План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме «Рождены свободными» (Born Free)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
Самоанализ урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме «Рождены свободными»
Формируемые УУД
Начало урока
Познавательные УУД
- формулирование учащимися познавательной цели;
- поиск и выделение информации
Регулятивные УУД
В основной части урока
Целеполагание (постановка учебной задачи на основе соотнесения того, что уже известно и усвоено учащимися, и того, что ещё неизвестно).
Планирование (определение последовательности промежуточных целей с учётом конечного результата; составление плана и последовательности действий).
Прогнозирование (предвосхищение результата и уровня усвоения, его временных характеристик).
Контроль (в форме сличения способа действия и его результата с заданным эталоном с целью обнаружения отклонений и отличий от эталона)
Коррекция (внесение необходимых дополнений и корректив в план и способ действия в случае расхождения эталона, реального действия и его продукта).
Коммуникативные УУД
Постановка вопросов (инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации),
умение с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли.
Заключительная часть урока
Рефлексия помогает учителю контролировать класс, уже в ходе урока видеть, что было понято, а что осталось на доработку. Не стоит забывать и о том, что рефлексия — это то новое, к чему стремится современная педагогика: учить не науке, а учить учиться. Рефлексия помогает ребенку не только осознать пройденный путь, но и выстроить логическую цепочку, систематизировать полученный опыт, сравнить свои успехи с успехами других учеников
Рефлексия — это самоанализ, самооценка, "взгляд внутрь себя". Применительно к урокам, рефлексия — это этап урока, в ходе которого учащиеся самостоятельно оценивают свое состояние, свои эмоции, результаты своей деятельности.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Natural habitat d esert polar regions wetlands tropical rainforests woods savannah (grassland )
Born Free Wild animals are born in their natural habitat
We should close all zoos and return the animals to their natural habitat Do you agree? Or disagree?
Essay For Zoos help certain animal species survive They are educational; children have the chance to see and watch wild animals Against Animals should not live in cages They should be free The environment is not ideal so some animals die In some zoos animals are mistreated
I’m going to learn…
role (n) part роль in danger ( exp ) threatened в опасности endangered species ( exp ) animals and plants that are rare/threatened виды растений/животных на грани вымирания survive (v) continue to exist выживать act (v) behave действовать drawbacks (n) disadvantages недостатки recreate (v) copy, replicate воссоздавать cages (n) fortified containers for animals клетки arguments (n) cases for and against sth аргументы for (prep) in favour of sth за against (prep) opposed to sth против environment (n) everything around us окружающая среда
Which paragraph? Which paragraph introduces the topic ? Which paragraph gives the writer’s opinion ? Which paragraph gives the advantages with reasons and examples ? Which paragraph gives the disadvantages with reasons and examples? 1 4 2 3
Main Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence summarizes the idea of the whole paragraph S upporting Sentences explain and give examples and justifications to the main sentence
Which words? Which give a personal opinion? Which give opposite opinion? Which add reasons? Which introduce a conclusion? Which introduce the argument? I believe … On the other hand, however… In addition, furthermore… To sum up … On the one hand…
Keeping Wild Animals as Pets Arguments - - + + - Owners don’t know how to look after them. They need special food/habitats. It is a good way to learn about them. You help conserve them. They can be dangerous.
Addressing the reader directly Have you ever kept wild animals as pets? What do you think of keeping wild animals as pets?
Addressing the reader directly Have you ever kept wild animals as pets? What do you think of keeping wild animals as pets?
Keeping Wild Animals as Pets Arguments - - + + - Owners don’t know how to look after them. They need special food/habitats. It is a good way to learn about them. You help conserve them. They can be dangerous.
Finish the sentences: Now I know how to give arguments can express my attitude to say my opinion on speak about During today’s lesson I have got acquainted found out learnt remembered
Hometask SB Ex 6 p. 80 Write an essay about the pros/cons of keeping wild animals as pets
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе
по теме «Рождены свободными» (Born Free)
Дата: 21. 03. 18
Цели урока:
Деятельностная цель: Формирование у учащихся деятельностных способностей и способностей к структурированию и систематизации предметного содержания по темам «Животные и их среда обитания», формирование способности учащихся к новому способу действия, связанному с построением структуры изученных понятий и алгоритмов.
Содержательная цель: построение обобщённых деятельностных норм и выявление теоретических основ развития содержательно-методических линий.
Задачи урока:
1 Развивать умение продуктивного письма (написание аргументированного/проблемного эссе, представляющего противоположные мнения).
2 Совершенствовать умение выражать и аргументировать своё отношение к прочитанному; развивать умение вести «полилог» обмен мнениями.
3 Систематизировать знание словосочетаний по темам «Животные и их среда обитания».
4 Способствовать развитию творческих и познавательных способностей.
5 Воспитывать социокультурное сознание
Оборудование урока:
Презентация, раздаточный материал с таблицами и заданиями, ПК.
Тип урока: урок открытия нового знания
План урока:
I Этап мотивации – 5 minutes
1 Организационный момент
T: Good morning. Glad to see you again! Take your seats.
2 Речевая зарядка
T: Today we’re going to have an unusual lesson. Look at the pictures and say. What animals can you see? Are they domestic or wild? Where do domestic animals live? Where do wild animals live? Слайд 1
S: In their natural habitat.
T: Read the natural habitats and translate. Слайд 2
Now take the cards, look and match the animals to the habitats.
Animals | live in | Habitats |
1) Camels | a) tropical rainforests (тропические леса) | |
2) Parrots | b) the desert (пустыня) | |
3) Black bears | c) savannah (grassland) (саванна (луг)) | |
4) Penguins | d) woods (леса) | |
5) Alligators | e) wetlands (заболоченные территории) | |
6) Giraffes | f) polar regions (полярные регионы) |
The key: 1b, 2a, 3d, 4f, 5e, 6c
T: Repeat after me. Now look at the pictures and the cards and make sentences.
Example ….. live in …..
SS: Camels live in the desert.
Parrots live in tropical rainforests.
Black bears live in woods.
Penguins live in polar regions.
Alligators live in wetlands.
Giraffes live in savannahs.
T: Are these animals born free?
S: Yes, they are.
T: What does it mean born free?
S: Wild animals are born in their natural habitat.
T: Born free. This is the topic of our today’s lesson. Слайд 3
II Актуализация и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном учебном действии - 5 minutes
T: Ex. 2, p. 80 Слайд 4
Read the statement and translate it. Do you agree? Why/Why not?
What are the arguments for closing zoos?
What are the arguments against closing zoos?
We should close all zoos and return the animals to their natural habitat.
Слайд 5
T: Look at the board. There are some arguments for and against zoos. Read them. Which haven’t you mentioned?
Предполагаемый ответ:
Pros/For | Cons/Against |
Zoos help certain animal species survive They are educational, children have the chance to see and watch wild animals | Animals should not live in cages. They should be free. The environment is not ideal so some animals die. In some zoos animals are mistreated. |
Постановка цели урока
T: What is the purpose of our lesson today? What will you learn to do?
S: I’m going to learn writing for and against essay Слайд 6
III Выявление места и причины затруднения - 1 minute
T: Do you know how to write for and against essays? What’s the structure of it?
SS: No, we don’t.
IV Построение проекта выхода из затруднения - 9 minutes
Ex. 3 p. 80
T: There’s an example of for and against essay commenting on the statement we’ve just discussed. There will be some new words there. Let’s read them and translate. Work one by one.
Ключи: Слайд 7
role (n): part (роль)
in danger (exp): threatened ( в опасности)
endangered species (exp): animals and plants that are rare/threatened (виды рас тений/животных на грани вымирания)
survive (v): continue to exist (выживать)
act (v): behave (действовать)
drawbacks (n): disadvantages (недостатки)
recreate (v): copy, replicate (воссоздавать)
cages (n): fortified containers for animals (клетки)
arguments (n): cases for and against sth (аргументы)
for (prep): in favour of sth (за)
against (prep): opposed to sth (против)
environment (n): everything around us (окружающая среда)
Упр. 4, с. 80
a) Задача: развитие умений ознакомительного чтения.
T: Page 80. You’ll listen to the essay commenting on the statement. Follow it and say what arguments for and against are mentioned? Аудиозапись
T: Let’s translate and discuss the essay Слайд 8
Which paragraph introduces the topic? 1
Which paragraph gives the writer’s opinion? 4
Which paragraph gives the advantages with reasons and examples? 2
Which paragraph gives the disadvantages with reasons and examples? 3
How many main body paragraphs are here? 2 (for and against)
T: Main body paragraphs have special structure. The first sentence is topic one which summarizes the idea of the whole paragraph. The other sentences are supporting ones which explain and give examples and justifications to the main sentence. Where’s the topic sentence in para 2/3? Cлайд 9 b) T: Look at the underlined words and phrases in the text and say. Слайд 10
Which words give a personal opinion? I believe…
Which words give opposite opinion? On the other hand, however….
Which words add reasons? In addition, furthermore…
Which words introduce a conclusion? To sum up…
Which words introduce the argument? On the one hand…
V Реализация построенного проекта - 6 minutes
T: We’ve just talked about keeping wild animals at zoos. But some people keep wild animals as pets at home. What about pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets?
T: Would you like to keep a wild animal as a pet? Why/Why not?
Ex. 5 p 80. Слайд 11
Read the following statements and translate them. Then say if they’re for or against.
- Owners don’t know how to look after them. (They read books but they are not always accurate.)
- They need special food/habitats. (They get sick when they do not live in their natural habitats.)
+ It is a good way to learn about them. (And you can persuade others to help, too.)
+ You help conserve them. (by giving them food and a place to live)
- They can be dangerous. (because they are wild and can never be 100% domesticated)
T: Pay attention to the Study Skills box. To make your writing more effective and interesting to the reader you may use a special technique addressing the reader directly. Слайд 12
Read these questions. Are they addressed to the reader? Why/Why not?
Ex. Have you ever kept wild animals as pets?
What do you think of keeping wild animals as pets?
Of course, the use of pronoun you helps us address the reader directly and attracts our attention to the question. Start your essay with it and you’ll grab his interest and he’ll want to read it. Слайд 13
VI Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи - 5 minutes
Работа в группах
1st group
Comment on the following. Make an essay about the pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets
Would you like to have a monkey as a pet?
2nd group
Comment on the following. Make an essay about the pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets
Would you like to have a koala as a pet? Слайд 14
VII Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону- 3 minutes
VIII Включение в систему знаний и повторение - 4 minutes
Упр. 6, с. 80
Предполагаемый ответ:
Would you like to have a monkey as a pet? To feed it and play with it and take it to the park? Well, think twice before you make any decisions. Things are not that simple.
Sure, on the one hand owning a wild animal is a very good way to learn about it. You also help conserve it.
On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks to keeping a wild animal as a pet. Most owners do not know how to look after a wild animal properly and books on the subject are not always accurate. Wild animals need special food and they
often get sick when they do not live in their natural habitats. Furthermore, they can be dangerous.
To sum up, there are strong arguments both for and against keeping wild animals as pets. However, I believe that animals have rights, too, and that they should not be forced to live in strange environments. We should adopt animals in zoos rather than keep them as pets.
9. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке (итог) - 2 minutes Слайд 15
Прием рефлексии «подведение итогов». Каждый ученик формулирует итоги урока, используя схему, где он соединяет и обобщает свои впечатления, знания, умения.
Finish the sentences:
Now I know how to/can give arguments
express my attitude to (выражать своё мнение о)
say my opinion on (высказываться)
speak about (говорить о)
During today’s lesson I have got acquainted (познакомился)
found out (узнал)
Домашнее задание: Слайд 16
SB Ex 6 p. 80 Write an essay about the pros/cons of keeping wild animals as pets
(упр. 6 с. 80 написать сочинение на тему «За и против содержания диких животных в качестве питомцев»)
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