Поурочная разработка по теме: “IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE CAREER”.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Закрепление лексики по теме урока “IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE CAREER”.
Уровень изучения: Базовый.
Технология обучения: Смешанное обучение.
Уровень образования: СОО (10-11 классы).
Предмет: Английский язык.
Список КЭС.
Коммуникативные умения:
- Диалог - обмен мнениями.
- Запрос и обмен информацией.
- Оценка читательской грамотности.
- Эссе.
Языковые средства:
1. Лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации в рамках предметного содержания речи по теме «Карьера и семья».
2. Глагол и глагольные конструкции.
3. Словообразование.
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Закрепление лексики по теме урока “IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE CAREER”.
Уровень изучения: Базовый.
Технология обучения: Смешанное обучение.
Уровень образования: СОО (10-11 классы).
Предмет: Английский язык.
Список КЭС.
Коммуникативные умения:
- Диалог - обмен мнениями.
- Запрос и обмен информацией.
- Оценка читательской грамотности.
- Эссе.
Языковые средства:
1. Лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации в рамках предметного содержания речи по теме «Карьера и семья».
2. Глагол и глагольные конструкции.
3. Словообразование.
Have you made your choice?
What is your parents' attitude to your choice? Does your family approve of it?
Who will take up one of his/ her parent's job or try to develop the family business?
What are you going to do after completing your "A" Levels?
What do you know about your options?
Do you need any help or direction?
Have you chosen your future profession? What are you going to become?
What education and skills do you need for this job?
Do you think the job will be needed in the future?
What modern professions do you know?
Were you following the traditional job requirements whilst choosing the job?
You are considering inviting the candidate for an opening position to an interview. In 1,5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) education
2) working experience
3) position held
4) duties
5) personal references
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Work in pairs. Imagine that you are being interviewed by a hiring manager of the company. The hiring manager asks you different questions in order to find out if you are a suitable person for an opening position. Complete the dialogue.
The Hiring Manager (HM)
Introduce yourself and greet the candidate.
The Candidate
Greet the hiring manager. Say that you are glad to be invited to the interview.
If the candidate is applying for a specific position, ask him to identify the source of the information.
The Candidate
Say where you have learnt about the vacancy. Refer to their advertisement in the newspaper or the Internet.
Find out what education, experience and responsibilities he has and why he is leaving his current position.
The Candidate
Describe your educational background. Recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job. Explain that since your present position offers little prospect for advancement, you would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as theirs.
Learn if the candidate has any references from his previous jobs.
The Candidate
Don’t hesitate to give Letters of Recommendation. State your willingness to provide more information.
Announce the experimental period, duties, hours, salary.
The Candidate
Appreciate the opportunity to discuss the working conditions.
Offer the position.
The Candidate
Thank the hiring manager for considering you as a serious candidate. Accept the position.
Say goodbye.
The Candidate
Say goodbye.
Read the letter. Fill in the gaps with proper words.
Dear Mr Ivanov,
Thank you for (___YOU___) time and attention. I (___APPRECIATE___) the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations during (___I___) interview with you last week.
I hope that all questions (___ANSWER___) to your satisfaction. However, I (___BE___) happy to supply any (___FAR___) information you may need.
I am very interested in the (___GROW___) potential of the position we discussed. I hope you will consider (___I___) as a serious candidate.
I (___LOOK___) forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely (___YOU___),
Mark Diamond
Read the texts. Answer the questions. Choose only one option.
Let's not forget that useful connections are important indeed but they are not as powerful as many of us would think. Concerning money, my firm belief is that any employer would want a talented, motivated and committed employee instead of a money bag.
Talking about an easy gain, I would like to recall an English proverb "Easy come, easy go", meaning that successful career without efforts doesn't last long. There is no successful career without luck indeed, but it is also true to say that there is no successful career with luck alone either.
1. How do these two texts relate to each other?
A. Different arguments are used to come to the same conclusion.
B. The texts are written in the same style but they are dedicated to different items.
C. The texts express the same opinion but they come to different conclusions.
D. They express opposite opinions on the same problem.
2. What statement would both Catherine and Helen agree with?
A. It is important to find oneself in the right place at the right time.
B. Every person should deserve his or her career with an effort.
C. Good education guarantees a successful career.
D. Successful people notice their lucky chance better than others.
F. You shouldn't isolate yourself from contacts that might help you "deliver" on the job and climb your career ladder.
Write an essay according to the following frame. Use 200-250 words.
Headline | What makes a profession respected? |
Paragraph 1: Introduction | Whether a profession is thought to be respected or not, depends on what is valued in the society. If the society values money, then well-paid occupations are on top of the list. If service to people matters most, then other professions take the lead. |
Paragraph 2: Proposition Topical sentence Serving the people Importance of high pay Influence in the community | To my mind, ... Take, for example, ... Another example is ... Importantly, ... |
Paragraph 3: Opposition Topical sentence Being of little use for people Overestimating the role of money Lack of self-enrichment | Thinking otherwise, ... The first argument coming to my mind is ... The next argument to share is ... Also, ... |
Paragraph 4: Further proof Topical sentence Personal qualities Upgrading qualification Doing your best | I certainly acknowledge ... Similarly, ... Moreover, ... |
Paragraph 5: Conclusion | To summarise, I would say that it is not only money, creativity and challenge, but also service to people that makes the job really respected. |
Choose the right item for you.
:) Now you have learnt a lot about career planning and it is easy for you to discuss it.
:| You have a lack of knowledge to discuss career planning.
:( You still don't know anything.
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