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проект по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Secondary Comprehensive School №3
The influence of the English language on the Russian youth slang
Author: 9th grade student
Terenteva Yuliana
Consultant: English teacher
Musatova S.S
Pechora 2019
I.Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3-4
II. Theoretical part
1.The concept of slang……………………………………………………..………… 5
2.Main features of slang …………………………………………………………8-9
3.Factors affecting the development of slang ……………… 9-11
4.Foreign borrowings groups ……... 11-13
5.Types of borrowings………………….13
5.Classification of borrowings……….14-15
III. Practical part………………………………………………………………….15-18
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................
IV. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………19-20
V. List of references……………………………………………………………………. 13
Slang is an important part of everyday speech of teenagers that makes the vocabulary lively, more teen-like, brightens the language. We studied the youth slang of our area which makes our study original and special. So we think that our work will be quite useful for those who are interested in modern Russian and English languages. Besides, some students use different slang words in their everyday speech not knowing about their English origin, so it may be surprising for them to get to know the fact. Besides, there is a serious side to analyze young people’s slang and the usage of English loan words in teen’s everyday talks.
The topic – the influence of the English language on the Russian youth slang
The aim of our project is to study the degree of influence of the borrowings from English on the speech of modern teenagers and describe the peculiarities of these borrowings.
To achieve the aim, the following goals were set:
- to analyze theoretical materials related to the topic.
- to expand and deepen the knowledge of the English language.
- to identify the reasons of the borrowing words.
- to consider ways of forming loan words.
- to classify loan words by areas of communications.
- to make a conclusion from own observations.
- to conduct a survey of students in 7th, 8th, 10th grades in order to find out the attitude of students to the phenomenon under study.
- to make a dictionary of the most used loan words by students.
The object of the study are lexical units and their derivatives.
The subject of the study is the word-formation, lexico-phraseological and stylistic levels of youth slang, as well as phrases, phraseological units used for expressive designation of objects, concepts, signs of actions and conditions associated with educational activities, general cultural interests and everyday life of modern youth.
The relevance – young people often prefer to use borrowings in their speech, as this simplifies the way they express thoughts. However, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign vocabulary has reached beyond alarming rates. What is the role of English borrowing in modern Russian and in the everyday speech of Russian-speaking youth?
The hypothesis of study is: If you study the English borrowings that have come into the Russian language, then you can identify ways of their formation, as well as ways to replenish the vocabulary of the student.
Estimated result – Anglicisms have become a massive part of youth slang.
Research methods – gathering of information, analysis, survey.
The influence of the English language on the Russian youth slang
Theoretical part
1.The concept of slang
Youth culture is its own, unlike anything world. It differs from an adult in its expressive, sometimes even harsh and rude, manner of expressing thoughts, feelings that can only be used by young people, courageous and decisive, opposed to the whole world and creating their own unique world. As a consequence of this - the emergence of youth slang.
Currently, there are a fairly large number of slang definitions, often contradicting each other. These contradictions relate primarily to the scope of the concept of “slang”: the debate is, in particular, about whether to include only expressive, ironic words that are synonymous with literary equivalents, or all the non-standard vocabulary, which is condemned in the circle of educated people. Consider some of the many scientific definitions of slang.
In linguistics, the definition of V.A. Khomyakova: “Slang is a relatively stable for a certain period, widely used, stylistically labeled lexical layer (nouns, adjectives and verbs denoting everyday phenomenon, objects, processes and signs), a component of expressive vernacular, which is part of the literary language, is very heterogeneous its origins, the degree of approximation to the literary standard, with pejorative expression "
A completely different interpretation is proposed in the "Dictionary of Linguistic Terms" by O.S. Akhmanova: Slang - 1. Conversational version of professional speech. 2. Elements of the colloquial version of one or another professional or social group, which, penetrating the literary language or even the speech of people who are not directly related to this group of people, acquire a special emotional-expressive coloring in these languages.
According to the definition taken from the Oxford Dictionary: “language of a highly colloquial style, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense” - (an informal language with a reduced stylistic coloring in relation to the literary language and consisting of new words, or already existing in a new meaning).
Slang, being a dynamic phenomenon, is constantly developing and replenishing. One of the ways to replenish it is to borrow foreign words, mainly from the English language. The passion for Anglicism has become a fashion trend, which is due to some beliefs created in youth society. Such a conviction among young people is the idea that the standard of living in Western countries, in particular in America, is slightly higher than in Russia. And Russian teenagers are trying in every possible way to join the American culture and lifestyle, using English in their speech (words of English origin).
Borrowed words from foreign languages, from English in particular (Anglicisms), usually are being divided into two groups. The first one includes words, which are borrowed due to lack of their equivalents in the Russian language. Firstly, these words are related to IT and computer technics, as we said earlier (file — файл, site — сайт). Appliances’ names, which belonged to slang category when they were brought to Russia (toaster — тостер, blender — блендер). This group also includes sports terms and some sports names (bowling — боулинг, diving — дайвинг). Anglicism of the second group have synonyms in the Russian language. For example, words related to music culture, news media and television: «хит» (hit) instead of «популярная песня», «постер» (poster) instead of «плакат, афиша», «секьюрити» (security) instead of «охрана».
Borrowing Anglicism from the second group creates lexical redundancy in the Russian language and, as a rule, one of the synonyms is fixed in the language, and the other goes out of use. Young people often use borrowed words in their speech, and the Russian equivalent is forgotten. Unmotivated words of English origin often become agnonyms, i.e. they are often incomprehensible to most native speakers. This phenomenon leads to "clogging" of the native language. It's a shame that borrowing is becoming more popular than their original Russian counterparts. Excessive use of words of foreign origin leads to a loss of interest in the Russian language and in the Russian culture. In our opinion, the use of a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is, first of all, disrespect for one's own language.
However, borrowings from the first group, which do not have synonyms in the Russian language, do not “clog”, but, on the contrary, enrich our language, making it more approximate to modern reality. Here are some examples from English vocabulary that are still not semantically mastered by the Russian language. However, the realities corresponding to these Anglicism take place in Russian culture and will certainly come in handy in our reality. Here we can see some examples of this:
Office ghost — офисный призрак — a cunning office worker who is present at the workplace, but in fact his duties are performed by others; iBrick — iКирпич —any iPhone before activation; attention spam — спам внимания — a state where you cannot concentrate and are mistaken even in the simplest things due to an excess of nonsense in your head; accidental jedi — случайный джедай — when you accidentally did something unimaginably cool; headdesk — головой о стол — the highest degree of despair and disappointment about someone's stupidity; digital immigrant — цифровой иммигрант — a person who became familiar with the Internet as a mature adult; ego-wall — стена эго — wall or office hung with diplomas; bus look — автобусный вид — facial expression that appears when you are in public transport; spim — спим — advertising on sites that pretends to be a personal message; chairdrobe — стул-гардероб — chair acting as a wardrobe; technolust — техновожделение — irresistible desire to have the latest technical innovations; coffee face — кофейное лицо — scary face of a man who has not had time to drink coffee in the morning; book hangover — книжное похмелье — feeling when the world around seems imperfect after reading a fascinating book.
There are many such slangisms and slang expressions that clearly characterize modern reality, which, perhaps, in the near future will become part of the vocabulary of Russian people.
Main slang features:
- Brevity. New colloquial words and phrases often replace much longer and harder structures. Teenagers love to speak briefly and capaciously. For example, a popular slang word «Watcha», which translates into «Как дела? » or «Как сам? », was derived from «What cheer».
- Emotionality. Youth speech is expressive; it practically has no emotionally neutral words. Therefore, exploring teenagers’ slang of the English language, you have to remember what semantic shade each individual phrase is carrying. Thus, the word «Noob» defines not only a novice, but a man, who can’t do anything, annoys people with questions and constantly complains about his/her failures, without making any attempt to learn to do something in particular. This word definitely has some negative and dismissive character.
- Popularity. Thanks to the Internet, English colloquial lexicon has spread worldwide in a blink of an eye. Today you hear a new phrase from a popular series, the very next day it will be used with pleasure on all continents.
Scientists identify several factors which affect developing and growth of slang and, therefore, slang groups:
Growth and development of computer technologies and social networks, which are popular among young people, without a doubt, influences the state of slang. IT-terms became a part of our lives: user — юзер, gamer — геймер, login — логин. Some slangisms has entered Russian language’s lexicon relatively recently. For example, the word контра — abridged name of a videogame named Counter Strike. Он полный нуб в контре — he plays badly in this game
- . Slang expressions are not always borrowed in their original variant. Some slangisms are being born by merging two or more words, for example, we got the word копипастить, which means to copy some information, mainly from the Internet, without editing, usually plagiarizing it. The word was created by merging two words: copy (копировать) and paste (вставлять). Студент скопипастил доклад из интернета — the text of the report fully coincides with the text posted on any site.
- Modern music culture and film industry are directly influencing teenagers’ lives. This group has such words as release — релиз, playlist — плейлист, remake — ремейк, face-control — фейс-контроль. Some Anglicism had been shortened and then joined Russian teenagers’ slang, for example шоубиз (от англ. show-business).
- News media and television are essential for teenagers’ lives and therefore influence the slang. Thanks to news media, vocabulary is being gifted with words like prime-time — прайм-тайм, talk-show — ток-шоу, image-maker — имиджмейкер.
- Popular sports names are also borrowed by the Russian language. This group includes such borrowings: fitness — фитнес, bodybuilding — бодибилдинг, shaping — шейпинг. The massive use of these slang units in the Russian youth speech has been caused by popularity and followers of «the Cult of a Beautiful Body», being widely used on the west.
- Production terms, implemented by workers of various professional fields: marketing — маркетинг, leasing — лизинг, broker — брокер, manager — менеджер, promoter — промоутер. Moreover, some young people, using Anglicism in their speech, make mistakes, like putting emphasis in the word “marketing” on the second syllable.
- Fast-food companies’ growth has also become a reason of some slangisms appearing, like fast-food — фаст-фуд, cheeseburger — чизбургер, hot-dog — хот-дог. The tendency of wide usage of these words in the Russian speech takes its start in 90’s due to opening of the first fast-food restaurants. This group’s slangisms are being shortened too: макдак (от англ. McDonald`s).
- Imitation of the lifestyle of American and English youth enriches the biggest slangisms’ group. It includes such words, which are being used by Russian youth on everyday basis: boy-friend — бойфренд, weekend — уикенд, party — пати, looser — лузер, baby — бейби, go — гоу. Some of them are not being treated as slangisms at all, since they have been firmly established in our lives and, therefore, in our vocabulary.
Types of borrowings:
Direct. The word is found in the Russian language in approximately same form and conception as in the original language. For example, уик-энд (weekend) – выходные, мани (money) – деньги.
Hybrids. These words are created by adding the Russian suffix, prefix and ending, to a foreign word’s root. In this case, the initial word meaning is changed a bit, for example: спикать (to speak – говорить), бузить (busy – беспокойный, суетливый).
Loan translation. Words of foreign origin used with the original phonetic and graphic structure. For example, меню, пароль, диск, вирус, клуб.
Semi-loan translation. Words which grammatically obey the rules of the Russian grammar (suffixes are added). For example: драйв – драйва (drive) «Давно не было такого драйва» - meaning «rapid surge of energy
Exoticisms. Words, which describe some specific national customs of other nations and are used in describing non-Russian reality. Their distinctive feature is that they don’t have any synonyms in the Russian language. For example: чипсы (chips), хот-дог (hot-dog), чизбургер (cheeseburger), бургер (burger).
Foreign inclusions. These words usually have lexical equivalents, but stylistically they differ from them and are used in a particular sphere of communication as an expressive means that gives speech a special expression. For example: окей (OK), вау (WOW).
Composites. Compound words made of two words from the English language, for example: секонд-хэнд – used clothing store; видео-салон – room for watching movies.
Jargon. Words, created due to the deformation of some particular sounds, for example: крезанутый (crazy) – сумасшедший.
Conclusion: thus, neologisms can be created by existing models in a language, by borrowing words from other languages, or due to the development of new meanings of already known words. Examples above allow us to conclude, that Anglicism are being created due to the influence of various spheres of our lives: authority and politics, sports, technics, music and cinema and, of course, social networks and news media.
- Practical part.
Exploring the causes of the use of Anglicism in the Russian youth slang.
While working on this subject, we had conversations with pupils and asked them to complete a survey. We found out that the pupils often use Anglicism in their speech. According to our survey, the most productive replenishment sources of their lexical vocabulary are such things as news media (Internet), technology (IT), pop-culture (cinema, music). Some of the widely used words in their speech belong to hybrids, loan translations and foreign inclusions.
45 people participated in the study, 3 groups, 15 people in each age group. Participants were asked if they use Anglicism in their everyday life, how often and why. Also they were asked to define some of the most frequent Anglicism words.
The pupils of 6th grade use Anglicism because they help them to clearly and quickly express their thoughts (50%) or to express their emotions better than in the Russian language (33%).
7th grade pupils use foreign words in their speech because they help them to express clearly and quickly their thoughts (54%) or just because they like them more than the Russian language’s equivalents (31%).
10th grade pupils mainly use Anglicism in their slang because they want to express their emotions better (50%) or to specify some Russian words’ meanings (33%). But graduates use less Anglicism in their speech than 6-7 graders. Apparently, it is bound with their preparation for the exams, especially for the Russian language and literature. 10 graders read more classic literature and critical articles, it definitely leaves a mark on their overall speech. They don’t need to show off or prove their «coolness» by using borrowed words.
3. Conclusions.
1. Modern teenagers quite often use Anglicism in their speech (75%):
6th grade: 80 %, 7th grade: 75%, 10th grade: 73%.
2. Pupils of 6, 7, 10 grades use Anglicism because they help them to express thoughts more clearly and quickly than the Russian language analogues (46%).
- 6-7-graders replace Russian complex descriptive phrases with Anglicism: фейс-контроль, флэшка, модем, карт-ридер.
- 10-graders prefer Anglicism because in their opinion there are no analogues in their language: ноутбук, органайзер, сканер, принтер.
3. Although modern pupils use Anglicism in their speech every day, not all of them understand borrowed words’ meanings: only 75% described Anglicism correctly. The older were participants, the less answers were correct.
The purpose of this study, as mentioned above, is to study the degree of penetration of English slang into youth slang. The data obtained during the study confirm our assumption about the widespread use of English words, slang in the Russian language as a whole, and in the speech of schoolchildren in particular.
On the one hand, the numerous Anglicism penetrating the Russian language are a natural phenomenon, reflecting the economic, political, cultural, social ties and relations of Russia with other countries that have intensified in the last decade. On the other hand, it is sad to say that in the pursuit of everything foreign, in an effort to copy Western patterns, we are increasingly losing our identity, including in language, because language reflects a way of life and a way of thinking. As a result of this, there is a loss of interest in the native (Russian) language, Russian literature and culture, tongue-tied languages, and a decrease in literacy and linguistic and general culture.
Slang plays a very important role in the life of youth, today its life is unthinkable without slang, which not only helps young people to communicate with each other, but also facilitates the process of learning new foreign vocabulary, expanding vocabulary. You can’t decide for sure whether we need slang or not. Slang was, is and will be in our vocabulary. Slang is an integral part of our life.
- Kunin А.V. English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary- М., Education. - 1984.
- Murray J. Oxford English Dictionary. - Oxford University Press - 2005 .
- Krysin L.P. Foreign words in modern Russian language.- М., 2008.
- Internet http://www.amalgama-lab.com/proverbs/tch/#ixzz1lcZqfisk
- Internet http://www.netenglish.ru
- Müller V.K. Modern English-Russian Dictionary- 9th ed.- М., 2006.
- Timina S.А. «Phonetic and graphic features of exoticism (Based on the material of the modern English-language press)». http: www.lingvomaster.ru.
- Dubrovina K.I. — Student jargon // FN. № 1, 2006.
- Sumtsova О.V. Reasons for using English in Russian youth slang [Text] / О.V. Sumtsova //Young scientist. — 2012. — № 4. — S. 247—250.
- Online Slang Dictionary. [Electronic resource] Access mode. URL: http://www.slangdictionary.ru/.
- Oxford Dictionary & Tesaurus of Current English. — 2007. — p. 403.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Байтить а) набирать сообщение б) кусать кого-либо в) копировать кого-либо 2. Кринж а) приветствие б) стыд в) страх 3. Криповый а) страшный б) крутой в) неряшливый 4. Лук а) вид овощей б) подбор одежды в) «Мне нравится» в соц. сетях 5. Флексить а) танцевать б) испугаться в) хвастаться 6. Чекать а) проверять б) ждать выдачи чека на кассе в) звать кого-либо гулять 7. Чиллить а) есть перец чили б) ненавидеть что-либо в) бездельничать 8. Мерч а) прощание б) одежда/сувениры в) неприятный человек 9. Сасный а) глупый б) крайне забавный в) привлекательный 10. Ливнуть а) пролить что-либо б) уходить в) проиграть кому-либо в споре | 11. РОФЛ а) сильный смех б) сходка по интересам в) концерт популярной группы 12. Войсить а) возмущаться при всех б) разговаривать во весь голос в) отправлять аудиосообщения 13. Игнорить а) игнорировать кого-либо б) аргументировать позицию в споре в) сидеть дома взаперти, игнорируя всех вокруг 14. Шеймить а) браниться в публичном месте б) пристыдить кого-либо в) вести себя неряшливо 15. Буллинг а) игра в боулинг б) крепкий задира в) травля кого-либо 16. Изи а) крайне непростая задача б) вечерняя прогулка в) что-либо легко достижимое 17. Хайп а) громко кричать б) что-либо популярное в) хвастаться чем-либо 18. Фиксить а) смотреть с друзьями «Фиксиков» б) чинить что-либо в) заискивать перед кем-либо 19. Лайтовый а) лёгкий б) белый в) светлый 20. Форсить а) навязывать б) ходить за кем-то по пятам в) подписаться в соц. сетях на кого-либо |
16-20 правильных ответов: Изи! Можно безкринжово флексить перед всеми, а затем почиллить!
11-15 правильных ответов: Сдаёшь позиции. Но когда-нибудь хайп и к тебе придет!
6-10 правильных ответов: Лайтово что-то понимаешь, но попробуй чаще чекать друзей в ВК.
0-5 правильных ответов: Кринжовый флекс. Пробуй хотя бы байтить, может втянешься.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Часто ли вы употребляете английские слова в своей речи? (лол, рофлить, флекс и т.д.)
- Да
- Нет
- Иногда
- Какие английский слова вы употребляете в своей речи наиболее часто? (Привести пример)
- Где вы употребляете слова английского языка?
- Дома
- В школе
- В общественных местах
- В интернете (в социальных сетях)
- Зачем вы употребляете слова английского языка в своей речи?
- Привычка
- Модно
- Для того чтобы выделиться среди окружающих
- Понятно ли вам значение английских слов, которые используете в своей речи?
- Да
- Нет
- Не совсем
- Откуда вы узнали эти слова?
- Из СМИ
- От друзей
- От учителей
- От родителей
- Из интернета (социальных сетей)
- Используют ли в речи английские слова ваши учителя?
- Да
- Нет
- Иногда
- Используют ли в речи английские слова ваши родители?
- Да
- Нет
- Иногда
- Как вы считаете, нужно ли употреблять английские слова в русском языке?
- Да
- Нет
- Свой вариант ответа
- Как вы считаете, засоряют ли английские слова русскую речь?
- Да
- Нет
- Свой вариант ответа
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