Презентация "Школа моей мечты"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
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The school of my dream If you ask me how I see school of the future, I’ll use my imagination a lot. First of all, the school of my dream is a modern and well equipped building with large windows, big halls and bright classes.
We would have got our own computers on our desks. With the help of computers we could carry out exercises and receive marks. That is very interesting.
In my ideal school I would like to have an interactive whiteboard in each class.
Can you think of a day without music? I would like to have a music room. Music forms people’s internal world, helps correctly understand occurring events and bring up taste.
I would like that my school has a spacious swimming pool. Where we could swim at our PT lessons.
During breaks students could be eat tasty dishes at school canteen.
It would be great if school can organize travels abroad for those students who want to succeed in foreign languages. 1 – 2 weeks in Great Britain or in the USA can motivate me more to speak English than conversations with all my teachers of English.
School rules should be democratic neither strict nor too free. Teachers talk to their students as if they are grownups. Also teachers and students must treat each other with more respect. I think that students will only receive good marks.
I would make autumn, winter and spring holidays longer to let pupils to spend more time out or to travel.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Воспитательная система школы "Школа моей мечты"
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