Тест к учебнику Тер-Минасовой 6 класс, раздел 1
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
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Test № 1 к учебнику Тер-Минасовой 6 класс
1. Read the text and choose the correct answer after the text.
The family of the Buckets lived not far from the chocolate factory. And the only thing Charlie wanted was CHOCOLATE.
Walking to school in the mornings, Charlie could see chocolate in the shop windows, he stopped and looked at it through the window. Many times a day Charlie saw children eating chocolate and his mouth watered with chocolate taste.1
Only once a year, on his birthday, Charlie Bucket tasted a bit of chocolate. The whole family saved up their money for that, day and Charlie always got one small bar of chocolate for his birthday.
One day Grandpa saw a note in the newspaper that said that Willy Works, the owner of the Chocolate Factory, decided to invite five children to visit his Chocolate factory, Five Golden Tickets were hidden in the; bars chocolate Wonka! .
"Happy birthday!" cried the four old grandparents, as Charlie came into their room early the next morning.
Charlie smiled nervously and sat down on the edge of the bed. He was holding his present, his only present, very carefully in his two hands. It was Wonka's bar of chocolate.
The room became silent. Everybody was waiting now for Charlie to start Opening his present. Charlie looked down at the bar of chocolate.
Then his mother, Mrs Bucket, said gently, "You; mustn't be too disappointed2, my darling, if you don't find a lucky ticket'. “After all there are only three tickets left to be found” added Grandma: “The thing to remember is that you still have a bar of chocolate".
Of course, it was ridiculous3 to expect to find a magic ticket in this very bar of chocolate. But there was a chance...
Charlie opened the bar. There was no Golden ticket there. "Let's eat it up. I want 9 to taste it," said Charlie.
1 mouth watered – слюнки бежали
2 disappointed – разочарован
3 ridiculous - нелепо, смехотворно
1. Charlie thought much аbout chocolate because
а) he пеvег tasted it;
b) he saw children eating it;
с) he always got it fоr his birthday;
d) he wanted chocolatc very muсh.
2. 1t was difficult fоr thе family оf the Buckets to buу chocolate because
а) they did n't know \vhat chocolate to choose;
b) they didn't have enough moneу;
с) they didn't like sweets;
d) thеу had а factory nеаг the housе.
3. Willy Wопkа decided tо рut Golden Tickets intо the bars оf сhосоlate becousе
а) he wanted people to buу mоге chocolales;
Ь) he wanted tо give рresent to children;
с) he wanted people to speak аbout chocolale;
d) he wanted tо invite five children to the factory.
4. Charlic's parents didn't want the bоу tо be disappointed becouse
а) they didn't believe that he could find а Golden Ticket;
Ь) they knеw that chocolate was not tasty;
с) Charlie didn't wаnt chocolate аnу mоге;
d) the bаг оf chocolale was very small.
2.Read the text again and put the sentences in the соrrесt order.
О Charlic saw chocolate in the shop window every morning.
О Charlie wanted tо find а magic ticket.
О Charlie gave chocolate tо his parents.
О There were five Golden Tickets.
О Grandpa saw а nоtе in the newspaper.
О Тhе family saved the mопеу fог the ргеsеnt fог а long time.
О There were three tickets left.
3. Complete the sentences choosing the correct variant.
1. We ______________а holiday last уеаг,
а) didn't have b) haven't had с) hadn't have
2. Mу parents ___________tо the USA mаnу times
а) have bееп b) were с) had
3. I ___________a new dress last week, out I ________ it yet.
а) have bought, haven't worn
Ь) bought, wore
с) bought, haven't wom
4.____________it__________ raining yet?
a) Did it stop
b) Is it stopped
с) Has it stopped
5. Don't worry about your letter.1_________ it the day before yesterday.
а) sended b) have sent с) sепt
6. 1 ______________mу glasses. 1__________then when I came to the col1ege this rnoning.
а) losed, have, b) have lost, hаd с) lost, have had
7. Dad isn't at hоmе. Не went to the work an hour ___________
а) fоr b) since с) ago
8. JiI1 hasn't been there _____________ ages.
а) for b) since с) ago
9. We haven’t seen each other __________ that evening.
а) for b) since с) ago
10. I have never sailed again _________ that journey.
а) for b) since с) ago
4. Ask questions to the sentences
1. There аге тапу ways to travel if the weather is fine. (Tag question)
2. We didn't know where to find mоre information about that city. (What)
3. Мг John could play different musical instruments. (Oг)
4. Mary has jtlst received а letter from Africa from her friends. (General)
5. Tourists visit this раrt оf the country vегу оftеn. (Who)
5* Ореп the brackets.
When summer (1) __________ (to соmе), mаnу families (2) __________
(to live) in the соuntrу. Last Juпе mу mother апd 1 (3) _________(to bе)
аt mу granny's house. It (4)_________(to be built) in а vегу nice place аt the bank оf the river. 1 (5)_________(to make) friends with other boys in thе village.
Опс day we (6) ________(to go) tо the forest and (7)________(to lose) оur way back home. Willie said "1 (8)________ (to bе) nevег in such а place! 1 (9)____________ (not to know) the way back."
We (10)__________(to walk) all day lопg. We (11)_________(can not, to find) оur village. Whеп пight (12) ________(tо соmе) we (13)__________ (tо feel) vегу tiгed, but we (14) ______________(nоt to have) а рlасе to sleep. Аt last we (15) _________(to sit) undег а big fir trее.
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