Урок – исследование «Ecology is a Great Problem» 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Использование модальных глаголов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Ecology is a great problem»
Цели и задачи урока:
- закрепление грамматической темы «Модальные глаголы»;
- закрепление лексики по теме «Экология» и отработка её употребления в речи, а именно при ответах на вопросы учителя и при заполнении таблицы в конце урока;
- знакомство с экологическими проблемами и их
решениями, а также с наукой, занимающейся этими проблемами.
- формирования умения правильно и связно переводить текст, понимать текст на слух;
- развитие интонационного слуха и языковой догадки;
- развитие внимания, восприятия и воображения;
- развитие любознательности и наглядно-образного мышления.
- воспитание доброжелательности и чувства товарищества;
- воспитание умения общаться и слушать собеседника;
- воспитание правил поведения;
- воспитание чувства потребности расширить и пополнить свой словарный запас.
Языковой материал:
- грамматические структуры: we should remember, that…; you should… to protect the environment; we have to work hard to protect the environment; I can’t throw anything away; there are a lot of factories, which pollute our nature; there is a green school in USA.
- лексические единицы: ecology, ecologists, stinky, tough, to pollute, to harm, to puff, chemicals, to dump, trash, solutions, …
Речевой материал:
- слова по данной теме;
-эпиграф к данной теме;
- тексты “Pollution Solutions” (для групповой работы)
- текст “Ecology is a great problem ” (текст для аудирования).
- учебник для 9 классов “Spotlight -9” Клементьева Т.Б.;
- тематические картинки;
- грамматические таблицы;
- ИКТ: компьютер для проведения физкультминутки и аудирования;
- глобус, в качестве нашего земного шара.
I. Организационный момент:
1) приветствие;
2) фонетическая зарядка.
II. Основная часть:
- закрепление грамматической темы «Модальные глаголы»;
- аудирование по данной теме + ответы на вопросы;
- новое домашнее задание;
- физкультминутка;
- работа по учебнику (р-та в группах);
- заполнение таблицы + выводы.
III. Заключительная часть:
1) подведение итогов урока.
I. -Good afternoon, dear children.
-Good afternoon, dear teacher.
- I am glad to see you.
-We are glad to see you too.
-Sit down, please.
Answer my questions, please.
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- What season is it now?
Thank you very much.
The theme of our lesson is “Ecology is a great problem”. During this lesson we shall know what the word “ecology” means, what ecologists study, we shall also know environmental problems and we shall try to find solutions to these problems.
But at first let’s read the epigraph to our theme, which is also connected with the theme of our lesson. In this epigraph we shall train the sound [i].
- Listen to me: [i], [i] –if. Repeat after me.
- Учащиеся повторяют сначала хором, затем индивидуально.
“If you don’t think about the Future you will not have it!”
John Galsworthy
Now, let’s try to explain the sense of these
words. (мнения уч-ся)
Yes, you are right. If we don’t think about
our nature and we pollute it, we’ll not have
the future.
II. So, let’s continue our lesson. But at first let’s
recall our grammatical rules.
На предыдущих уроках мы познакомились с модальными глаголами. Давайте вспомним их. Назовите их основные функции в предложении.
- Can 6) Ought to
- Could 7) Needn’t
- Must 8) Have to
- May 9) To be to
- Should
Now let’s do 1 exercise according to these rules. Look, please, at the blackboard. You see a small exercise. One of you must come to the blackboard and fill in the necessary modal verb. But you must write in your copybooks these sentences with the modal verbs, which you will fill in. Then we shall check up. Who wants to come to the blackboard?
- … I take your book? (may)
- It is cold. You … close the window. (should)
- The pupils … know these words. (must)
- … you pass me the sugar, please? (could)
- We … speak English very well. (can)
- He …to get up at 6 o’clock. (have to)
- We …to meet on Friday. (to be to)
- You … to be more attentive at the lessons. (ought to)
- You … come so early. (needn’t)
The time is up. Let’s check up your sentences. Good for you.
Pass me your copybooks with your homework. At home you had to make up your own sentences with modal verbs.
Now listen to a small text, which is called “Ecology is a great problem”. In this text you will meet the modal verbs and the words according to our theme.
But at first look at the blackboard, where you can see unknown words from this text.
Generation [ ] –поколение,
Earth [ ] –земля,
Relation [ ] – связь,
Amount [ ] – количество,
Pollution [ ] – загрязнение,
To breathe [ ] – дышать,
To take care of… - заботиться о ч-л.
You must listen to me very attentively, because then you must answer my questions. Look at the blackboard, please, where you can see these questions. Let’s read and translate them.
1. What does the word “ecology” mean?
2. What will happen if we don’t stop polluting the land, air and water?
3. What are ecologists trying to do?
Are you ready? So listen to me, please. I shall read the text 2 times.
Ecology is a great problem.
The earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the future generations. The importance of this task is great as scientists, who study the relation of man to nature, say. These scientists are called “ecologists”; from the Greek word ‘OIKOS’, which means ‘HOME’. Ecologists are trying to keep the land, air and water clean.
Why must we keep our earth clean?
We have only a certain amount of fresh water and clean air and we must take care of it. If we don’t stop air and water pollutions, trees and flowers won’t grow, fish will die in dirty water. We will have to breathe dirty air. Environmental problems concern everybody. We should remember that everybody can do something to solve them. We all want to live in a clean world!
Now answer the questions, please.
Good for you.
Open your notebooks and write down your new home task.
At home you must make up and write down a small program “What should people do to protect the environment”?
Now let’s have a rest. (физкультминутка.)
(точечный массаж и массаж пальцев для активизации головного мозга)
Hand and hand with one another.
(на каждое слово дети массажируют пальчики на обеих руках, проговаривая слова под музыку)
Good for you. Let’s continue our lesson.
The class is divided into 7 groups. Each group must read its text according to our theme and then we must fill in this table.
The environmental problems: | Solutions: |
1. Air pollution 2. Smog, acid rain 3. Water pollution 4. The pollution in the result of burning of oil and coal for energy 5. Spraying of chemicals on crops to protect them against pests 6. Car pollution 7. Littering (trash) | e.g. Scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner. |
The first column of this table is called “The environmental problems”, where we’ll write the names of these problems.
The second column is called “Solutions”, where we’ll try to write solutions to these problems.
Now open your books at page 326-327. Here you see 7 small texts, each group has 5 minutes to read and understand its text, and then we’ll fill in this table together. Do you understand?
(В этих текстах описаны основные экологические проблемы и также даются некоторые решения к ним.)
The time is up. Are you ready? So, the first group, your problem and the solution to it.
(заполнение таблицы в соответствии с прочитанными текстами)
Thank you very much. Now let’s draw the conclusions according to our theme. (высказывания уч-ся)
Yes, you are right. Factories must stop polluting air, rivers and lakes with waste products and chemicals. They must work on it more. Lakes and rivers must be cleaned and kept clean, because the earth is our home, but it means our future. And if we don’t think about our future, we’ll not have it. Do you agree with me?
III. Thank you very much for the lesson. Today we knew very interesting information about the word “ecology”, knew the names of environmental problems and tried to find solutions to them. I believe, that you’ll do everything to keep our earth clean for the next generations, because your future in your hands!
The lesson is over. Good-bye!
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