Интегрированный урок по теме "Tea"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Урок на тему «Чай: как он приятен, вкусен, ароматен»


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Урок на тему «Чай: как он приятен, вкусен, ароматен»

Интерьер кабинета английского языка оформлен в виде «Чайного дома», стол сервирован к чаепитию в стиле русской и английской традиций.

Первый этап урока. Учащимся демонстрируется видеопрезентация «Чаепитие на Руси и в Англии». Просмотр сопровождается историческими справками.

Воронова Таня: Good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to our creative workshop. Today we are going to talk about tea. You are sitting at the tables which are laid according to Russian and English traditions.

Дубровина Катя: England. The English like tea with biscuits, cakes and sweets.

  Traditionally they drink tea six or seven times a day: in bed, at breakfast, at lunch, between lunch and breakfast, during the day and at 5 o’clock.

Мешкова Ксения: As you know, the English have tea with milk. First they pour some milk into the cup and then tea. That is why tea with milk is called English tea.

Ким Галина:  Russian people 1ike tea. They have tea for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. They often drink tea with lemon. That is why tea with lemon is called Russian tea.

 Киселева Ксения: It is difficult to say where this English tradition came from. Maybe it came from the 17th century, when the English poured tea into cups made of fragile Chinese china which was very eхpensive.      And in order not to break the expensive cups they poured warm milk into them and only then hot tea. And now we call tea with milk English tea.


Учитель: And what about you? Do you like to drink tea? What do you like to drink tea with? Do you have a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast? How many cups of tea did you drink yesterday? Do you like Russian  or English tea?

Bторой этап урока.  

Ким Галина: And now we are going to recite a poem about tea.

Фурцев Серафим:               A cup of tea.

             I think I’ll make a cup of tea,

             I’m very fond of tea, you see.

             First the water boiling hot,

             Then just a little to warm the pot.

Дя Раиса: Tip the water into the sink –

             Two tea-spoonfuls of tea, I think!

             Then pour the water into the pot,

             A lovely cup of tea I’ve got.

Басилова Варвара : Milk and sugar into the cup,

              Stir it once, then, drink it up.


Третий этап урока.

Учитель: Compose some adjectives for the word “tea”. Be attentive! Not all adjectives can be used with the word “tea”. Please, say your adjectives.

Четвертый этап урока.

Учитель: Read these texts about “tea” and answer the questions.

Слайд   How many cups of tea do the English have to drink to wake up? (joke)

              What country did tea come from?

               Who could drink tea in past times?

              When did the Russians start drinking tea?

                What have you known about tea?

Учитель: Now correct the statements.


  Приложение 1. Информационная карта.

Прилагательные  к слову «чай».

Write the adjectives for the word “tea”…….. (tasty, fresh,  nice,  mild, strong, hot, sweet, weak, delicious)

Приложение 2.

Make the cup run over- переполнить чашу терпения

Easy as tea drinking – пустяковое дело

Storm in a tea-cup – буря в стакане

It’s not my cup of tea – мне это не нравится

Kiss the cup – пригубить чашку

Not for all the tea in China – ни за какие коврижки

Пятый  этап урока.

Данилкина Мария:  Proverbs are the wisdom of people whether they are English, French or Russian. Proverbs teach us life, they eхplain how to choose friends, what is right and wrong and so on.

Учитель: Give Russian equivalents to English proverbs and idioms.  

Шестой  этап урока.

Ефимова Варвара : For most people all over the world tea is their favourite drink.

Tea warms you when you are cold. It revives you when you are tired and treats you when you are ill. Tea also makes friends closer and your home warmer and cosier.

Твердохлеб Мария: And I can't imagine my life without tea. It refreshes my mind and body.

Воронова Таня: . I always drink much tea and so do people in my country. Tea makes me relax and feel happy.

Дубровина Катя:  Seven cups of tea wake you up in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at night. If you are hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.

Седьмой этап урока.

Мешкова Ксения : And now we are going to sing you a song about tea.


Киселева Ксения: Our lesson is over. Now can you tell us what “tea” is? Thank you for your attention!

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