Учебно-методическое пособие для учащихся "Основные структуры для написания эссе "Мое мнение"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Чернышова Лидия Владимировна

Данная разработка содержит перечень основных структур, необходимых для написания эссе "Мое мнение" на английском языке. Рекомендована к использованию как учащимися, так и учителями профильных групп при подготовке к ЕГЭ.


Предварительный просмотр:

Some Necessary Structures for an Opinion Essay

To make an introduction

  1. It is often believed that nowadays it is important to look nice. While some people think …, others consider … (others do not agree).
  2. Nowadays (At present/ These days) … plays a significant role in our life. Some people believe that … while others claim that …
  3. There is no doubt that the problem of … is one of the most important (issues) in the modern world. Some people suppose that … while others do not agree (disagree/have an opposite opinion).
  4. It is a well-known fact that nowadays …
  5. Most people would agree that cars have made our life much easier. They have, however, brought many problems as well. While some people think… others  believe …
  6. Nowadays … is becoming more and more popular. There are a lot of opinions on the issue (on the problem/ on the subject). Some people think … while others disagree with this opinion.
  7. Nowadays there are different opinions about doing sports. While … others …
  8. Many men, many minds. Some people think (hold the idea/ are sure/have an opinion/ suppose/ consider/ claim/ say) … while others …

To express your opinion

In my opinion, / To my mind, / To my way of thinking, / It is my firm belief/ opinion/ view/ conviction that …/ It appears to me, / I hold the idea that …/ I suppose/ consider/ believe/ think …

To express another point of view

  1. However, there is another side to the issue/ question of… Some people think...
  2. Nevertheless, there are people who have another point of view/ have the opposite opinion/ think differently. They think/ believe/ consider/ claim …
  3. Contrary to what has been said some people claim that …

To argue the opposite opinion

  1. I cannot agree with this point of view/ with these people. I think …
  2. Though this point of view may seem reasonable, I cannot agree with it.
  3. In contrast with the idea that … I do not think …
  4. Despite/ in spite of/ though/ although

To conclude

To conclude, / To summarize, / On the whole, / To sum up, / In conclusion, taking into consideration various opinions on this issue, I would like to say that …

(But) I strongly believe that …/ I am convinced that …/ I am sure, …

The most popular structures

  1. Everyone knows that …
  2. Nobody will/can deny that …
  3. It is (strongly) believed that …
  4. … is/are considered to be the most … thing/problem/issue/question/statement
  5. It is important to emphasize that …
  6. It is needless to say/ It is not necessary to explain  that …
  7. According to the latest research / sociological survey, …
  8. If we look at the statistics/ if we take the Internet polls, …
  9. One should remember/ take into account/ take into consideration  that …
  10.  One should pay much attention to …
  11.  It is a good opportunity/ chance to …make the right choice/ decision
  12.  It can lead to …
  13.  … bring(s) a lot of bright/ positive emotions
  14.  … can help to achieve good results/ great success in …
  15.  … have/has a great influence/ impact on …
  16.  … can help you get good knowledge of…/ to acquire  a new skill of …
  17.  … make(s) a good impression on …

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