Грамматика английского языка по уровням
занимательные факты по английскому языку
Какие темы проходят на уроянх, начиная с Elementary и до Advanced?
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Предварительный просмотр:
Какую грамматику | Примеры грамматики |
to be: am / is / are | My name's Anna / You're early / My email address is... |
Притяжательные | I - my / you - your / we - our / they - their |
Единственное и | a book - books / a watch - watches |
this, these | What's this? What are these? How much is this bag? |
Прилагательные | It's an empty box- This box is empty. |
Повелительное | Open the door / Sit down / Turn off your mobile. |
Present Simple | I wear glasses / They drink tea / It rains a lot |
Притяжательное 's | Justin Bieber's sister, George Clooney's father |
Предлоги времени | at 7am, in the morning, at the weekend, in March |
Наречия | always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never |
can / can't | Where can I park? / I can't hear you. |
Present Continuous | What's happening? What are you looking at? |
Object pronouns | I - me / we - us / they - them |
like / love / enjoy | I like / love / enjoy reading in bed. |
Are you a fan of any band? | |
Past Simple | Where were you? |
there is / there are | There's a dining room. There are three bedrooms. |
there was / there were | Was there a mini-bar in your room? |
Исчисляемые и | an apple, a banana |
How much / how many | How much free time do you have? |
Сравнительные | A proton is heavier than an electron. |
Превосходные | It's the longest river in the world. |
Going to для планов | I'm going to travel round Europe. |
Going to для прогнозов | You're going to like it. |
Наречия | speak fast, know him well, drive carefully |
Глаголы | want to talk to you, would like to learn to cook |
Артикли | I'm a student / It's the oldest university in Europe. |
Present Perfect | I've seen Harry Potter but I haven't read the book. |
Грамматика уровня Pre-intermediate
На уровне Pre-intermediate уже начинают сравнивать разные конструкции между собой и выяснять нюансы. Почему где-то лучше сказать I study economics, а где-то - I'm studying economics.
Какую грамматику | Пример грамматики |
Порядок слов | Do you speak English? What languages do you speak? |
Present SImple | She has a lot of hobbies. We don't get on very well. |
Present Continuous | John is wearing a suit today! He usually wears jeans. |
Past Simple | Where did you go on holiday last year? We went to Italy. |
When you called me, I was talking to my boss. | |
союзы | although, but, so, because |
Going to |
Present Continuous |
Relative clauses | This is the restaurant where they make great pizza. |
Present Perfect | I've just started a new job. |
Present Perfect | Have you ever been to Mexico? |
something / anything | Did anyone phone? No, no one. |
Сравнительные | Driving is more dangerous than flying. |
Превосходные | It's the best film I've seen this year. |
Quantifiers | how much / how many / too / enough |
will / won't / shall | Shall I open the window? |
Употребление | Try not to talk about politics. |
Употребление -ing form | Waking up early in the morning makes me happy. |
Модальные глаголы | I have to get up at seven every day. |
should | What do you think I should do? You should see a doctor. |
First Conditional | If I miss the last train, I'll get a taxi. |
Притяжательные | mine, yours, theirs, ours |
Second Conditional | I'd do more exercise if I had more time. |
Present Perfect | How long have you lived here? |
Passive | Nowadays a lot of toys are made in China. |
used to | She used to wear glasses. |
might | She might come with us, she's not sure yet. |
into, out of, over, along, across, through | |
So do / am / did I | I'm married. - So am I. |
Past Perfect | The show had already finished by the time I arrived. |
Reported speech | He said that he was hungry. |
Вопросы без | How many people came to the meeting? |
Грамматика уровня Intermediate
На уровне Intermediate тоже сравнивают уже знакомые явления между собой и, конечно, изучают новые.
Какую грамматику | Пример грамматики |
Present Simple | I never cook vs What are you cooking? |
Future: |
Present Perfect | I've been to London before. He hasn't found a new job yet. |
Present Perfect | They've known each other for 5 years / since 2010. |
Степени сравнения | My brother is a bit / much taller than me. |
Артикли | I saw a nice house with a fancy porch. |
can, could, be able to | I can sing. I could swim when I was 4. |
must / mustn't | You must wear a seatbelt / You mustn't exceed the speed limit. |
Past Simple | When I got home, my family had dinnner. |
usually | I usually get up at 6am. |
The Passive | A lot of films are shot on location. The film is being shot. |
might, must, can('t) | She might like the idea. This must be difficult for you! |
First Conditional | The boss won't be happy if you are late for work again. |
Second Conditional | What would you do if you met a celebrity? |
Reported speech | I asked him if he wanted to join us. |
Gerund and infinitive | I'm not good at remembering names. I don't mind getting up early. |
Third Conditional | If I had known about the party, I would have gone. |
Quantifiers | I eat a lot of chocolate. She earns a lot. We have plenty of time. |
Relative clauses | That's the house where I was born. |
Question tags | They live in New York, don't they? You aren't angry, are you? |
Грамматика уровня Upper-intermediate
К продвинутому уровню Upper-intermediate обычно наступает просветление основы основ уже пройдены. Остается их немного повторить и приступать к интересностям и тонкостям грамматики.
Какую грамматику | Примеры грамматики |
Question formation | Are you talking about me? |
Auxuliary verbs | I like dogs, but my wife doesn't. |
the ... the ... | The sooner, the better. |
Present Perfect vs | She has been writing novels |
Adjectives as nouns | The Chinese invented paper. |
Narrative tenses: | We had been flying for about two hours |
so ... that | There was so much traffic that we nearly missed the flight. |
Position of adverbs | He walks slowly. |
Future Perfect | They will have finished painting |
Zero and First | If you haven't been to Paris, you haven't lived. |
Unreal conditionals | If you exercised more, you'd be much healthier. |
Конструкции | I wish I was 20 years younger! |
Gerunds and infinitives | Remember to lock the door VS I remember locking the door. |
Used to, be used to, | I used to live in the countryside. I was used to the peace |
must have been / done | It must have been difficult for you. |
Verbs of the senses | It smells good. It feels comfortable. |
Passive Voice | My car has been stolen. You can be fined for making noise. |
Reporting verbs | He persuaded me to quit my job. |
Clauses of contrast | I went to work even though I wasn't feeling well. |
whatever, whenever | Have a seat wherever you like. |
Uncountable | I need some advice. I'll give you two pieces of advice. |
Quantifiers | All fruit contains sugar VS All the animals in this zoo look sad. |
Articles | My father is in hospital. They're building a new hospital. |
Грамматика уровня Advanced
Какую грамматику | Примеры грамматики |
Have - auxiliary | Do you have any money on you? |
Discourse markers | Despite / In spite of her age, she's still very active. |
Pronouns | They say it's never too late to change your life. |
Past events: | I'd wanted to buy a new car for a long time. I'd been saving up |
Get | Let's get a taxi. / It's getting dark. / He might get sacked. |
Discourse markers: | As a matter of fact, I don't like football. |
Speculation | I must have forgotten to lock the door. |
Inversion | Never have I heard such a ridiculous argument. |
Distancing | It appears that the situation is going to get worse. |
Unreal uses of | If only you hadn't forgotten the map! |
Verb + object + | We expect the bus to arrive at 7. |
Conditional | They won't get a table unless they've booked it in advance. |
Permission, obligation | You don't need to take a jacket VS You needn't lock the car. |
Verbs | You seem to have made a mistake. |
Complex gerunds | She thanked him for having helped her. |
Future plans and | My brother is due to arrive at 8. |
Ellipsis | - You must see his latest film. - I already have. |
Nouns | I borrowed my mother's car / She's at the hairdresser's. |
Adding emphasis | What I need is some rest. |
Relative clauses | My brother who lives in Australia is a programmer. |
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