest city of the USA?   (New York)

7. Who was the first President of the USA?  (G. Washington)

8. What is America`s symbol of Freedom?  (Statue of Liberty)

9. Who was the founder of Disneyland? (Walt Disney)

10. How many stripes does the American flag have?  (13 stripes)

Корабль  F  2

“The largest cities”

Do you know the largest cities?  Name them.

(Назвать города на определенную букву, под двумя квадратами находится сюрприз: назвать его)

London   Liverpool   New York  Manchester   Melbourne  Sydney   Canberra  Washington  Wellington  Cardiff  Belfast    Edinburgh  Oxford  Ottawa  Cambridge   Elgin

 Los Angeles    Hollywood  Detroit  Dublin  Glasgow   …………

Корабль  B  4

“Countries and places of interest”

Will you look at the blackboard? You will see the pictures of some interesting places in

the UK.  

№ 1.  Listen to some stories about the places of interest of the capital of  the UK and

 name them.


       (учащиеся заслушивают рассказы учителя и называют достопримечательности

        Лондона, указать номер картинки)

 1.(Buckingham Palace)  It is a wonderful building. The British Queen  Elizabeth II  lives  

there. When the flag is on the top, she is at home. It has 600 rooms.

4. (the Houses of Parliament) It is a very large  building with beautiful towers.  It is the sit  

of the  British Government. The large clock in one of the towers is known as “Big Ben”.  


3. (the Tower of London)  It is a very old building.  It was a fortress, a royal palace, later a prison. Now it is a museum.  The walls of this building are 5 meter thick.

5. (Big Ben)   It is the most famous clock in the world . It has 4 faces and a very  big loud  bell. It was named after sir Benjamin Hall.

2. ( Trafalgar Square)   It is the main place in London. Here you can see the statue of Admiral Nelson , who defeated the French at the battle in 1805.

№  2.  (Назвать достопримечательность по описанию, указать номер картинки)

3. ( Changing the Guard)  It happens every day at 11. 30  after middle in Buckingham Palace.

1. (The British Museum)   It has one of the largest libraries in   the world.  There are more than 6 million books in the library.

5.   (Westminster Abbey)   It is a historic building. It is a    royal church.  It was built in the 11 century.  Here you can see many tombs  of British Kings and Queens and other famous people.

4.  (Tower Bridge)   London stands on the river the Thames. There are 27 bridges over the river. This one is the most important.

2.  (the British Queen Elizabeth II)  Buckingham Palace is her London home. She was born on the 21-st of April, 1926.  She was ascended  to the throne on the 6-th of February , 1952.

 № 3.  (указать номером картинку)

  1.   Double-decker

3     Statue of Liberty

4.   Statue of Admiral Nelson

2.   Capitol  (the sea of Congress)

5.   official American money

6.   Australia`s  emblem

Корабль  E  1

“Famous numbers”

 № 1

 What do these numbers mean?

(Что означают эти  числа ?)

50 -            states in the USA

13  -           stripes on the American flag

27 –           bridges over the Thames

11.30 –      Changing the guard in Buckingham Palace

600 -         rooms in  Buckingham Palace

999 -         telephone number in Britain

4  -            parts in the UK

132  -        rooms in White House

540  -        rooms in Capitol

350  -        km  (the Severn)


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