Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Mass Media and Communications"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
План-презентация к уроку английского языка для учащихся 9 классов по теме "Средства массовой информации. Реклама."
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How many advertisements do you think you see or hear in a day? Where do you see advertisements? Name the places. What makes an advertisement remain in your memory? (images? words? music? phrases?)
Read the text Advertisements comes in many forms. Not only can read them, watch them, and hear them……but you can sing, hum, and whistle them as well. Advertisers spend millions of dollars each year developing catchy tunes, or jingles, to sell products. Some ads involve entire songs. Other ads just have one or two lines set to music. Either way, the advertisers hope that the jingle will remember you the product, when you are in a store; you might hum the jingle, think about the product, and automatically buy it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=po0jY4WvCIc
Catchy tune! Aren’t you?!
Work in groups Analyze which off the following statements represent the implications of Mass Media. Tick the right idea and then try to prove it.
How can advertising influence you as a consumer? You decided to buy a new pair of jeans when four other pairs are on the shelf. Why? You choose one kind of shampoo over another. Why? You want to buy a hamburger from one restaurant instead of another. WHY? Choose one kind. Advertisements, or ads, often influence your decisions to buy. An ad is a recommendation for a product or service. Radio and television commercials are forms of advertisements. Printed advertisements appear in magazines and newspapers. Every day thousands of products and services are promoted though advertising.
How it works? FLATTERY – some ads try to convince you to buy a product by complimenting you. The message is that the product is for you because you deserve the b………. FREE GIFT – sometimes ads offer you something “free” if you buy a certain product. A p……….. in cereal box is an example. Often, though, the p……. o ffered is worthless or its cost has been added to the price of the product. JOIN THE CROWD – such ads show people using a product and indicate that “ ev ………………” likes and use it. The ads urge you not to be left out.
Watch this video It gets you thinking about how advertising works and functions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4tTugqBkJU#t=16 Name the techniques with their definitions.
Persuasive Techniques in Advertising Which techniques are used in the following examples? A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray. Tiger Woods endorses Nike. Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free. A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads. A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette. Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of aspirin. Advil Liqui -Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief. Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements. People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink. A magazine ad shows people smiling while smoking cigarettes.
Watch ads! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ve4M4UsJQo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho7gIb91Jc0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yETwfFz-MWE&feature=related
Best advertising results when some of the major goals are achieved. Three common goals are: Informing consumers , that is creating awareness of a business and product or service; Convincing customers to buy the products, that is generate and increase sales attract competitors’ customers Remind the consumer about the company by creating or modifying the image of the company.
Advertising campaign Working together in small groups Create and Present your own Advertisement
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