Урок обощающего повторения для 5 класса по теме"Clothes"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Закрепление лексики по теме


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Предварительный просмотр:

Coursebook/Lesson 68 : Vereshagina 3/Clothes

Aim: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to name without mistakes different kinds of clothes, make sentences with these words, using different grammar tenses, and make simple dialogues.

Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing

New language: “Could you change…?”, “What’s wrong with it?”, “It’s the wrong size”, “the right size”.

Recycling: sweater, jeans, blouse, shoes, boots, trousers, jacket, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, shorts; Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Tense.



Interaction Skill

T does/says

P say/do

Preparing for the lesson

2 min

“Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What is the topic of our lesson?

What are your aims at this lesson?”

Answer the questions



1 min

[i:]  tea, teach, jeans;

[e] head, bread, sweater;

[aὑ]  mouth, house, trousers;

[u:] food, boot, shoe



Vocabulary Practice

1 min

Shows pictures to children

Repeat the clothes



4 min

 “Will you look at ex. 4 of the lesson 68? Read the task, please.”

Do the task

All class

Making sentences

7 min

“1) Look at the screen,  insert the missing words into the sentences;

  2) What grammar tenses did you use in these sentences?

3) Make your sentences with the words denoting clothes in Present Simple, Past Simple, and Future Simple “

Read  the sentences, put in the missing words, say their sentences

All class


5 min

“1)Listen to the dialogue and say what is it about;

2) Listen and say what clothes and grammar tenses  did you hear”

Listen and answer

All class


7 min

“Read the dialogue”  

Read the dialogue  

All class


7  min

“Make your own dialogue using the underlined words”

Make  their dialogues, read them

All class

Results of the lesson

5 min

Asks for the results of the lesson, gives homework, puts marks for the lesson

Summarize the results of the lesson, write down h/w

T- class

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