Символ Ариев
материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
Символ Ариев - свастика или коловрат. История символа
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A group of people, moving from Arctis (Арктиды) along the Ural Mountains, was headed by Arius and they called themselves the Arians. At that time the Arians became the Sun-and Fire-worshipers. Life itself depended on fire. It was the reason for its worshiping, making fire a part of any ritual and cults of "sacred fire".
The most famous Arian symbol is called the swastika. Experts think it as a solar symbol, the symbol of the sun moving across the sky. The Arians indicated the sun with the four-ended cross, symbolizing sunrays.
Its Slavic name is “kolovrat”, that means the process of rotation around its axis (kolo – circle, vrat – rotation).
Fascism did everything to discredit such a warm and bright sun symbol as the swastika!
The swastika Svyatadar, the symbol of Arctis differs from the classical swastika by curved beams (загнутыми лучами), more impressively shows circular rotation.
Cultivated by now, the most visible echo of the Arians’ worship of fire – the Eternal Fire.
A group of people, moving from Arctis (Арктиды) along the Ural Mountains, was headed by Arius and they called themselves the Arians. At that time the Arians became the Sun-and Fire-worshipers. Life itself depended on fire. It was the reason for its worshiping, making fire a part of any ritual and cults of "sacred fire".
The most famous Arian symbol is called the swastika. Experts think it as a solar symbol, the symbol of the sun moving across the sky. The Arians indicated the sun with the four-ended cross, symbolizing sunrays.
Its Slavic name is “kolovrat”, that means the process of rotation around its axis (kolo – circle, vrat – rotation).
Fascism did everything to discredit such a warm and bright sun symbol as the swastika!
The swastika Svyatadar, the symbol of Arctis differs from the classical swastika by curved beams (загнутыми лучами), more impressively shows circular rotation.
Cultivated by now, the most visible echo of the Arians’ worship of fire – the Eternal Fire.
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