Презентация материала по подготовке обучающихся старших классов к разделу "Говорение"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
Материал предоставляет возможность интересно построить и провести урок английского языка в старших классах в нетрадиционном формате
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Технология «ораторского мастерства» как один из эффективных методов мотивации учащихся к говорению
Исключительно важным в процессе обучения иностранному языку является процесс мотивации. Мотивация является запускным механизмом всякой человеческой деятельности, в том числе и познания. Повышение мотивации идет через: 1 . Вовлечение учащихся в самостоятельную работу на уроке; 2. Создание проблемных ситуаций и заданий; 3. Контроль знаний, умений и навыков; 4.Использование познавательных игр; 5.Страноведческий материал.
Для формирования основных навыков публичного выступления (монологического высказывания ) на иностранном языке и развития коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся целесообразно использовать на уроках английского языка на старшей ступени обучения педагогическую технологию «Ораторское мастерство», или формализованное выступление, построенное на основе заранее обсуждаемых участниками-представителями разных противостоящих, соперничающих команд, а также элементов настоящей технологии.
Помимо развития непосредственно языковых умений, данный вид технологии формирует умения публичного выступления и ведения дискуссии (диалогической речи), и именно эти умения проверяются в устной части ЕГЭ. Эффективность использования «Ораторского мастерства» при обучении английскому языку, а так же при подготовке к сдаче ЕГЭ во многом зависит от степени осознания преподавателем возможности и целесообразности их применения и соотнесения формата дискуссии и монологического высказывания с форматом ЕГЭ. Необходимо учитывать языковую подготовку группы. На уроках английского языка на старшей ступени обучения данная технология может использоваться как в целях обобщения, систематизации и закрепления учебного материала, так и выступать в качестве контрольного говорения.
Для применения данной технологии я подготовила четыре текста, которые имеют одну общую тему (точку соприкосновения). В данной презентации Вашему вниманию предлагается « Serious illnesses and their symptoms » (тексты прилагаются) Аудиторию разбиваем на 4 команды по 4 участника в каждой. Каждый участник наделяется цветовым обозначением (у нас это yellow strips , green strips , blue strips , pink strips ). После создания команд, каждый участник уходит на собрание с « полосочками своего цвета» (занимают отдельный стол в аудитории). Участники этих компаний в своем кругу знакомятся с содержанием текста, обсуждают, развивают диалогическую речь между собой (на эту часть работы дается 10 минут).
По истечении этого времени участники возвращаются в свои команды и по очередному кругу рассказывают друг другу всю информацию, которой овладели. Считается целесообразным, команды создавать с разными по уровню подготовленности учащимися. Такая установка дает стимул и более слабым ученикам проявить себя в команде. После обсуждения всех аспектов текста команды выбирают капитана, и он резюмирует содержание текста перед аудиторией. Таким образом, формируются навыки говорения и публичного выступления, преодолевается языковой барьер, рождается стимул к участию в команде и осознается значимость своего участия в общем деле.
Chickenpox ( varicella ) is a common contagious illness caused by a type of herpes virus. Chickenpox is most contagious from 2 to 3 days before a rash develops until blisters have crusted over. Chickenpox is most common in children and is usually not serious. In teenagers, adults, pregnant women, and people who have impaired immune systems, chickenpox can be more serious. The incubation period—the time from exposure to the chickenpox virus until a person develops symptoms—is usually 14 to 16 days but can be from 10 to 21 days. Symptoms of chickenpox include a fever, feeling ill, and the development of a widely scattered, itching rash with fluid-filled blisters. The blisters burst and crust over after several days. New blisters continue to develop for up to a week. A person infected with chickenpox can spread the virus before developing any symptoms. Treatment for chickenpox focuses on preventing the person from scratching the rash and on relieving fever and discomfort. A vaccine to prevent chickenpox is available and recommended for children and for teens and adults who have not had chickenpox.
INFLUENZA is an acute respiratory illness caused by infection with influenza viruses. It affects all age groups round the year. Influenza, usually known as the flu, is a respiratory infection caused by one of the influenza viruses that typically is spread by air or by direct contact. Most cases occur during epidemics, which peak during the winter months nearly every year. A particularly widespread and severe epidemic is called a pandemic. Most people recover without problems, but sometimes the illness leads to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection, sinus infection , or bronchitis . Good home treatment may help prevent these infections. The virus can cause infections all year round, but it's most common in the winter in the UK. Anyone can get the flu and the more a person is in close contact with people who have the virus, the more likely they are to get it. Influenza viruses are designated as Influenza A, B or C depending on the antigenic characteristics of the particular virus. Influenza occurs in epidemic forms in India particularly during a change of season. Influenza (flu) is a viral upper respiratory illness that comes on suddenly, causing symptoms such as fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, a dry cough, and a sore or dry throat. The flu is not the same as the common cold; flu symptoms are usually more severe, and you will often miss more work or school than you would with a cold. The flu is a contagious infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by the influenza virus. In people, common symptoms of influenza are fever , sore throat , muscle pains , severe headache , coughing , and weakness and fatigue .
Malaria is a disease transmitted by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. In spite of India's National Malaria Eradication programme , this disease which had been under control has suddenly made a comeback. The resurgence of malaria is now a heavy burden on India. Most American cases of malaria develop in travelers who have recently returned from parts of the world where malaria is widespread. These prophylactic drug treatments are simply too expensive for most people living in endemic areas. Malaria infections are treated through the use of antimalarial drugs , such as chloroquine or pyrimethamine , although drug resistance is increasingly common. Malaria is an infectious disease that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Approximately 300 million people worldwide are affected by malaria and between 1 and 1.5 million people die from it every year. Malaria is endemic in parts of Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Oceania, and certain Caribbean islands. Of these areas, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest occurrence of P falciparum transmission to travelers from the US. Malaria-carrying Anopheles species mosquitoes tend to bite only between dusk and dawn. Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases and an enormous public-health problem. Malaria remains one of the world's leading infectious killers, particularly of children in sub-Saharan Africa. Unfortunately, no vaccine is currently available for malaria. Instead preventative drugs must be taken continuously to reduce the risk of infection If you're traveling to malaria-endemic places take precautions before, during and after your trip. Treatment for malaria is with antimalarial drugs.
Whooping Cough is an acute infection of the respiratory tract, seen only in children. It is typically a prolonged illness with an average duration of 6-8 weeks. The incubation period is 7-10 days. Anyone can get whooping cough, but the health effects are usually much worse for children less than a year old. In Canada, whooping cough now kills one to three infants per year, usually those who are unvaccinated, or under-vaccinated. With proper care, most teenagers and adults recover from whooping cough without complications. Whooping cough is more serious in children, especially infants younger than 6 months of age. Whooping cough - or pertussis - is an infection of the respiratory system caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or B. pertussis ). Although it initially resembles an ordinary cold, whooping cough may eventually turn more serious, particularly in infants. The bacterium responsible for the infection, Bordetella pertussis , was not isolated until 1906. Each year, 5,000-7,000 cases of whooping cough ( pertussis ) are recorded each year in the United States. Whooping cough is the most common vaccine-preventable disease among children younger than 5 years in the United States. Symptoms of the infection include prolonged, violent, coughing spasms that often cause thick mucus and severe inhaling difficulties. Since then, however, the incidence of whooping cough has been increasing, primarily among children too young to have completed the full course of vaccinations and teenagers whose immunity has faded .
Questions for summing up 1. Find five key words in your text. 2. What is the common ground of these texts? 3. Could you characterize the way you have worked today just in one word, please? 4. Choose a captain of your team and let him/her summarize the material!
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