Разработка урока Sightseeing in London для развития навыков чтения на аутентичном материале для учащихся уровня A1-A2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс)
Это очень увлекательный урок, в ходе которого учащиеся читают настоящий Sightseeing leaflet и выбирают лучший маршрут поездки на экскурсионном автобусе по Лондону. Основная цель урока - развитие навыков чтения и компенсаторных навыков, а также формирование стойкой мотивации и интереса к изучению английского языка.
Предварительный просмотр:
Teacher: Elena Ryabenko
Level of students: pre-intermediate
Aims: to practise reading for gist and scanning for specific information in the context of using authentic material (advertising leaflet) Sub-Aims: to develop speaking for fluency in the context of going on an open-top bus tour, to practice deducing meaning from the context, to raise cultural awareness, to motivate to learn English Personal Aims: to grade the language appropriately to the level of the learners |
- Authentic text from The Original Tours leaflet
- Self-created handouts
I assume the students will be interested to read an authentic advertising leaflet and will willingly participate in a real-life context based dialogue.
I assume the students have enough language to be able to cope with reading activities based on the authentic material.
Timetable fit
Having discussed special days quite a lot, students will switch over to speak about sightseeing.
Anticipated Problems and Solutions for classroom management
Some students might come late. | Try to involve late-comers paring them with those who can help and promote peer-teaching. |
Some reading stages might take longer than I plan due to the fact that authentic material might be challenging for pre-intermediate students. | Put answer keys into PPT to save time at OCFB stage. |
Some students might finish speaking earlier than the others. | Regroup them with another partner and ask to report what they have just found out. |
Anticipated Problems and Solutions for Skills Based Lessons or Stages.
Some students might find it difficult to pronounce proper names for sights. | Drill with the class and help with any problems when monitoring them at speaking for fluency stage. |
Some students might find it confusing to deal with authentic material and might keep asking to translate difficult words. | Try to encourage students to use the context and/or generally ignore the words which do not impede with fulfilling the task. |
| Interaction Pattern |
Lead-in | To set the context, to arouse interest | 5 | T shows the pictures of some sights in London and elicits their names. Sts work in pairs and match the sights with their name (Handout ex1). T drills the names of the sights. OCFB | T-SSS S-S SSS-T |
Reading 1 (for gist) | To develop sub-skills of reading for gist | 5 | Sts get the Original Tour advertising leaflet read it and find out what the company advertises (ex 2a). Sts check in pairs. OCFB | T-SSS S S-S SSS-T |
Reading 1 (for specific information) | To develop sub-skills of scanning | 7 | Sts read the leaflet again and find some specific information about the Original Tour (ex 2b). Sts check in pairs. OCFB | T-SSS S S-S SSS-T |
Reading 2 (for gist) | To develop sub-skills of reading for gist | 5 | Sts read descriptions of bonus services and match them with the icons for bonus service (ex 3a). Sts check in pairs. OCFB | T-SSS S S-S SSS-T |
Reading 1 (for specific information) | To develop sub-skills of scanning | 8 | Sts read descriptions of bonus services again and find some specific information about them (ex 3b). Sts check in pairs. OCFB | T-SSS S S-S SSS-T |
Focus on vocabulary (optional) | To practice in deducing meaning from the context | 5 | Students work individually and try to match the words from the text with their meaning (ex 4). Sts check in pairs. T checks understanding and drills the words. OCFB | T-SSS S S-S T-SSS SSS-T |
Follow-up | To develop speaking for fluency | 10 | T elicits useful language to express and justifies preferences and drills phrases with the students (optional). Students work in pairs and tell each other which tour they would like to take and why (ex 5) | T-SSS S-S SSS-T |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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