Методическая разработка
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Каратонова Татьяна Александровна

Методическая разработка предназначена для учителей английского языка. Мероприятие направлено на осмысление вопроса о будущей профессии и на раскрытие творческого потенциала обучающихся.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка «Шаги к успешной карьере»

Ход мероприятия

  1. Приветствие.

Teacher (T) - Good morning, boys and girls. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? I hope everything is ok. Today we have a regular lesson of our British club. How old are you? (учащиеся отвечают на вопрос). The age between 14 and 17 is considered to be one of the best periods in people's life. But most teens wouldn't agree with this opinion if they were asked. They're sure and that's quite true that they are overwhelmed with different problems and they are very serious.

  1. Целеполагание. Определение плана работы.

T - Why do people say that being a teen is great and hard at the same time?

Students (Ss) share their ideas.

T - What problems have you got in your age? You know you can print your answers on your laptops I will see them.

Ss - Предполагаемые варианты ответов:

- relations with parents;

- relations with friends;

- unrequited love;

-how to choose a future profession

T - How do you understand the phrase “your future begins today”? What are you doing for your future now?

Ss answer the questions.

T - There is a very remarkable statement “Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it”.

What are your priorities today? How do you think, they may change with time?

Ss share their ideas in 3 – 5 sentences.

T – Do you agree with the statement?  “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius)

 (Ss) share their ideas.

T - Have you ever thought about your future profession? (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)

Today we are going to do a project. What is a project? Let’s use https://www.onelook.com/  to learn the meaning of this word.

S1 - Project - a planned piece of work that has a particular aim.

T - You are going to have a mini-project for one lesson.

How would you like to work in groups or individual? (учащиеся выбирают, как выполнять проект, индивидуально или в группах)

T -Let’s remember the model how to do a project. (слайд презентации) You are going to present your results and solutions in your mind-maps. What does the word “mind-map” mean? You can use our searcher “OneLook” again. (учащиеся или своими словами, или при помощи электронного словаря дают определение значения слова)

S2 - Mind-map is a diagrammatic method of representing ideas, with related concepts arranged around a core concept. You can do a mind-map on the sheet of paper or using different services and programs, for example, https://www.spiderscribe.net , https://www.xmind.net .

4. Предварительная оценка деятельности.

T - You know the theme of your project must be connected with your future profession. Let’s use the service https://kahoot.com/ Look at the project pre-assessment form and answer the question. (https://create.kahoot.it/details/aaa13ccc-ef70-43cc-a1f7-8d2f558d2bf9) It’s not necessary to write your names. I would like to know what difficulties you can have.

3. Постановка проблемы.

T - What problem are we going to talk about? Look through these questions.

1) Have you thought about your future yet? When is the right time to begin thinking about your future career?

2) What kind of activity is most attractive to you? What jobs do you consider suitable for yourself? Why?

3) Are you preparing for your future career now? How? Why not?

4) Does your family help you with choosing a career? How do they see your future? Do you agree with them?

5) What advantages do having a good job and making a good career give you?

6) What jobs will you never agree to do? Why not? 

Ss read aloud the questions and comment on them.

T -Choose the most important question for you and try to formulate a topic of your project.

4. Формулировка темы.

T - When you choose a research topic remember some rules.

  • Choose a topic that interest you
  • Insure the topic is relevant
  • Keep the topic focused
  • Insure you have enough resources to support your research

Some of you who can’t formulate a topic should use https://www.questia.com/ , an online digital library; its topic idea generator will help you.

5. Определение объекта исследования.

T - What can be the study subject?

Ss -(Предполагаемые ответы)

  • A student
  • A profession
  • A famous person

6. Активизация лексики по теме.

1). T - Which of the following can influence your choice of a future career? Put them in the order of importance. Compare your lists.

The job I’d like to do should be:




∙easy to do




∙giving a chance to travel





∙giving a chance to develop my skills

∙giving you some freedom of action


Ss do the task.

2). T - Here is a list of some popular jobs. Choose among them five that you prefer. Put them in the order of preference. Compare your lists and explain your choice.



social worker




sports instructor



police officer









travel agent





computer operator

computer programmer






estate agent

fashion designer




Ss read aloud the jobs and comment on them.

3). Подготовка к монологическому высказыванию.

T - Below is a list of personal qualities. What jobs suit people who have these qualities? Explain your choice.

Example:I think a mechanic should have an ability to work with his hands and physical strength.

He also needs some interest in sciences.

Personal qualities:

∙imagination, patience, tolerance, kindness, creativity, courage, quick reactions, physical strength, interest in sciences, interest in arts

interest in the natural world, a good memory, a good ear for music, good social skills, an ability to study hard, an ability to work with one’s hands, an ability to work with one’s brain, an ability to express yourself clearly, an ability to be a leader

Ss make up sentences.

4). T - Hopefully you have already chosen your future career. Speak about how you did it. Mention:

∙what you wanted to do as a child;

∙if and when you changed your mind if you did;

∙what or who helped you to make your choice;

∙what you expect of your future job;

∙what you see as advantages and disadvantages of your chosen career.

Ss make up a short story.

T - Look at this slide and remember the difference between these words.

Английские слова job, profession, occupation, career близки по своему значению. Тем не менее их следует различать для того, чтобы не ошибиться в употреблении.

Job: любая работа, выполняемая регулярно, часто за деньги:

It’s my job to feed and walk the dog.

Profession: также работа, выполняемая регулярно за плату, но при этом она обычно требует университетского образования и считается достаточно статусной (профессии врача, юриста, учителя и т.п.):

Medicine is a profession that requires years of study.

Occupation: любая профессия или занятие. Фактически это слово употребляется как вместо слова job, так и вместо слова profession. Однако оно более характерно для формальной письменной речи и часто используется в анкетах:

Occupation: Teacher of Biology.

Career: все профессии и виды деятельности, которые человек выполняет последовательно в течение своей жизни в одной и той же области:

My cousin has a successful career as a doctor

7. Выполнение мини-проектов.

T - Before you start doing your projects you should remember how to make mind-maps. (Слайды презентации).

8. T -(включает тихую, спокойную музыку) Ребята, вам знакома эта мелодия? Кто ее автор? Имя Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта известно далеко за пределами его Родины – Австрии. Он был великим композитором и музыкантом, который обладал невероятной работоспособностью, абсолютным музыкальным слухом и исключительной памятью. «После Бога только отец» — говорил Вольфганг Амадей. В 4 года Леопольд стал учить сына игре на клавесине, в 5 Вольфганг сочинил свои первые пьесы, а к 6 практически без помощи отца освоил скрипку. Моцарт создавал легкие, гармоничные и прекрасные произведения, которые стали классикой для детей и взрослых. Научно доказано, что его сонаты и концерты положительно влияют на умственную деятельность человека. Пусть эта музыка поможет вам  собраться с мыслями и логично их выстроить в ваших интеллектуальных картах.

9. Представление интеллект карт.

Команды оценивают выступающих

Points of assessment


  1. Rules of making a mind-map are observed

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Clear and simple structure

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Having images, symbols

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Creativity

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Aim is reached

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Presenters show enthusiasm and energy

1 2 3 4 5


10. Подведение итогов.

Учащиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке, используя сервис https://kahoot.com/ Рефлексия https://create.kahoot.it/details/384076fe-64f0-4c33-bf02-610553ffd172 

T - Thank you for this lesson. I hope we have enjoyed together. You did a great job! 

Электронные источники:

  1. Электронная форма учебника (ЭФУ) Английский язык. Rainbow English Афанасьева О. В. Михеева И. В. Баранова К. М. https://reader.lecta.rosuchebnik.ru/demo/7940-61 
  2. https://www.onelook.com/
  3. https://www.questia.com/ 
  4. https://kahoot.com/ 

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