Проектная деятельность на уроках английского языка. "Диалог двух стран" 9 класс
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Формирование умения представить диалог  двух стран на английском языке с опорой на визуальный материал. 


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Ход урока

Главная цель урока: формирование умения представить “портрет” своей страны на английском языке с опорой на визуальный материал. Урок проводится в 9 классе.

Организа-ционный момент

0,5 мин.

Good morning. Sit down please. Is anybody absent? How are you today?

Цель второго этапа: стимулирование речемыслительной деятельности учащихся, актуализация их речевого опыта, развитие логики. Фронтальная работа.









2,5 мин.

Let’s have a look at some pictures in the screen. Say what you can see.

Key: 1. a fireplace 2. a cup of tea 3. Now listen to a piece of music. Do you recognize it? (It’s from the film about James Bond.) 4. a beautiful landscape/ the countryside/ a flock (herd) of sheep 5. a village 6. Listen to another piece of music (the music is from the film about Sherlock Holmes) 7. a castle 8. the Beatles

Why do you think I have put all these pictures in this poster? Do they have anything in common? Ответ: These are symbols of Great Britain.

Если не догадываются сами, я подсказываю: All these pictures are symbols of one country. Can you name it?

So, today at our lesson we are going to speak about traditional symbols (images) of two countries: Great Britain and Russia. You will also make a poster about images of Russia and learn how to present it to your classmates.

На доске записано: Today you are going to: - speak about symbols of two countries; - make a poster “Images of Russia”; - learn how to present it.

Цель речевой зарядки: стимулирование речемыслительной деятельности учащихся, вовлечение учащихся с разным уровнем владения языком в обсуждение темы, развитие воображения, подготовка к чтению (предтекстовый этап). Фронтальная работа. Упражнения открытого типа.

Речевая зарядка

мозговой штурм

1,5 мин.

Have you ever been to Great Britain?

What do you usually imagine when you think of Great Britain?

Примерные варианты ответа:Big Ben, Stonehenge, gardening, double-decker buses, horse riding, Shakespeare, Elisabeth II

Цель чтения: совершенствование навыков поискового чтения, знакомство со страной  изучаемого языка (Великобритания), изучение структуры доклада. Упражнения закрытого типа.


















4,5 мин.




















3 мин.

Today at our lesson you will make a poster “Images of Russia” but before it let’s learn how to present such a project. We will do some tasks which will help you a lot.

Раздаю раздаточный материал. Выполняем 3 задания.

Task 1

A group of British students wrote a report about images of Britain. Read the report and decide which poster illustrates it. На экране отображаются два постера – слайд №11из презентации (Приложение 1).

When you read the report you can circle the symbols which the students have chosen for the poster. It will help you.

Images of Britain poster project

We will send our poster all over the world to schools, colleges and travel agencies. People abroad will see our poster and recognise the traditional images we show of Britain. They will also get a good impression of what British life is like today.

Many people think of Britain and immediately think of London. So we felt it was important to choose one typical image of London. We chose Big Ben because it is part of the Houses of Parliament, which stand for tradition. We decided not to include other tourist images because they don't symbolise the whole country in the same way.

Many people think of a British man in a dark suit carrying an umbrella, which is not very typical these days. We agreed that we should include the umbrella, however, because it says something about the weather, which people talk about all the time.

We all thought we should include an image of food or drink. Tea is a traditional image, but most young people now drink more coffee. We still eat a lot of fish and chips, so we decided on this to represent British food.

There are many types of music in Britain. We chose one musical instrument to give an idea of music in general. We were all determined to include a football because it originally came from Britain.

Finally, we made a decision to put ourselves in the poster because we believe that young people play an important role in British life. We considered that it was really important to show that Britain is a multi-cultural society, which makes it such a wonderful place. (Источник: Kathy Gude, Matrix, Upper-Intermediate Student’s book, Oxford, p.12)

Ответ: The left poster illustrates the report.

Why haven’t you chosen the right poster?

Pay attention to the organization (layout) of the report. Answer the questions.

How many parts does the report have? (3 parts)

What do the students explain in the first part of the report? (They explain why they have decided to make this poster. This paragraph introduces the topic of the report.)

What is the second part of the report about? (It is about different images. The paragraph explains why they have been chosen.)

What is the main idea of the last paragraph? (Britain is a multi-cultural society.)

Цель: введение и отработка новой лексики, подготовка к монологической речи. Упражнения закрытого типа. Работа в парах (matching), индивидуальная работа.

Введение и отработка новой лексики

4 мин.










3 мин.

Presenting a report needs a special language. Let’s study the vocabulary which will help you to present your report.

Task 2

Look again at the text. The writers do not repeat the same words over and over again but use different ways of saying very similar things. Match the words from A with the words from B. Work in pairs.

e.g. to symbolize – to stand for

Before we check the task let’s pronounce some difficult words. Listen to me and repeat: symbol, symbolize, image, typical, determined. OK. Now do the task one by one.

1. to choose

a. image

2. to symbolize

b. typical

3. usual

c. to stand for

4. to put in

d. to decide on

5. we think it’s a good idea

e. to be determined to do something

6. to want to do something

f. we agree

7. symbol

g. to include

Task 3

Use the new vocabulary to answer the questions.

1. Why did the writers decide to include an umbrella/ Big Ben/ fish and chips/ football/ guitar?

2. Which images did the writers decide not to include? Why?

Цель групповой работы: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; обучение навыкам учебного труда (работа в группах, принятие общего решения, взаимопонимание, умение брать на себя ответственность, умение отстаивать свою точку зрения); развитие мышления (умение выделять главное, систематизировать, сравнивать, анализировать и оценивать ответ других); развитие нравственных и патриотических качеств личности школьника (любовь к Родине, к культуре своей страны), развитие национального самосознания.

Групповая работа

15,5 мин.

Now imagine that you have been asked to take part in a contest of poster projects. I’m going to divide you into 3 groups and your task will be to make a poster called “Images of Russia”.

Делю учащихся на три группы (по 3-4 человека). Поделив на группы, спрашиваю: Is everything OK? Do you have any objections? Maybe you want to work in another group.

Before you start to make a poster in groups discuss different images of Russia and choose only 4 symbols. When you talk to each other, speak English and be active. You have 1 minute. Do it, please.

Пока ребята обсуждают символы, я раздаю каждой группе: альбомный лист, карандаши, ластик, фломастеры, клей.

Кладу на отдельный стол иллюстрации символов России: Кремль <Рис.1>, Храм Христа Спасителя <Рис.2>, Большой театр <Рис.3>, Покровский собор <Рис.4>, медведь <Рис.5>, березы <Рис.6>, гжель <Рис.7>, матрешки <Рис.8>, самовар <Рис.9>, церковь <Рис.10>, снеговик <Рис.11>, балет <Рис.12>, балалайка <Рис.13>, гармонь <Рис.14>, валенки <Рис.15>, ушанка <Рис.16>, каравай <Рис.17>, флаг РФ <Рис.18>.




Через минуту спрашиваю: Are you ready? Do you have any problems?

Now when you have chosen the symbols, draw them on your poster. Please make simple drawings. You will have 10 minutes for this work. Don’t forget to write how your poster is called.

If you have any difficulties here on the table there are some pictures which you can put in your poster if you want. One member from your group may come here, have a look at them and choose a symbol or symbols which you need. You have some glue, so use it to stick a picture on your poster. If you don’t want, it’s not necessary to use these pictures.

Через 9 минут спрашиваю:

Is everything OK? Please, finish your work.

If you have any problems raise your hand and ask me for help.

Через 1 минуту говорю:

Now when you have made the poster, please, choose one person who will present it. Together decide (На экране отображается план доклада

how to introduce your report

how to explain the images you have chosen

how to end your report

I’ll give you a list of phrases and words. Please, use them when you present your poster. (Указываю на список выражений на листе. Раздаю каждой группе свой список). You have 4 minutes.

Present your poster

We would like to present the poster which is called … it stands for…

It was made by … it symbolizes …

We have made this poster because … it is typical

these days

We feel (believe) it is important to choose … because … it is really

We decided to include …. because … Russian

We made a decision to put … in the poster.

We think it’s a good idea to …

We agreed that we should include …

We chose …

We decided on …

We think we ought to include …

Finally, we were determined to include …

Пока ученики работают, я хожу от группы к группе и, если необходимо, помогаю им советом.

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