Конспект урока в 9 классе по теме "Великий политик Маргарет Тэтчер"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Урок направлен на отработку лексики по теме "Характер человека", формирование навыков устной речи, умений аудирования.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МБОУ «Гимназия №4» города Смоленска
Конспект урока английского языка
по теме «A great British politician – Margaret Thatcher»
учитель английского языка
Сомова И.В.
- Совершенствовать умения устной речи учащихся по теме.
- Совершенствовать умения аудирования.
- Совершенствовать умения просмотрового чтения.
- Воспитывать умение работать индивидуально, в паре.
- Повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
- Развивать речевые способности к анализу и обобщению.
- Развивать умения самостоятельной работы.
Задачи урока:
- научить описывать человека;
- практиковать использование изученных лексических и грамматических единиц в монологической речи.
Планируемые результаты:
1. Личностные результаты:
- формирование уважительного отношения к человеку.
2. Метапредметные результаты:
- развитие регулятивных УУД (планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации )
- развитие познавательных УУД (применять методы информационного поиска, использовать знаково-символическое моделирование, уметь структурировать знания, уметь выбирать критерии для сравнения )
- развитие коммуникативных УУД (уметь слушать и вступать в диалог)
3. Предметные результаты:
Научить использовать изученные лексические единицы в кратких монологических высказываниях.
Целесообразно использовать лексические единицы по теме.
Понимать на слух иноязычную речь.
Вести диалог, используя лексический материал по теме.
Личностные: формировать личностные качества учащихся необходимые во взаимоотношениях с одноклассниками; проявлять доброжелательность, взаимопомощь, терпение, вежливость друг к другу.
Коммуникативные: формировать умение слушать и вступать в диалог для поддержания учебно – деловой беседы.
-умение осознанно строить речевое высказывание с опорой на образец и без него, формулировать ответы на вопросы учителя и одноклассников;
-умение выбирать и использовать разные виды чтения (просмотровое, ознакомительное, изучающее);
-умение выделять существенную информацию из текстов;
-выбор наиболее эффективных способов решения задач в зависимости от конкретных условий.
-планирование своей деятельности в соответствии с целевой установкой;
-использовать речь для регуляции своего действия;
-моделировать ситуации поведения в классе.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, презентация, проектор, доска, фишки.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, история, музыка.
Формы работы: Фонетическая и речевая зарядка. Работа со схемами – опорами. Фронтальный опрос. Индивидуальная и фронтальная работы.
Оснащение: проектор, экран, компьютер, презентация «A great British politician – Margaret Thatcher», раздаточный материал.
Технологии: ИКТ-технологии, технология коммуникативного обучения.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
2. Речевая зарядка. (2 min)
T: How are you today?
Are you in a good mood?
What usually influence your mood?
Does the situation in our country upset your mood or your parents’ mood?
How often do you watch the news these days?
What events are usually discussed in the news? (political, social, financial)
3. Сообщение темы урока. (2 min)
T: Comment on the video (слайд 1).
- Who do you see on this video?
- What are these people’s occupation?
- What are they doing?
T: What are we going to speak about today? (politics/ politicians)
4. Устная речь. (2-3 min)
T: - What famous politicians do you know? (слайд 2)
- Is it difficult to be a politician? Why?
P1: It is quite difficult because politicians are responsible for the whole country
- What character traits should a person have to be a good politician? Give your arguments.
P1: In my view a politician should be resolute because sometimes it is necessary to make quick decisions.
P2: I believe that a politician should be trustworthy because people of the country believe he will make their life better.
P3: I’m sure a politician should be responsible because the life of many people depend on his policy and decisions.
T: Today we’re going to remember one of the greatest politicians in the British history. (слайд 3) It is Margaret Thatcher, the woman who was Prime Minister for eleven years.
T: Every politician should have many positive traits to make the country prosperous and the life of people easier. Today we’ll find out what kind of politician M. Thatcher was. And we’ll start with watching the video about the life of Margaret Thatcher. I’ll give you the cards and your task will be to define if the statements are true or false. (слайд с видео) (6 min)
5. Формирование умений аудирования (просмотр видео), немедленный контроль. (8 min)
- Margaret Thatcher was born in 1935. False (1925)
- Her family was conservative. True
- Thatcher graduated from Oxford University. True
- She began working as a lawyer. False (chemist)
- She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. True
- In 1952, Thatcher put politics aside for a time to study medicine. False (law)
- Thatcher won a seat in the House of Commons in 1979. False (1959)
- Thatcher was appointed secretary of state for housing. False (Education and Science)
- She was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975. True
- Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979. True
- Thatcher is known for her tough decisions. True
- Thatcher was called “An Iron Lady” by a British newspaper. False (Russian newspaper)
T: Now exchange your cards and take a pencil. Look at the screen and check your answers. (слайд 5). Correct the false statements.
T: I hope you’ve learnt some information about M. T from this video but still we need to know more about her life.
7. Чтение текста. (4-5 min)
A. She cut taxes, spending and regulations, privatized state-industries and state-housing, reformed the education, health and welfare systems, was tough on crime. Her time in office was eventful, having to contend with an economic recession, a miners' strike. Her first great triumph in office was the Falklands War in 1982, when she sent British troops to reclaim British possessions off the coast of South America that had been invaded and occupied by Argentina.
B. Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925 in Grantham, England, the younger daughter of Alfred and Beatrice Roberts. Her father was a greengrocer and respected town leader, serving as lay-leader with their church, city-alderman and then as mayor. He taught Margaret never to do things because other people are doing them; do what you think is right and persuade others to follow you.
C. The British won that war. Her time in office saw unprecedented economic prosperity. Her refusal to endorse a common currency for Europe led the Conservative party to force her out of office in a bloody internal coup. She was forced to resign as Prime Minister in November 1990. Since she left office, she was introduced to the House of Lords in 1992 as Baroness Thatcher. She wrote about her experiences as a world leader and a pioneering woman in the field of politics in two books: The Downing Street Years (1993) and The Path to Power (1995). Margaret Thatcher died on April 8, 2013, at the age of 87.
D. She attended Oxford University from 1943 to 1947 and earned a degree in Chemistry, but it was clear from early on that politics was her true calling. She stood as a Conservative candidate from Dartford in the 1950 and 1951 elections. She married Denis Thatcher in December 1951 and they had twin children, Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher. She practiced tax law for a time in the 1950s, but was elected to Parliament from Finchley in 1959. Two years later, she was appointed to the cabinet as Minister of Pensions. In 1970, she was appointed Minister for Education. She was elected Prime Minister in May 1979 and served for eleven and a half years, longer than any other British Prime Minister in the 20th Century. As Prime Minister, she was capitalist and bent on wiping socialism from the face of Britain.
T: The paragraphs in this text are mixed. You are to put them in the right order.
Проверка (слайд 7)
8. Составление вопросов (5 min)
T: Now we’ll have one more task based on the text. You’ll have to divide into two groups. Look through the text again and make up three questions. Then let the other group answer it.
The first group will start their questions with the word “What” and the second group with the word “When” (2 min + 3 min)
T: That’s right. To sum up all that you have read let’s try to remember some facts about her.
9. Составление предложений по ключевым словам. (слайд 7)
- Grantham, England
- greengrocer and respected town leader
- degree in Chemistry
- Denis Thatcher
- Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher
- Falklands War
- three terms as a Prime Minister
- prosperous country
- M.T was born in Grantham, England.
- Her father was a greengrocer and respected town leader.
- She got her degree in Chemistry in Oxford University.
- She married Denis Thatcher. / Her husband’s name was …
- She gave birth to twins: Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher.
- Britain won Falklands War when M.T. was a Prime Minister.
- She served three terms as a Prime Minister.
- She made Britain a prosperous country.
10. Описание фото (3 min) (cлайд 8)
T: We know many facts about M.T. but sometimes emotions can tell us even more than anything else. Look at the photos, choose any you like and describe it according to the plan.
Plan of describing a photo:
- Who is in the photo? (Ex. In the photo I see a man/ woman, a lot of men… I suppose they are workers/ teachers… )
- How does he/she look like? (young/old/ nice face/ bright eyes/ is wearing a dress/ costume…)
- What is happening?
- Feelings and emotions of the person in the photo. (I believe that the man/woman is happy/ disappointed/ confident/ satisfied… )
11. Устная речь (выводы) (слайд 9) (1.5 min)
T: Characterize Margaret Thatcher
A natural leader
To lead the country
To be an ambitious woman with strong/powerful personality
To do the best to make the country prosperous
T: Of course M.T. has done a lot for her country. But how did she feel after her resignation? Let us see it. (Видео 3) (2.5 min)
P1: It is clear that she was very depressed after her resignation. We see that she is crying. Her tears tell everything. We can surely say that her job was the meaning and the object of her life.
Устная речь: (4 min.)
- Is it easy for a woman to be a politician? Why?
- Can a woman be a good politician or is it a profession only for men? Give your reasons.
- Do you think our country needs an “iron” leader?
- Would you like to be a leader? Why?
12. Аудирование. (1 min + 2 min)
T: Well, some people like to be leaders some people not. But everybody expects the leaders and politicians to be fair, honest and responsible. Now we’ll listen to the song “Mr politician” and find out the expectations of ordinary people.
Your task is to fill in the gaps with the right words.
Mr. Politician please don't deceive (1) us.
Mr. Politician you're there to relieve us.
Just how can we tell, mister,
When to believe (2) in you.
Oh won't you tell (3) me oh who we're lookin' out for?
Mr. Politician could be honest (4) but people it's doubtful.
We want a leader (5) who'll fight for the people.
We want somebody (6) to take us to the steeple.
We'd like to point him out to you people(7),
But don't look now.
We want a leader of the people,
We want him honest, not deceitful.
We want an angel (8) in the public eye,
And we won't give it up lord until we die.
13. Home task (on cards) (1 min)
What can you say for and against everybody’s ambition to become a leader at school and later in society?
Write about 200 words.
Use the following plan:
- introduce the problem and state your thesis (the subject-matter);
- express your personal point of view and give reasons for it;
- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it;
- draw a conclusion.
Are you a leader?
- What is more important for you when you play games?
a. Victory b. entertainment
- What do you prefer in a conversation?
a.To offer something b. to listen to others and discuss what they offer
- Can you endure critics and avoid arguing?
a.Yes b. no
- Do you like when somebody praise you in public?
a.Yes b. no
- Will you defend your opinion if everybody is against you?
a.Yes b. no
- Can you call yourself a leader when you are with your friends?
a.Yes b. no
- Can you hide your mood from other people?
a.Yes b. no
- Do you always do what elder people ask you to do?
a.Yes b. no
- Can you persuade people who didn’t agree with you during the conversation?
a.Yes b. no
- Do you like to give advice to other people?
a.Yes b. no
You get 1 point for each answer “A”.
7-10 points – high level of leadership
4-6 points – medium level of leadership
1-3 points – low level of leadership
Предварительный просмотр:
Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925 in Grantham, England, the younger daughter of Alfred and Beatrice Roberts. Her father was a greengrocer and respected town leader, serving as lay-leader with their church, city-alderman and then as mayor. He taught Margaret never to do things because other people are doing them; do what you think is right and persuade others to follow you.
She attended Oxford University from 1943 to 1947 and earned a degree in Chemistry, but it was clear from early on that politics was her true calling. She stood as a Conservative candidate from Dartford in the 1950 and 1951 elections. She married Denis Thatcher in December 1951 and they had twin children, Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher. She practiced tax law for a time in the 1950s, but was elected to Parliament from Finchley in 1959. Two years later, she was appointed to the cabinet as Minister of Pensions. In 1970, she was appointed Minister for Education. She was elected Prime Minister in May 1979 and served for eleven and a half years, longer than any other British Prime Minister in the 20th Century. As Prime Minister, she was capitalist and bent on wiping socialism from the face of Britain.
She cut taxes, spending and regulations, privatized state-industries and state-housing, reformed the education, health and welfare systems, was tough on crime. Her time in office was eventful, having to contend with an economic recession, a miners' strike. Her first great triumph in office was the Falklands War in 1982, when she sent British troops to reclaim British possessions off the coast of South America that had been invaded and occupied by Argentina.
The British won that war. Her time in office saw unprecedented economic prosperity. Her refusal to endorse a common currency for Europe led the Conservative party to force her out of office in a bloody internal coup. She was forced to resign as Prime Minister in November 1990. Since she left office, she was introduced to the House of Lords in 1992 as Baroness Thatcher. She wrote about her experiences as a world leader and a pioneering woman in the field of politics in two books: The Downing Street Years (1993) and The Path to Power (1995). Margaret Thatcher died on April 8, 2013, at the age of 87.
- She cut taxes, spending and regulations, privatized state-industries and state-housing, reformed the education, health and welfare systems, was tough on crime. Her time in office was eventful, having to contend with an economic recession, a miners' strike. Her first great triumph in office was the Falklands War in 1982, when she sent British troops to reclaim British possessions off the coast of South America that had been invaded and occupied by Argentina.
- Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925 in Grantham, England, the younger daughter of Alfred and Beatrice Roberts. Her father was a greengrocer and respected town leader, serving as lay-leader with their church, city-alderman and then as mayor. He taught Margaret never to do things because other people are doing them; do what you think is right and persuade others to follow you.
- The British won that war. Her time in office saw unprecedented economic prosperity. Her refusal to endorse a common currency for Europe led the Conservative party to force her out of office in a bloody internal coup. She was forced to resign as Prime Minister in November 1990. Since she left office, she was introduced to the House of Lords in 1992 as Baroness Thatcher. She wrote about her experiences as a world leader and a pioneering woman in the field of politics in two books: The Downing Street Years (1993) and The Path to Power (1995). Margaret Thatcher died on April 8, 2013, at the age of 87.
- She attended Oxford University from 1943 to 1947 and earned a degree in Chemistry, but it was clear from early on that politics was her true calling. She stood as a Conservative candidate from Dartford in the 1950 and 1951 elections. She married Denis Thatcher in December 1951 and they had twin children, Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher. She practiced tax law for a time in the 1950s, but was elected to Parliament from Finchley in 1959. Two years later, she was appointed to the cabinet as Minister of Pensions. In 1970, she was appointed Minister for Education. She was elected Prime Minister in May 1979 and served for eleven and a half years, longer than any other British Prime Minister in the 20th Century. As Prime Minister, she was capitalist and bent on wiping socialism from the face of Britain.
Plan of describing a photo:
- Who is in the photo? (Ex. In the photo I see a man/ woman, a lot of men… I suppose they are workers/ teachers… )
- How does he/she look like? (young/old/ nice face/ bright eyes/ is wearing a dress/ costume…)
- What is happening?
- Feelings and emotions of the person in the photo. (I believe that the man/woman is happy/ disappointed/ confident/ satisfied… )
Some students think that it is better to be a leader of a group than to be a simple member although being a leader is a quite responsible job.
What can you say for and against everybody’s ambition to become a leader at school and later in society?
Write about 200 words.
Use the following plan:
- introduce the problem and state your thesis (the subject-matter);
- express your personal point of view and give reasons for it;
- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it;
- draw a conclusion.
Mr. Politician please don't ______(1) us.
Mr. Politician you're there to relieve us.
Just how can we tell, mister,
When to _______(2) in you.
Oh won't you _____(3) me oh who we're lookin' out for?
Mr. Politician could be ______(4) but people it's doubtful.
We want a _____(5) who'll fight for the people.
We want ______(6) to take us to the steeple.
We'd like to point him out to you ______(7),
But don't look now.
We want a leader of the people,
We want him honest, not deceitful.
We want an _____(8) in the public eye,
And we won't give it up lord until we die.
Are you a leader?
- What is more important for you when you play games?
- Victory b. entertainment
- What do you prefer in a conversation?
- To offer something b. to listen to others and discuss what they offer
- Can you endure critics and avoid arguing?
- Yes b. no
- Do you like when somebody praise you in public?
- Yes b. no
- Will you defend your opinion if everybody is against you?
- Yes b. no
- Can you call yourself a leader when you are with your friends?
- Yes b. no
- Can you hide your mood from other people?
- Yes b. no
- Do you always do what elder people ask you to do?
- Yes b. no
- Can you persuade people who didn’t agree with you during the conversation?
- Yes b. no
- Do you like to give advice to other people?
- Yes b. no
You get 1 point for each answer “A”.
7-10 points – high level of leadership
4-6 points – medium level of leadership
1-3 points – low level of leadership
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The great British politician Margaret Thatcher
What politicians do you know? Is it difficult to be a politician? Why? What character traits should a person have to be a good politician? Give your arguments. Far-sighted Active Careful Rational Ambitious Confident Self-disciplined Broad-minded Calculating Knowledgeable Firm Resolute Strong-willed Fair Economical Responsible Practical Trustworthy In my opinion / In my view / To my mind To my way of thinking … Personally I believe that… I feel very strongly that …
Margaret Thatcher was born in 1935. Her family was conservative. Thatcher graduated from Oxford University. She began working as a lawyer. She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. In 1952, Thatcher put politics aside for a time to study medicine. Thatcher won a seat in the House of Commons in 1979. Thatcher was appointed secretary of state for housing. She was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975. Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979. Thatcher is known for her tough decisions. Thatcher was called “An Iron Lady” by a British newspaper. “ The Iron lady” Watch the video and define if the statements are true or false.
Check yourselves Margaret Thatcher was born in 1935. False Her family was conservative. True Thatcher graduated from Oxford University. True She began working as a lawyer. False She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. True In 1952, Thatcher put politics aside for a time to study medicine. False Thatcher won a seat in the House of Commons in 1979. False Thatcher was appointed secretary of state for housing. False She was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975. True Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979. True Thatcher is known for her tough decisions. True Thatcher was called “An Iron Lady” by a British newspaper. False 11-12 points – “5” 10 points – “4” 7-9 points – “3”
1. Read the text and put the paragraphs in the right order. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C
2 . Divide into two groups. Make up three questions to the text and let the other group answer them. 3 . Give information about Margaret Thatcher using the key words: Grantham, England greengrocer and respected town leader degree in Chemistry Denis Thatcher Mark Thatcher and Carol Thatcher Falklands War three terms as a Prime Minister prosperous country
Describe one of these photos using the plan 1 2 3 4 Start with the words: “ I’ve chosen photo number … “ or “ I’m going to describe photo number … “
Characterize Margaret Thatcher Far-sighted Active Careful Rational Ambitious Confident Self-disciplined Broad-minded Calculating Knowledgeable Firm Resolute Strong-willed Fair Economical Responsible Practical Trustworthy A natural leader To lead the country To be an ambitious woman with strong/powerful personality To do the best to make the country prosperous Is it easy for a woman to be a politician? Why? Can a woman be a good leader or is it a profession only for men? Give your reasons. Do you think our country needs an “iron” leader? Would you like to be a leader? Why?
Listen to the song “Mr politician” and fill in the gaps with the right words CHORUS Mr. Politician please don't ______(1) us. Mr. Politician you're there to relieve us. Just how can we tell, mister, When to _______(2) in you. Oh won't you _____(3) me oh who we're lookin' out for? Mr. Politician could be ______(4) but people it's doubtful. We want a _____(5) who'll fight for the people. We want ______(6) to take us to the steeple. We'd like to point him out to you ______(7), But don't look now. CHORUS We want a leader of the people, We want him honest, not deceitful. We want an _____(8) in the public eye, And we won't give it up lord until we die.
CHORUS Mr. Politician please don't deceive (1) us. Mr. Politician you're there to relieve us. Just how can we tell, mister, When to believe (2) in you. Oh won't you tell (3) me oh who we're lookin' out for? Mr. Politician could be honest (4) but people it's doubtful. We want a leader (5) who'll fight for the people. We want somebody (6) to take us to the steeple. We'd like to point him out to you people (7), But don't look now. CHORUS We want a leader of the people, We want him honest, not deceitful. We want an angel (8) in the public eye, And we won't give it up lord until we die.
Home task: What can you say for and against everybody’s ambition to become a leader at school and later in society? Write about 200 words. Use the following plan: introduce the problem and state your thesis (the subject-matter); express your personal point of view and give reasons for it; give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it; draw a conclusion. Some students think that it is better to be a leader of a group than to be a simple member although being a leader is a quite responsible job.
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