план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Цель: активизация тематической лексики УМК 9 класса в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников;
Углубление знаний учащихся о стране изучаемого иностранного языка («создание условий для диалога культур»);
развитие умений и навыков учащихся выражать согласие или несогласие;
воспитание потребности развивать свой кругозор, в том числе и за счёт информации о странах изучаемого иностранного языка.
Познавательная: осознание учащимися значения, формы и применения новых лексических и грамматических единиц, и использование их в монологической и диалогической речи.
Развивающая: способствовать развитию психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (мышление, память, внимание, восприятие); содействовать развитию лингвистических способностей к различению, имитации, догадке, логичному изложению, функционально-адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц при их использовании.
Воспитательная: приобщать к общечеловеческим ценностям (уважительное отношение к сверстникам), воспитание личностных качеств, таких как трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, коммуникабельность, личная и взаимная ответственность, умение слушать друг друга.
Форма проведения: интерактивная беседа, заочное путешествие.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент. Речевая разминка.
At our previous lessons we said that travelling is very often an important part of people's life. There are many ways of travelling that attract a lot of tourists. And today I want you to elaborate upon this idea and prove this statement. You may use the key words cards which I'm sure will give you an idea and a good opportunity to practice your language skills.
Well, have you scanned the words and the expressions which are familiar to you? I suppose you have, haven't you? So, it's time for you to start the conversation. First however I want you to ask each other questions about travelling. (Далее речевую зарядку урока учитель проводит в режиме фронтальной беседы — управляемый диалог. Речевые опоры предоставляют учащимся необходимую информацию и способствуют активизации их речепорождающей мыслительной деятельности, так как , чтобы выразить мысль на изучаемом языке, учащиеся обдумывают ещё и необходимые грамматические явления английского языка, являющиеся основой грамотной речи).
To be impossible without travelling (people's life) | To be very popular (travelling by sea) |
To go on a business trip or to travel for pleassure (thousands of people) | To go on a two-week cruise (travelling by ship) |
Different ways of travelling (there are) | To be very popular too (travelling by car) |
To travel (by air, by rail, by sea, by road, on foot) | To stop at any place you like |
To be the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling (by air) | To spend at any place as much time as you like |
The most expensive way of travelling (by plane) | To be very popular with young people (hiking) |
To have its advantages too (travelling by train) | To enjoy the countryside |
To make the longest journey enjoyable | To live in tents on the sea shore or in the forest |
The main advantages of trains (speed, comfort and safety in comfortable seats of the sleeping cars) | To breathe in fresh air and the sun all day |
To prefer trains to other means of transport | To return home sunburnt and full of impressions |
2. Thank you boys and girls. I'm pleased with your questions and answers about traveling. But you see there are different points of view upon it.and I want you to learn how to explain various opinions upon the problem. Imagine you don't like travelling. More than that, you dislike travelling abroad . So try to express your negative attitude towards it. Учащимся раздаются речевые опоры карточки.
Travelling abroad Arguments against tourism abroad | |
A lot of places to visit in your country (there are) You don’t need to buy tickets and think of timetables to reserve tickets to carry heavy suitcases
| You don’t have to wait at airports and railway stations You can speak your own language Choose your favorite food To make your relatives wait for you and worry To be always near you (your family and best friends) |
Travelling abroad Arguments in favor tourism abroad | |
To discover new places in other countries(it’s wonderful) To be a part of people’s education (travelling abroad) To help people to relax sometimes To make friends with interesting people | Can help to improve the knowledge of foreign language Can help practice speaking English To learn more about other countries and their traditions To do shopping abroad
With the help of these key words try to give reasons and explain why you are against travelling abroad. Don’t forget colloquial vocabulary.
Colloquial vocabulary to use | ||
First Second Third Besides More than that | What is more That’s why By the way On the one hand On the other hand | I agree with the view that I disagree with the view that I’d like to add that
So consult the list of the words given in the cards. You have two minutes.
- Thank you, boys and girls! So we slowly we come to a conclusion that for travelling abroad we need to learn English. And at our today’s lesson I’d like to offer you to make a tour, a virtual tour to London. At our previous lesson we have already spoken about London and its historical places of interest. And before going to the capital of the UK I want to know how well you know some facts some facts about Great Britain.
Choose the correct answer |
1 Was London started (a) as a fortress by the Romans or (b) as the northern capital of the Romans? |
2 In Westminster Abbey (a) a beautiful church or (b) part of the Houses of Parliament? |
3 Are British monarchs crowded (a) in Westminster Abbey or (b) at St.Paul’s cathedral? |
4 Is Buckingham Palace (a) a museum or (b) the place where the Royal family live? |
5 Was the Tower of London founded (a) by William the Conqueror or (b) by the Romans? |
6 Is the Tower of London an important (a) fortress or (b) a museum now? |
7 Was the Statue of Liberty given to the USA (a) by France or (b) by Britain? |
8 Is the Metropolitan Museum a famous museum (a) in London or (b) in New York City? |
- And now we have to decide what way of travelling around London to choose. At the beginning of the lesson you said people may travel by air, by railway, by sea, etc. But these ways won’t suit us. And if we choose the London Tube we shan’t be able to see the most wonderful historical sights of this beautiful city, shall we? Of course we may take a trip on a boat along the Thames or go for a drive in a London double-decker or to take a coach tour. but there is also an unusual way to see London. I mean the London Observation Wheel which can help us to see the British capital from above.
The Millennium Wheel
Sherlock Holmes’s residence
The Clock Tower
Trafalgar Square
The Nation Gallery
The Tower Bridge
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
Madame Tussaud’s
The Gherkin
- Thank you, boys and girls! I’m pleased with your speaking at our today’s excursion lesson. I’m glad that our key words helped you to organize both a useful discussion. And thank you for your good presentations. There is little time left before the end of the lesson and you will be able to point out the right answer to the questions about the British sights.
The British Capital Sights |
Read the questions and find the correct answer |
1 What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? A – New York, B – Sidney, C - London |
2 What is the name of the river on which the British capital is situated? A-the Clyde, B- the Tames, C- the Missisipi |
3 What was the Tower of London in the past first? A – a museum, B- a prison, C- a fortress |
4 What are the laws in Great Britain made by? A-The Congress, B-the Parliament, C-the State Duma |
5 When was the Clock Tower (Big Ben) near the Houses of Parliament built? A- in 1758, B- in 1858, C- 1958 |
6 Who was in charge of the building of the London Clock Tower? A-Sir Benjamin Hall, B- William Shakespeare, C- William the Conqueror |
7 When was St.Paul’s Cathedral erected? A –in 1510, B- in 1610, C- in 1710 |
8 What is the official London residence of the British Royal family? A –Tower of London, B –Buckingham Palace, C- Westminster Palace |
9 What is Westminster Abbey? A – a church, B – a palace , C- a theatre |
What sights of London do you know? |
Fill in the gaps in the sentences, using the names of the appropriate sights of London: the Clock Tower, St.Paul’s Cathedral, the House of Lords, the British Parliament, Nelson’s Column, the Thames River, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the House of Commons, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, the London Tower Bridge |
London stands on ………not far from the sea and many ships from all over the world come to British capital. In the early days of the history of England English kings lived in ……which was a castle, a fortress, then it was a prison but now it is a museum where black ravens live. Of great interest is also …….which stretches across the river on which London stands and makes the view of the British capital more attractive. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy and its laws are made by ……which is made up of two Houses. They are …..and…… Of great interest is also ……which has four faces and which is called ……. As for …….it is the greatest work by Christopher Wren , which was finished only in 1710 when the architect was almost 80 years old. A lot of Londoners and tourists enjoy Changing of the Guard in front of …….the official London residence of the Royal family. One of the most popular attractions in London is……. In the middle of which there is…… with statue of the most famous admiral for his victories in the war against Napoleon. Such great Englishmen as Newton, Dawin, Robert Burns, Charles Dickens and others were buried in ……. Which was founded in 1050 and is also situated in the centre of London. |
6. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.
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