Открытый урок по английскому языку "Проблемы экологии"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
формировать чувство ответственности за сопричастность к проблемам экологии;
- воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде ;
- вырабатывать логическое мышление, умение сопоставлять, давать , выражать свое мнение;
- активизировать лексику по видам деятельности - чтение и письмо;
- подготовить учащихся к устному монологическому высказыванию по теме .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока «O проблемах экологии» .
- формировать чувство ответственности за сопричастность к проблемам экологии;
- воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде ;
- вырабатывать логическое мышление, умение сопоставлять, давать , выражать свое мнение;
- активизировать лексику по видам деятельности - чтение и письмо;
- подготовить учащихся к устному монологическому высказыванию по теме .
Оборудование: Компьютер, раздаточный материал: карточки, тексты, упражнения.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент . Приветствие. Знакомство с темой.
Teacher: Good morning dear children. Today we have guests . Let’s do our lesson more interesting. Sometimes we shall translate to be clear for them.
Now look at the blackboard, let’s see a fragment from the film « The Earth 2100». Here are the words from the film. Translate it please.
So who can say what is the theme of lesson.? You are right : «The problem of Ecology»
- Основная часть урока.
- Повторение лексики.
Учитель раздает ученикам карточки . Ученики читают слова по карточкам.
Environment, ecology, pollution, overcrowding, destruction, resources, exhaust, extinct, cause, habitat, littering, living things.
The task is to read the meaning and guess the word:
- The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people . (Ecology)
- The act of making air, water, land dangerously impure. (Pollution)
- Too many people in one place. (Overcrowding)
- The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something. (Destruction)
- The act of throwing things away untidily. (Littering)
- Plants, animals, people. (Living things)
- The natural home of a plant or animal. (habitat).
- Surroundings, circumstances and influences. (Environment)
- Something which can help in doing something, that can be turned to for support and help. (resources.)
- To use something up completely (Exhaust).
- No longer in existence; having died out. (Extinct).
- That which produces an effect or event. (Cause)
- Активизация лексики.
Who would like to fill in the blanks?
The Earth is our _______ . We must take care of it. The importance of this task is _________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their __________. Each of us must do everything possible to ___________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ___________ the environment, but the activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.
Protect, home, keep, pointed out, environment.
- Расширение темы.
Teacher. There is a nice saying on the blackboard today. Will you read and translate?
Pupil. We do not own the Earth, we have borrowed it from the future generation.
Teacher. What does it mean?
На доске написаны опорные словосочетания: «take care of …», «think only about today», «Keep … for your children»
Teacher. Still the developing human civilization harms the environment.
Animals are in danger. Why? Why people kill them?
Pupil 1. They kill animals because they consider them dangerous.
Pupil 2. They kill animals for fur and trunks to make clothes and ornaments.
Suppose you are journalists. Please, tell us about ecological problems, for ex. the animals who are in danger today.
V. Работа с текстом.
Environmental Protection
The poisoning of the world's land, air and water is one of the most important problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.
People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are a lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and «Green Peace» is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.
VI.Teacher. Here is a little test - complete the sentences using the right word, we'll see how you understand the text:
- Environmental protection is an __________ problem:
- easy; b) important; c) pleasant.
- Forests pour a lot of ______________ into air and water:
- a shortage; b) waste; c) pollution
- What caused the ______________ of wildlife:
- destruction; b) poison; c) population.
- Many rivers and lakes are ____________.
- poisoned; b) filled; c) used
- Many scientists try ___________ ecology problems:
- to solve; b) to know, c) to protect.
Teacher. What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?
- We need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy so people, plants and animals will always have some to drink. It's very important for us to stop making acid rain. Everyone can help keep our air clean and safe. Everybody can help stop the greenhouse effect by using less energy, protecting and planting trees.
- Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years. So it's very important that we learn to do something about it. We can all help to stop the ozone layer from disappearing!
Teacher. Everybody understands that it is necessary to undertake some measures in order to save our planet, to make our cities safe to live in, to make water in rivers clean to drink it. Now, please, take your notebooks and write some sentences to answer the following questions: What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?
Possible answers:
If I were the leader of my country, I would stop logging companies from distroying the rainforest and make them to plant new trees.
- I would create special parks where these animals could live safely.
Teacher. What can you say about the environmental situation in our town?
VII. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов:
Teacher: What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy? What should be done to change the existing situation?
Please, complete the following sentences:
- Try not to buy pre-packaged food because …
- Use less washing up liquid because …
- Use public transport because …
- Never light fires in forests because ….
- Do not drop rubbish in the streets because …
- Do not throw plastic bottles into the sea because …
Домашнее задание : написать эссе на тему “Пути решения экологических проблем в современном мире для сохранения жизни на земле”.
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