Групповая игра по группам " В ресторане"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс)

Групповая игра по группам " В ресторане"


Microsoft Office document icon group_roleplaying.doc34.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


You are the mother.

Because you want to lead a healthy life, you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but you don’t like olives.

You think that your son drinks too much coke.


You are the father.

You eat a lot of meat and fish, but your favorite food is tomato soup. You hate everything that is green.  


You are a very friendly and polite waiter and you want to fulfill every wish of your customers, but there aren’t any tomatoes left.


You are the daughter.

You love sweets and you always want a dessert. Your mother often says that you drink too much coke.


You are a very friendly and polite waiter and you want to fulfill every wish of your customers. But you’ve made a little mistake: you forgot to bring a fork for the girl.


You are a very friendly and polite waitress. You want to fulfill every wish of your customers, but there isn’t any chicken left.


You are Peter’s girlfriend. You are vegetarian, so you don’t eat any meat, but you do like fish. You haven’t got a fork, so you have to tell the waiter.


You are Julie’s boyfriend. Your favorite food is pizza, but you don’t like onions. You want to share a dessert with your darling.



When you go out, you usually have a soup because it’s cheap, but you don’t like tomato soup. Your favorite dessert is strawberry ice cream.


Your favorite meat is chicken, but you also like beef. Your favorite color is green and you like green vegetables.  


You are always very hungry and you always eat a lot, usually more than anybody else. You like everything except mushrooms.


You are the grandmother of Mary and Josh. You think that green vegetables are the healthiest.


You are the grandfather of Mary and Josh. You didn’t get a knife and fork, so you have to tell the waiter.


You are the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Your favorite food is Pizza.


You are a very friendly and polite waiter and you want to fulfill every wish of your customers. But you’ve made a little mistake: You forgot to bring a knife and fork for Mr. Ronald.

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