Презентация на тему " Изумительные существа" 5 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
- научиться составлять сообщение по теме «Удивительные животные»;
- познакомиться с интересными фактами жизни диких животных;
- расширить знания об использовании настоящего простого времени при составлении описательных сообщений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
научиться составлять сообщение по теме «Удивительные животные»; познакомиться с интересными фактами жизни диких животных; расширить знания об использовании настоящего простого времени при составлении описательных сообщений.
Continents: Asia , Africa, Australia, Europe, South America, North America, Antarctica Countries: China , Pakistan, Nepal
Rhino D eer C rocodile Cobra L eopard E lephant Lion Camel Peacock Monkey Lion Koala Kangaroo Zebra Giraffe
mane [ mein ] Paws [ | pɔːz ] Fur [ fɜ ː ] Tusks [ tʌsks ] Tail [ teil ] Feathers [ ˈ feðəz ] Neck [ nek ] Legs [ legz ] Trunk [ trʌŋk ] Nose [ nəʊz ]
Has got Have got 1. Which animal has got a long neck? 2. Which animal has got big ears? 3. Which animal has got horns? 4. Which animals have got a trunk? 5. Have parrots got a beak? 6. Has a hen got wings ?
Fill in the blanks with the right variant. have got has got Lions … manes. The peacock … a beautiful tail The crocodile … sharp teeth. Elephants … tusks. The giraffe … a long neck. Leopards … spots.
An absent-minded artist forgot to draw some parts of the body of the following animals . Say what they haven’t got using parts of their bodies . Model : The peacock hasn’t got feathers Медведь без ушей Жираф без рожек Слон без хобота Попугай без клюва Курица без крыльев
Put the words in the right order to make up sentences. Indian/dangerous/The/cobra/is ______________________________________ tall/The/tiger/grass/hides/in ________________________________________ two/rhino/has/horns/This/got _______________________________________ heavy/People/ elephants/things/use/to carry ___________________________ long/A/giraffe/got/has/neck/a ________________________________________
Indian yellow animals snake zoo cobra Read the sentences about the animals and fill in the gaps with the suitable words . There are a lot of animals at the ___________. Let’s go and see them ! _____________ elephants have got small ears . The Indian ________ is a very dangerous ________. Snakes can be black , brown , white or ___________. Tigers hunt big _______________.
centimeters groups Australia ears danger largest little species long insects Read the text and fill in the gaps . Use the expressions from the table . Kangaroos are large marsupials that live in ( 1 ) _______________. They have muscular tails , strong back legs , large feet , short fur and long , pointed ( 2 ) __________. Female kangaroos have pouches where their babies sit . The ( 3 ) __________ kangaroos stay there until they are old enough . There are four ( 4 ) ____________ of kangaroos : the antilopine kangaroo , the red kangaroo , the western grey kangaroo and the eastern gray kangaroo . According to National Geographic the red kangaroo is considered to be the ( 5 ) _________ one . Its height is about 1.7 meters ( 6 ) ________. Its tail is about 110 ( 7 ) ____________. It weighs around 90-100 kg . As for the food , kangaroos eat grass , flowers , leaves , ferns , moss and even ( 8 ) ___________. Kangaroos are social and live in ( 9 ) ________. They protect each other from ( 10 ) __________. An angry kangaroo can even box its opponent .
d o does d on’t doesn’t Yes,…do. Yes,…does. No,…don’t. No, …doesn’t.
What’s that animal over there? What are those animals over there? Which one? Which ones? What does it look like? What do they look like? Look, what’s that up in the tree? Look, what are those up in the tree ? Why not?
Ex. 10 p. 69 ( to write about wild animal); Ex. 4 p . 68 (to read and to learn )
I learnt ….. I practiced …. I liked … It was difficult for me to …. Now I can ……
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