Тест к учебнику Биболетова 9 класс 3 раздел тема "Конфликты"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Сучкова Наталия Геннадиевна

Тест в 4 вариантах к третьему разделу учибника Enjoy English 9, задания на знание лексики, фразовые глаголы и разделительные вопросы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

№1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: peaceful, prevent, values, disagree, resolve.

When people (1) __ with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or (2) __. It is not always possible to (3) __ conflicts. But we can (4) __ conflicts by (5) __ means.

№2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.

  1. They don’t … with each other.
  1. get away                b) get along                        c) get back
  1. It took him many years to … the death of his parents.
  1. get over                b) get off                        c) get together
  1. I won’t be able to … from the office before seven.
  1. get on                        b) get back                        c) get away
  1. I don’t want to … a society that supports smokers.
  1. put on                        b) put off                        c) put up with
  1. What time did you … last time?
  1. get away                b) get back                        c) get together

№3. Подберите слова к дефинициям.

  1. provide (v)                a) to indicate the faults of something
  2. support (v)                b) finding or learning something
  3. discovery (n)        c) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
  4. confident (adj)        d) to offer (food, drink, information, opportunity, help, etc)
  5. criticize (v)                e) a feeling that one can rely on oneself  

Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. We have done something wrong, ____________?
  2. They admitted their mistake, ____________?
  3. You will show respect to your opponents, _________?
  4. Name-calling is very harmful, _______?
  5. You appreciate your friend’s help, _________?

Вариант 2

№1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: conservative, lovely, velvet, sign, reunion, wheelchair.

The mother thought her daughter would look (1) __ in the velvet dress. The policeman gave the driver a (2) __ to stop the car. Old people are usually more (3) __ than young people. Are you planning to have a family (4) __ at Christmas? People who are unable to walk use a (5) __.

№2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.

  1. The bus driver will tell you where to … .
  1. get along with        b) got on                        c) get off
  1. He is a new student, but he … fine at school.
  1. gets on                b) gets together                c) gets off
  1. She is a nice person to talk with and she never … my secrets.
  1. gets up                b) gives in                        c) gives away
  1. She … her sickness quite soon.
  1. got up                        b) got through                c) got over
  1. A reunion is a meeting of people who want to … after a separation.
  1. get together                b) get over                        c) get back

№3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.

  1. get on                        a) finding or learning something
  2. contrary (adj)        b) to offer (food, information, help, etc)
  3. relax (v)                c) to have comfortable or friendly relations
  4. discovery (n)        d) the opposite (opinion idea, advice, etc)
  5. provide (v)                e) to calm down or to rest

№4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. We can settle this conflict, _________?
  2. They admitted their mistake, _________?
  3. The girl put on her black velvet dress, ______?
  4. She is still trying to get over her cold, _______?
  5. You appreciate your friend’s help, __________?

Вариант 3.

№1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: argue, fair, share, get on, argument.

My sons Tom and Chris often have fights. They don’t (1) __ with each other. They often (2) __ about things because they refuse to share them. For example, we have only one TV set, and they can never (3) __ it. My husband and I had an (4) __ about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to watch TV because he was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not (5) __.

№2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.

  1. She is still trying to … her cold.
  1. get together                        b) get over                        c) get off
  1. A group of mountain climbers from Russia … at the foot of the Himalayas.
  1. got together                        b) got along with                c) got over
  1. Please put the knife … on the table before you hurt somebody.
  1. off                                b) down                        c) on
  1. The concert is … till next week.
  1. put off                        b) put down                        c) put on
  1. They don’t … with each other.
  1. get off                        b) get back                        c) get along

Задание №3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.

  1. support (v)                        a) to calm down or to rest
  2. confident (adj)                b) to have comfortable or friendly relations
  3. get on (v)                        c) a feeling that one can rely on oneself
  4. relax (v)                        d) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
  5. provide (v)                        e) to offer (food, drink, help, information, etc)

Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. They don’t get along with each other, ________?
  2. The bus driver will tell you where to get off, ______?
  3. She gives you the creeps, ________?
  4. There wasn’t a sign of life in the place, _________?
  5. Old people are usually more conservative than young people, ________?

Вариант 4

№1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: fair, take turns, solve the problems, be fair, put the ideas into action.

The boys could not share the TV. Their father advised them to (1) __. The parents wanted to (2) __ to their sons. In her letter, Ann told the editor about her problem. The editor helped Ann (3) __. The editor’s letter was full of good ideas. Ann decided to (4) __. The punishment was not (5) __.

№2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.

  1. I don’t know how she … with her son’s fights.
  1. puts down                b) puts up                c) puts on
  1. I won’t be able to … from the office before seven.
  1. get away                b) get back                c) get together
  1. All of them had been friends for about ten years and … very well.
  1. got back                b) got on                c) got along
  1. It took him many years to … the death of his parents.
  1. get along                b) get over                c) get together
  1. The girl … her black velvet dress.
  1. put off                b) put on                c) put up with

№3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.  

  1. relax (v)                a) to calm down or to rest
  2. contrary (adj)        b) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
  3. get on (v)                c) the opposite (opinion idea, advice, etc)
  4. criticize (v)                d) to have comfortable or friendly relations
  5. support (v)                e) to indicate the faults of something

№4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. The mother did not see any sign of beauty in her daughter’s behavior, _____?
  2. We should find a hotel to stay in, _______?
  3. He has done something wrong, _________?
  4. Your mother doesn’t want you to look wild, ________?
  5. They can come to settle any conflict in any country, _______?

Вариант 1.

№1.                        №2.        №3.        №4.

  1. disagree        1) b        1) d        1) haven’t we?
  2. values        2) a        2) c        2) didn’t they?
  3. resolve        3) c        3) b        3) won’t you?
  4. prevent        4) c        4) e        4) isn’t it?
  5. peaceful        5) b        5) a        5) don’t you?

Вариант 2.

№1.                        №2.        №3.        №4.

  1. lovely                1) c        1) c        1) can’t we?
  2. sign                2) a        2) d        2) didn’t they?
  3. conservative        3) c        3) e        3) doesn’t /didn’t she?
  4. reunion        4) c        4) a        4) isn’t she?
  5. wheelchair        5) a        5) b        5) don’t you?

Вариант 3.

№1.                        №2.        №3.        №4.

  1. get on                1) b        1) d        1) do they?
  2. argue                2) a        2) c        2) won’t he?
  3. share                3) b        3) b        3) doesn’t she?
  4. argument        4) a        4) a        4) was there?
  5. fair                5) c        5) e        5) aren’t they?

Вариант 4.

№1.                                        №2.        №3.        №4.

1) take turns                                1) b        1) a        1) did she?

2) be fair                                2) a        2) c        2) shouldn’t we?

3)solve the problem                3) c        3) d        3) hasn’t he?

4) put the ideas into action        4) b        4) e        4) does she?

5) fair                                        5) b        5) b        5) can’t they?

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