Образец заданий олимпиады для 7 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
7 класс.
Раздел I. Listening.
Listen to the text and choose the right variant. You will hear the text twice.
(max 10 points)
1. An unusual circus will open in … .
A) England B) Scotland C) Wales
2. There are … performing mice in the circus.
A) eight B) twenty seven C) seventeen
3. The performance lasts … .
A) fifteen minutes
B) thirty minutes
C) an hour
4. … people can watch the show at a time.
A) Eight B) Seven C) Twenty seven
5. The mice won’t perform if they are … .
A) hungry B) angry C) frightened
6. The National Centre for Languages is worried because young people don’t study … .
A) at school
B) at university
C) foreign languages
7. Last year … percent of secondary school students took a foreign language.
A) forty four B) seventy one C) four point five
8. In 1997 … pupils took a foreign language than last year.
A) fewer B) less C) more
9. The number of UK students taking modern languages has … since 2002.
A) decreased
B) increased
C) not changed
10. The National Centre for Languages wants young people to … .
A) study English
B) travel more
C) speak foreign languages
Раздел II. Reading
Read the text and do the tasks after the text.
A man from silent films.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in south London. His father died when he was a child, and the family didn’t have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five.
After he joined Frank Karno’s company, he went to the USA in 1914 and in his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood’s early films. These were “silent films”: before the invention of cinema sound - the actors couldn’t speak, but acted out their feelings in their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the role he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk.
With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company and he started to direct his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on the screen and he wrote the music for one of his last films. Twenty-five years before his death in 1977, he moved away to live in Switzerland. Most people still like his films today.
- Put sentences in correct order:
- He acted in sound films.
- He joined Frank Karno’s company and went to the USA.
- When he was 5, Charlie played on the stage.
- He moved to Switzerland in 1952.
- He acted in silent films.
- Charlie formed a film company.
- Write if it is true (T) or false (F).
- Charlie Chaplin was born more than one hundred years ago.
- He lived in London before he moved to the USA.
- He was 35 when he got his first role.
- He never spoke in his films.
- Chaplin had his film company and he started to direct his own films.
Раздел III. English-In-Use (max 28points)
1. Match the countries to their official language
1) New Zealand a. Dutch
2) India b. Greek
3) the Netherlands c. Maori
4) Greece d. Hindi
2. Complete the sentences.
Example: people of Norway are Norwegians.
1) People of England are __________.
2) People of Germany are__________.
3) People of Spain are____________.
4) People of Japan are_____________.
3. Match the countries to their capitals.
1) New Zealand a. Canberra
2) The USA b. Ottawa
3) Australia c. Wellington
4) Canada d. Washington
4. Mark the right definition for Esperanto.
A) the Latin language C) the computer language
B) the Italian language D) the artificial language
5. Find the wrong sentence.
1) He enjoys speaking English.
2) They don’t mind opening the window.
3) The book is worth to read.
4) The girl hates drinking hot tea.
5) He began to speak English.
6. Finish the sentence.
Computers are dangerous and addictive but they help us___________.
7. Choose the right item.
Two friends have much in common with_________.
a) Each other
b) Ones another
c) Each others
d) One another
8. Choose the wrong items for the word combination 2012-
a) two-oh-twelve
b) two thousand and twelve
c) twenty thousand twelve
d) twenty and eight
9. Fill in articles if necessary.
Last summer I was in (1) _____ China. It is a very beautiful country in (2)_____ Asia. This is (3) ______ancient and modern country. It was founded many thousand years ago. China is (4)_____third largest country in (5)_____ world. It occupies the eastern part of (6) Asia and 6,536 islands, the largest of which is (7)____Taiwan. It is in the south-east of (8) _____Russia. (9)_____capital of China is (10)_____Beijing.
10. What city is it? Try to guess. Write the name of the city.
1-я согласная есть в детском имени Роберта
2-ая (гласная) в курице и ручке
3-я (гласная) в цифрах 5 и 9
4-ая согласная есть в соке
5-я (гласная) в розовом цвете и всегда «якает»
6-я согласная в носе и шее
7-я согласная в четвертом цвете радуги
Раздел IV. Writing (max 20 points)
Вы получили от вашего друга по переписке Боба письмо, в котором он просит написать, чем знаменит ваш родной город (село). Напишите Бобу ответ. Задайте свои вопросы о родном городе Боба. Не забудьте правила написания личного письма.
Раздел V. Speaking (max 20 points for both tasks)
- Расскажите о вашей Родине - России.
- Поговорите с вашим партнером о необходимости изучения английского языка.
7 класс
Answer sheet.
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7 класс
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10 задание. |
Answer keys the 7th Form:
Listening. (max10 points)
1 B
2 B
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 C
9 A
10 C
Reading. (max 11 points)
1) C, B, E, F, A, D
2) 1-T, 2-T, 3-F, 4-F, 5-T
English-in-Use (max 28 points):
1. 1)-c; 2)-d; 3)-a; 4)-b
2. 1)- the English; 2)- the Germans; 3)- the Spanish; 4)- the Japanese
3. 1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b
4. D
5. 3
6. (possible answers)- make new friends and chat with them on the Internet; learn (study); find information, etc. (1point for all)
7. a
8. c, d
9. 1)-; 2)-; 3)an; 4)the; 5)the; 6)-; 7)-; 8)-; 9)the; 10)-
10. Beijing
Writing- max20 points
Speaking- max 20 points
Максимальное количество полученных баллов – 89
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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