План урока по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему "Влияние 3-D печати на жизнь современного общества"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Всероссийская «Неделя науки в школах» проходила 23-27 октября в 2017 году в рамках Года науки и образования Великобритании и России. Программа мероприятий была разработана Британским Советом и Посольствoм Великобритании в РФ при участии Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации. Британский Совет подготовил материалы , которые сделали урок, посвященный науке, более интересным, позволили обсудить с учениками сложные темы и помогли им в развитии навыков критического мышления. Цель урока : популяризировать научные достижения; мотивировать учащихся выражать своё мнение о положительном и отрицательном влиянии 3 - D печати.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дубиновская Оксана Алексеевна
МБОУ г.Керчь РК «Школа-гимназия №1»
Республика Крым
План урока по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему «Влияние 3D-печати на жизнь современного общества»
The influence of 3D-printing on the life of a modern society
This lesson is for pupils of senior classes with a language level of A2-B2 and focuses on discussing the influence of 3D-printing on the life of modern society.
Introduction: In this lesson pupils will learn and revise some science terminology – vocabulary connected with 3D-printing in various spheres of life through pair-work and group discussions. They will express their opinion on positive and negative impact of 3D-printing on humanity and present their reports or articles, they will interview the participant of the Science Festival -2017 in Moscow and role-play the dialogues.
Topic: The influence of 3D-printing on the life of a modern society
Age group: 15-17
- to popularize scientific achievements on the English lessons;
- to motivate pupils to take part in the discussion and express their opinion on positive and negative impact of 3D-printing;
- to encourage students to participate in pair and group work;
- to practise asking and answering questions of different types;
- to define if 3D-printers should be available for general public
Time: 60 minutes
-What Is 3D Printing and How Does It Work? https://youtu.be/Vx0Z6LplaMU
-This incredibly cheap house was 3D printed in just 24 hours
- Working gun made with 3D printer
2) Карточка задания. Влияние 3D-печати на общество. British council;
3) Articles about benefit and harm of 3D-printing
Before the lesson
Pupils had a hometask to find an information about 3D - printing, as a result they have some articles, photos on the topic
1.Beginning of the lesson. Defining the theme and aims of the lesson (5 minutes)
Teacher’s Speech about the importance of studying scientific achievements
Teacher asks to name words related to 3D and define the topic of the lesson.
Pupils name: 3D-printing, 3D-films, 3D-pen,etc.
Pupils make suggestions about the theme of the lesson
The influence of 3D-printing on the life of a modern society
Pupils say what they will be able to do at the lesson:
-to watch video;
-ask and answer questions;
-make dialogues;
-work in groups
-to make solutions
-to speak about advantages and disadvantages of 3D-printing, etc.
2. Main part
1. Teacher asks to watch video about 3D-printing and prepare some questions.
Pupils watch video about 3D-printing https://youtu.be/Vx0Z6LplaMU and propose questions:
-What is 3D-printing? - What can be printed?
- How does it work? -What to use to create your first 3d print?
-Where can 3D-printing be used?
2. Teacher asks to work in pairs and answer the questions. Pair work (10 minutes)
3. Group work (15 minutes)
Teacher devides pupils into 3 groups and gives them articles for discussing the advantages of 3D-printing in human life. Before discussion they watch video This incredibly cheap house was 3D printed in just 24 hours
Pupils express their opinion in groups.
4. Teacher shows video Working gun made with 3D printer (10 minutes)
and asks to discuss negative issues of 3D-printing on human life. Pupils prove their statements reading the information from the article.
5. Interview with a teacher of physics (10 minutes)
Teacher proposes to the pupils to interview a guest, a teacher of physics, who visited the Science Festival -2017 in Moscow.
Some pupils ask questions in Russian, others translate the information in English.
6. Role-play (5 minutes)
Teacher asks pupils to role-play the dialogue with a participant of the Science Festival.
7. Conclusion (5 minutes)
Teacher asks pupils to answer the question :
Should 3D-printers be available for general public?
Groups work on solutions:
-3D-printers should be used safely for people;
-3D-printing of guns should be banned;
-3D-printing in medicine should be developed to help people and animals with problems
8. Teacher asks one of the pupils to tell about his experience of writing with a 3d -pen in Artek and his feelings on new technology
9. Reflection
Teacher asks pupils if they like the lesson, if they have known a new information, what other scientific themes they would like to discuss.
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