"Where love is, all is..."
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Подборка материала к дню Святого Валентина
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by Robert Burns
O my Luve’s like a red. Red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve’s like the melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune
As fair art thou. My bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still my Dear,
Till a’the seas gang dry.
Till a’the seas gang dry, my Dear
And the rocks melt wi’the sun;
I will love thee still, my Dear,
While the sands o’life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only Luve!
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho’it were ten thousand mile!
In England and in the United States February 14 is St. Valentine’s Day. Boys and girls as well as grown-ups send valentines to their friends.
A valentine is a little picture, very often a funny one with a little poem or some kind words on it:
“I’ll be your sweetheart, if you
will be mine,
All of my life I’ll be your valentine.”
Schoolchildren enjoy buying or making valentines for their friends and teachers; very often they write on the valentine “From guess who”, and the person who receives it must guess the name of the sender. In schools boys and girls make a gaily decorated box with a slit on the top where they can “post” their valentines.
Usually each classroom has such a box and at the end of the school day they open their box , take out the valentines and the boy or a girl who gets more valentines than the other children feels very happy.
Time to celebrate love
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and friendship. Love and friendship are very important parts of our lives. It should not seem at all strange, therefore, that there is a holiday devoted to love and lovers, friendship and friends.
Valentine’s Day is a time to tell people that we like them or love them. We can do this in a number of ways throughout the year. But on Valentine’s Day we send people valentines. These are little cards or notes that say “Be My Valentine’.
Valentine’s Day is a traditional celebration. It is not a religious or a legal holiday. After Christmas, it is one of the most popular holidays.
The things which are done at Valentine’s Day are very old customs. The center around the idea of love. They are also connected with the story of the Saint of Love – Saint Valentine.
In fact, the proper name for the holiday is Saint Valentine’s Day. But the traditions of the holiday go back in time even before Saint Valentine. Some of these traditions concern stories of ancient gods and goddesses of love.
I love you, I like you,
I really do like you.
I do not want to strike you,
I do not want to shove you.
I want to like you,
I want to love you;
And like you and love you
And love you and love you.
The holiday through the ages
Gradually, the idea of Saint Valentine’s Day spread from Rome to other parts of Europe. The holiday became popular in the British Isles, France, and Scandinavia.
In Italy, around the year 1000, young men and women gathered in gardens and courtyards on Saint Valentine’s Day. They strolled through the grounds singing songs, listening to music, and reciting poetry.
By about 1400, it became the custom for young men to send their sweethearts gifts on Valentine’s Day. These gifts might be flowers or birds in a cage. Noblemen or princes sent their ladies gold rings, bracelets, or necklaces.
When pocket watches became popular in the late 18th and 19th centuries, a new valentine custom developed. Women embroidered small love tokens the size and shape of pocked watches. Sometimes they stitched in their initials or love messages. Men kept tokens such as these inside their watch cases.
Hundreds of years ago in England, children went from house to house on the morning of Saint Valentine’s Day.
They sang and begged for pennies or other small or other small treats. In America, Valentine’s Day was first celebrated by settlers from the British Isles.
During the Civil War, Valentine’s Day was considered the most important holiday in the United States after Christmas. Periods of war have always been special times for lovers. Most soldiers are young men who have sweethearts back home. Love letters and messages become especially important to couples who are separated. Saint Valentine’s Day was takes on special meaning for them.
An Ancient Roman Holiday
The story of Valentine’s Day begins more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome. February 14 was a day to honor Juno, the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. She was also the goddess of women and marriage. This celebration of Juno’s is probably why February 14 became a special time for couples and sweet hearts.
Roman girls and boys did not go to school together. Nor did they play together as modern children do. However, during the feast of Juno on February 14, this situation changed. On that day young Roman boys chose the names of girls from a large vase. These names had been written on pieces of parchment. Then the boy and the girl whose name he picked became partners in games and dancers throughout the feast.
The Romans brought the feast of Juno to the British Isles when they made Britain a province of their empire. Later, February 14 became a Christian celebration connected with Saint Valentine. The holiday took on a new meaning both in Rome and in Britain and other parts of the Roman Empire.
A Saint Named Valentine
Valentine’s Day takes its name after a priest who lived in Rome around the year A.D.270. At that time, most Romans still believed in their gods and goddesses. Christians could not worship openly. To be a Christian and refuse to worship the gods of Rome was a crime. One story says that the emperor Cladius had forbidden young men to marry because he wanted them as recruits for the Roman army. The soldiers were to be sent to distant provinces of the empire. The emperor wanted the men to be free of wives and sweethearts. The brave priest named Valentine defied the decree. He performed secret marriage ceremonies for young couples. He continued doing this until he was arrested and placed in prison. He thus earned the respect of young couples everywhere. Two centuries later, February 14 was declared the feast day of Saint Valentine.
If I were a Mailman
If I were a mailman
Know what I’d do ?
I’d always bring mail
With letters for YOU!
And on Valentine’s Day
I’d bring you plenty.
I might even bring to you
Valentine’s Day Cards
Perhaps one of the oldest Valentine’s Day customs is sending valentines. As early as the 14th century, people sent Valentine’s Day greetings and messages to each other.
Over the next centuries, sending Valentine’s Day notes or letters became very popular. There were even books explaining how to write valentine messages and verses.
In America, it became a custom to send valentines by the middle of the 18th century. The first valentines in the United States were made by hand. People wrote their notes or verses on pieces of paper. Then they drew designs or pictures around the verses.
Many valentines were decorated with cutout designs made from cloth or paper. Others were decorated with pieces of paper lace. Some valentines had parts that could be moved by pulling little tabs.
Of course, there are all kinds of valentines. They can be sweet and romantic. Or they can be silly and rely on word games to get their messages across. For example, a picture of a Hawaiian dancer decked in island fruits might bear the message: “I pine for you. Apple of my eye.”
Sure as grape grows on vine,
So sure you are my Valentine –
The rose is red, the violet is blue,
lilies are fair and so are you!
The sky is high, the sea is deep.
Thinking of you I cannot sleep
If you love me like I love you
Nothing but death will part us too.
You brightened my life
Turning heart from stone
And I will always love you
For now I’ll never be alone!
February the 14th day
It `s Valentine, they say,
I chose you from among the rest,
The reason is I love you best!
Time of remembrance,
Of lace and bright flowers...
How dear to the heart
Are those Valentine hours!
Filled this card with friendly thoughts
And mailed it out your way
Along with special wishes for an extra – happy day!
Best wishes today, on St. Valentine’s Day –
Happiness always !
I ought to say, because I due:
“I love our person: t is you!”
I sent you a dove, and it is a sign,
That our love will never die!
And everything I need is you
And everything I feel for you.
My love is like a cabbage
divided into two.
The leavers I give to others,
The heart I give to you.
February the fourteenth day
It’s Valentine they say.
I choose you from among the rest,
The reason is I love you best.
A friend like you
is a dream come true.
I’ll be your sweetheart
if you will be mine,
All of my life
I’ll be your Valentine.
Sending a basket
of Valentine wishers
Filled with lots
of love and kisses.
The rose is red,
the violet is blue,
Lilies are fair
and so are you!
The rose is red
the violets are blue,
The honey’s sweet
and so are you.
Just a little note
to say
“Have a happy,
happy Valentine’s Day.”
Here’s a special valentine
With lots of love for you
And since you’re very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
You’re just the nicest kind of boy
So very grown-up, too,
No wonder that this Valentine
Brings lots love for you.
Not only when it’s St.Valentine’s Day
But always, all year through
You’re thought about with words of love
And wished much gladness, too!
I hope that St.Valentine’s Day
Will brings you lots of fun!
He thinks you’re extra-specially nice,
And so does everyone!
Love, love me do,
You know I love you,
I’ll always be true,
So please, love me do,
Love me do.
Someone to love,
Somebody new,
Someone to love,
Someone like you.
Emotions are feelings such as love, happiness, anger, or fear. A long time ago, people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. In later years, they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love, and because of this, it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day.
Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favourite knights when they went to war.
The rose was the favourite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red is a colour that stands for strong feelings. That is why the red rose is a flower of love.
A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper. Often, a message was written on the love knot. The message had no beginning and no end. It could be repeated endlessly.
Son of Venus, goddess of love. He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.
In some countries , men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry. Two or three hundred years ago, Valentine’s Day was a popular day for giving an engagement ring.
H e a r t s
We see many signs and symbols on Valentine’s Day cards and decorations for the holiday. All of them have special meanings.
The red heart is an old symbol for the love. Ccnturies ago, people thought the heart was the center of our feelings. Some of this feeling remains today. When we are happy about something, we may say, “ It does my heart good.” Or when we are sad or disappointed we may say, ”I’m broken-hearted.”
In myths, Cupid flew around shooting arrows into people’s hearts. The arrows didn’t kill them. They made people fall in love with whoever was nearby. It is often hard to understand why the most unlikely people have fallen in love. We say, “Love is blind. ”It must be because Сupid was blind when he shot his arrows!
On Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day
I made a heart,
Red paper and white lace.
I wrote “ I like you”
On the front
And drew a Cupid’s face.
I put it in
The desk of my best friend.
He printed “too”
behind my words
and gave it back again.
Do you love me
Or do you not?
You told me once
But I forgot.
F l o w e r s
Flowers have been symbols of love and happiness for a long time. Today, people often send flowers as gifts. Or they use them as decorations on Valentine’s Day.
Flowers can send some specific messages. The language of the flowers developed over a period of centuries.
For instance, to some people, an iris added to a bouquet of flowers sends a message all its own. “ Look at the other flowers and see what they say.”
Red tulips are a declaration of love. Yellow tulips mean “My love seems hopeless.”
Since earliest times, roses have been prized as the most beautiful of flowers. The rose was sacred to Venus, the ancient goddess of love. On Valentine’s Day, one rose or a dozen means “I love you.”
The violet has a special Valentine’s Day meaning. Legend has it that violets grew outside the window of the jail where Saint Valentine was imprisoned.
Some stories say Valentine was able to reach out and spell messages with flowers. In the language of flowers, violets stand for faithfulness.
What is love?”
It is interesting to know what some English proverbs say about love
“Love conquers all”
(Любовь все побеждает)
“Love will find the way”
(Для любви преград нет)
“Love makes the world go round”
(Без любви ,как без солнышка, нельзя прожить)
“Love is not found in the market”
(Любовь не покупается)
“ Love takes no account of age”
(Любви все возрасты покорны)
“Love should not be all on one side”
( Любовь должна быть взаимной)
“Love is the mother of love”
(Любовь побеждает любовь)
“Love is the true price of love”
(Ответная любовь - лучшая награда)
“Love without end has no end.”
(Любовь-кольцо, а у кольца нет конца)
“Love in a cottage”
(С милым рай и в шалаше)
“Love will creep where it may not go”
(На любовь закона нет)
“Love laughs at locksmiths”
(Настоящей любви не страшны препятствия)
“Love is blind, as well as hatred”
(Любовь слепа)
“ You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.”
(Быть нелюбимой и любить, чем быть любимой , не любить)
“ Let love be our password”
(Любовь – путеводная звезда)
“ Unlucky at cards, lucky in love”
( Коль не везет вам в карты, то повезет в любви)
“ Pity melts the mind to love”
(Жалеет – значит любит)
“ The heart that once truly loves never forgets”
( Сердце, которое хоть раз по-настоящему любит, никогда не забывает)
“ The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love”
( Милые бранятся, только тешатся)
“ To be up to the ears in love”
( Быть влюбленным по уши)
“ No herb will cure love”
( Любовь не пожар, а загорится – не потушишь)
“ For the love of the game”
( Из любви к игре)
“ Beauty lies in lover’s eyes”
( Красота – в глазах любящего)
“ Love at first sight”
( Любовь с первого взгляда)
Why do BOYS like girls?
Boys: we like girls because…
-I don’t know
-I don’t want to know
-The girls are so beautiful. They are absolutely different from boys.
-We have no alternative.
-Girls and boys are opposite people.
-They are so cute and have a sense of humour.
- It’s not easy to say, because girls are very unusual and strange . It’s difficult to understand them. When they say “Yes”, it often means “No”. When they say “No”, it usually means “Yes”.
- Women are very pretty things in this world and we, men, can make women happy and be happy with them. How many days can a man live without a woman? Not a bit.
Girls: boys like us because…
- We are the best part of mankind.
- It’s just one more adventure for them.
- They want girl’s care.
- We are more beautiful, more creative, and more talented, and more intelligent than boys.
- Boys try to understand us but fail, because girls are like UFOs.
- We look attractive: we have big eyes, a small nose, long hair.
- Although boys are always doing silly things, sometimes they can be nice, when they give us sweets, flowers, etc.
- we are kind and responsible. Even in ancient times every girl tried to be attractive.
Why do GIRLS like boys?
Girls: we like boys because…
- They are the most troublesome part of mankind.
- It’s the main law of nature. God created Adam and Eve and told them to love each other.
- Boys are very independent, funny and strange.
- We wants boys care.
- Boys give us chocolate, beautiful flowers, presents.
- They sometimes can be nice.
- They are strong, they are good friends, they never cry, they are never afraid of anything.
- They can defend us.
- They are energetic and sensible. They often take a risk. We like it when boys are intelligent and when they are gentlemen.
Boys: girls like us because…
- I’m not sure they really like us.
- They like money.
- Boys are loyal, strong and clever, creative and talented and have a sense of humour.
-I don’t know. Ask girls.
-Boys can defend girls and can be their best friends.
A Universal Love Poem
Poets and lyricist have always been inspired by love, The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote “My love is like a red red rose”, and Shakespeare wrote “The course of true love never did run smooth”. The Beatles wrote “ She loves you , yeah yeah yeah”. Now you have a chance to join the long list of poets who have written poems about love.
Here is a love poem that you can complete yourself! All you have to do is insert some words and phrases of your own, following the guide. Try to be as poetic and romantic as you can!
For (name)_______________
When I look into your eyes
I see (colour) ____________(season)_________skies.
When I see you walking past
My (part of the body)_______starts (verb)________fast.
You are like sunshine in the (opposite of sun-shine)____________.
The(noun)__________that soothes the pain.
I love the way you (action)_____________
And the (noun)______________that you wear.
Your (noun)______________is like (noun)______________.
Your lips taste like (drink)___________.
You make me ( verb or adjective)_____________, you make me ( verb or adjective)_____________.
Please say you’ll be mine.
Match the stories with the couples
Romeo and Juliet
Victoria and David Beckham
Rhett and Scarlet
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Adam and Eva
They are characters of one of the greatest romantic films ever made. SHE is a beautiful, determined woman, who lives in Georgia during the American Civil War. She marries HIM, but treats him badly. At the end of the film she realizes that she loves him, but it is too late, and he leaves her saying “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”.
SHE was a queen of Egypt. She was famous for her beauty. HE was o Roman politician and soldier who supported Julius Caesar. He fell in love with her, and after they were defeated in battle by Octavian’s army, they both killed themselves.
They are the characters of a sad romantic story. They fall in love although their families are great enemies. They marry secretly, but are prevented from being together, and finally they both kill themselves. They are considered to be typical examples of unlucky young lovers.
According to the old Testament of the Bible, they are the first people made by God and live in the Garden of Eden. God tells them not to eat the apples from the Tree of Knowledge, but a snake persuades her to eat one and share it with him. As a result, God punishes them by forcing them to leave the Garden of Eden.
HE was a football star and SHE is a pop star. He saw her on TV and invited her to come and watch him play football. In 1998 they got married.
Make these yummy treats for your Valentine
You’ll need
1/3 cup butter
1 cup honey
2/3 cup oats
1/3 cup nonfat dry milk
4 teaspoons water
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1. Mix together the butter and honey.
2. Add the oats dry milk, and water. Mix well.
3. Add flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix well.
The dough should be soft
4. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough. It should be 1/5 inch thick.
5. Use heart-shaped cookie cutter or cut out the cookies in heart shapes.
6. Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes in 352 oven.
My Love
by Tony Hatch
My love is warmer than the warmest sunshine,
Softer than a sign,
My love is deeper than the deepest ocean,
Wider than the sky.
My love is brighter than the brightest star
That shines every night above.
And there is nothing in this world that can ever
change my love.
Something happened to my heart
The day that I met you,
Something that I never felt before.
You are always on my mind,
No matter what I do,
And every day it seems I want you more.
Once I thought that love was meant.
For anyone else but me,
Once I thought you’d never come my way.
Now it only goes to show
How wrong we all can be,
For now I have to tell you every day.
I’ll have to say
“I love you” in a song
by Jim Croce
Well, I know it’s kind of late.
I hope I didn’t wake you,
But what I’ve gotta say can’t wait.
I know you’d understand.
Every time I’ve tried to tell you.
The words just came out wrong,
So I’ll have to say “I love you”
In a song.
Year, I know it’s kind of strange.
Every time I’ve near you
I just run out of things to say.
I know you’d understand.
Every time I’ve tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong,
So I’ll have to say “I love you”
In a song.
Year, I know it’s kind of late.
I hope I didn’t wake you.
But there’s something that I just gotta to say
I know you’d understand.
Every time I’ve tried to tell you,
The words just came out wrong,
So I’ll have to say “ I love you”
In a song.
Bu Greg Scelsa
Love is ... a tender feeling,
Love is ... a way of being
Love is ... just showing someone you care.
Love is ... helping with the dishes,
Love is ...feeding your pet fishes,
Love is ...just giving your heart.
Love is so very simple,
It’ s not a mystery.
When you treat those around you
They were same way
You want them to treat you.
Love is ...your baby sister,
Love is ...playing with her,
Love is ...holding her when she cries.
Love is ...sharing your candy,
Love is ... being all that you can be,
Love is ...lending a helping hand
When someone needs you.
Love is ...
L – O – V – E
Love is ...
For you and me.
Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.
You are my sunshine
by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping.
I dreamed I help you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine;
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you;
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
I’ll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me to love another
You’ll regret it, oh, some day.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine;
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear’ how much I love you;
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine;
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you;
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Down in the valley
Down in the valley
The valley so low,
Hang your head over,
Hear the wind blow.
Hear the wind blow, love,
Hear the wind blow
Hang your head over,
Hear the wind blow.
Roses love sunshine,
Violets love dew.
Angels in Heaven
Know I love you.
Know I love you, dear,
Know I love you.
Angels in Heaven
Know I love you.
Writing this letter
Containing three lines,
Answer my question:
Will you be mine?
Will you be mine, love,
Will you be mine?
Answer my question:
Will you be mine?
If you don’t love me,
Love who you please.
Put your arms ‘round me
Give my heart ease.
Give my heart ease, love,
Give my heart ease.
Put your arms ‘round me
Give my heart ease.
Write me a letter
Send it by mail
Send it in care of
The Birmingham Jail
Birmingham Jail, love,
Birmingham Jail
Send it in care of
The Birmingham Jail.
Build me a castle
Forty feet high,
So I can see her
As she rides by.
As she rides by, love,
As she rides by.
So I can see her
As she rides by.
Down in the valley,
The valley so low,
Hang your head over,
Hear the wind blow.
Hear the wind blow, love,
Hear the wind blow
Hang your head over,
Hear the wind blow.
I loved you once
(Я Вас любил)
A.S. Pushkin
I loved you once. My love for you, it may be,
Within this heart of mine is still aglow;
But let it not concern you any longer;
I would not have it pain you anymore.
I loved you once – so hopelessly, in silence,
By shyness now, then jealously beset.
My love for you has been so true, so tender,
As God may grant, another’s may prove yet.
I loved you
I loved you - and my love,
I think, was stronger
Than to be quite extinct
within me yet;
But let it not distress
you any longer;
I would not have you feel
the least regret.
I loved you bare of
hope and of expression,
By turns with jealously and
Shyness sore;
I loved you with such
Purity, such passion
As may God grant you to
Be loved once more
Я Вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасло не совсем;
Но пусть она Вас больше не тревожит;
Я не хочу печалить Вас ничем.
Я Вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
то робостью, то ревностью томим;
Я Вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
Как дай Вам Бог любимой быть другим.
If your love for me is true,
Send me quick a bow of blue.
If you ever of me think,
Send me quick a bow of pink
If you have another fellow,
Let me have a bow of yellow
If your love for me is dead
I’ll know it if your bow is red.
It’s Valentine’s Day
by Jack Prelutsky
It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street
There’s freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
I don’t think I’ll go out today.
But here inside the weather’s warm.
There is no trace of wind or storm.
And you just made the morning shine.
You said you’d me my Valentine.
A Valentine for my teacher
by Jack Prelutsky
My teacher’s very special,
So I’m making her a heart.
A Valentine that’s sure to be
A proper work of art.
I’ve worked on it all morning,
So it should be ready soon.
I’d like to slip it on her desk
Before this afternoon.
It’s colored in with crayons,
And it’s trimmed with paper lace
It has flowers hearts, and Cupids.
I can’t wait to see her face.
A goddess on a mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
Summit of a beauty and love
And Venus was her name.
She’s got it year baby she’s got it
Well I’m your Venus
I’m your fire at your desire.
Her weapon her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as a dark night she was
Got what on one else had.
She’s got it year baby she’s got it
Well I’m your Venus
I’m your fire at your desire.
And I love her
The Beatles
(John Lennon and Paul Mc.Cartney)
I give her all my love
That’s all I do
And if you saw my love
You’d love her too,
And I love her.
She gives me everything
and tenderly
the kiss my lover brings
she brings to me,
And I love her
A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I have you near me
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark in the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die,
And I love her
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark in the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die,
And I love her
The shadow of your smile
(H.Mandel / F. Webster)
The shadow of your smile
When you are gone
Will colour all my dreams
And light the dawn
Look into my eyes, my Love,
And see all the lovely things
You are to me.
A wistful little star
Was far too high
A tear-drop kissed your lips
And so did I
Now when I remember spring
Al the joy that love can bring
I will be remembering
The shadow of your smile.
Love Story
(Andy Williams)
(C Sigman / F. Lay)
Where do I begin to tell the story of
how great a love can be.
The sweet love story that is older than
the sea.
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start?
With her first ”Hello” she gave
a meaning to this empty world of mine
there’d never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart
She fills my heart with very special things
With angel songs, with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I’m never lonely with her love.
Who could be lonely?
I’ll reach for her hand
It’s always there.
How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours
in a day?
I have no answers now
But this much I can say
I know I’ll need her
Till the stars all burn away
And she’ll be there.
I’ve just called
No New Year’s Day to celebrate, no
chocolate cover’d Candy hearts to give away
No birds of spring, no song to sing. In fact
it’s just another ordinary day.
No April rain, no flowers bloom, no
Wedding Saturday within the month of June.
But what it is is something true made up of
these three words that I must say to you.
I just call to say “I love you”
I just call to say how much I care
I just call to say “I love you”
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
No Summer’s time, no warm July
No harvest moon to light me tender August night.
No Autumn breeze, no falling leaves, no
even time for birds to fly to southern skies.
No Libra sun, no Halloween, no
giving things toward the Christmas joy you bring.
But what it is, though Oh so new
To fill your heart like no three words that I ever knew.
I just call to say “I love you”
I just call to say how much I care
I just call to say “I love you”
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Love is a many splendoured thing
Love is a many splendoured thing
It’ s the April rose
that only grows
in the early spring
Love is nature’s
way of giving
a reason to be living.
The golden crown
that makes a man a king.
Once on a high
and windy hill
In the morning mist
two lovers kissed
And the world stood still
Then your fingers touched
my silent heart
and taught it
how to sing.
Yes, true love’s a many
splendoured thing.
Love is real
Real is love.
Love is feeling
Feeling love.
Love is wanting
to be loved.
Love is touch
Touch is love.
Love is reaching
Reaching is love.
Love is asking
to be loved.
Love is you
You and me.
Love is knowing
We can be.
Love is free
Free is love.
Love is living
Living is love.
Love is needing
to be loved.
P.S. I Love You
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I’ll always
Be in love with you
Treasure these few words
till we’re together
Keep al my love forever
P. S. I love you
You, you , you
I’ll be coming home again to you love
And till the day I do love
P. S. I love you
You, you , you.
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I’ll always
Be in love with you.
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I’ll always
Be in love with you.
I’ll be coming home again to you love
And till the day I do love
P. S. I love you
You, you , you.
I love you.
Love Me Tender
Love me tender
Love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so.
Love me tender
Love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darlin’
I love you
And I always will.
Love me tender
Love me long
Take me to your heart
For it’s there I belong
And we’ll never part.
Love me tender
Love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darlin’
I love you
And I always will.
Love me tender
Love me long
Tell me you are mine
I’ll be yours
through all the years
till the end of time.
It’s now or never
It’s now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling
Be mine to night
Tomorrow will be too late
It’s now or never
My love won’t wait.
When I first saw you
With your smile so tender
My heart was captured
My soul surrendered
I’ve spent a life time
waiting for the right time
Now that you’re near
The time is here at last.
It’s now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling
Be mine to night
Tomorrow will be too late
It’s now or never
My love won’t wait.
Just like a willow
we would cry an ocean
If we lost true love
and sweet devotion
Your lips excite me
Let your arms invite me
For who knows when we’ll meet again this way.
Love song
Does she love him?
Yes, she does.
Is she happy?
Yes, she is.
Does he know it?
Yes, he does, yes, he knows it.
Will she hug him?
Yes, she will.
Will she kiss him?
Yes, she will.
Will she leave him?
Yes, she will, if she has to.
Does he love her? Yes, he does.
Is he happy?
Yes, he is.
Does she know it?
Yes, she does, yes, she knows it.
Will he hug her?
Yes, he will.
Will he kiss her?
Yes, he will.
Will he leave her?
Yes, he will, if he has to.
Are they happy?
Yes, they are.
Are they lucky?
Yes, they are.
Do they know it/yes, they do, yes they know it.
Will he find somebody new?
Will she find somebody too?
Yes, they will.
Yes, they will, if they have to.
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Let me call you sweetheart
I’m in love with you.
Let me hear your whisper
That you love me, too.
Keep me love light glowing
In your eyes so true.
Let me call you sweetheart,
I’m in love with you.
“Woman in Love”
( by Barbara Streisand)
Life’s just a moment in space. When the
dreams are gone, it’s a lonelier place.
We kiss the morning good-bye but down
inside you know we never know why.
The road is narrow and long when eyes meet
eyes and the feeling is strong.
I turn away from the wall, I stumble and
fall, but I give you it all…
I am a woman in love and I’ll do anything
to get you into my world and to hold you
It’s a right I defend over and over again
…What do I do?
With you eternally mine in love. There is
no measure of time we planned it all
At the start that you and I live
in each other’s heart .
We may be oceans away you feel my love
I hear what you say the truth
is ever a lie I stumble and fall
but I give you it all and hold you within
It’s a right I defend over and over again
…What do I do?
I am a woman in love
I’m talking to you I know how you feel
what a woman can do
It’s a right I defend over and over again
…What do I do?
I am a woman in love
to get you into my world and to hold you
It’s a right I defend over and over again
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts
are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her
I have seen roses damask, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more
Than in the breath that from my mistress
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she believed with false compare
Ее глаза не схожи с солнцем, нет;
Коралл краснее алых этих губ;
Темнее снега кожи смуглый цвет;
Как проволока, черный волос груб;
Узорных роз в садах не перечесть,
Но их не видно на щеках у ней,
И в мире много ароматов есть
Ее дыханья слаще и сильней;
И ее речах отраду нахожу,
Хоть музыка приятнее на слух;
Как шествуют богини, не скажу,
Но ходит по земле, как все мой друг.
И я клянусь – она не хуже, все ж,
Чем те, кого в сравненьях славит ложь.
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