Ecology lesson on a topic: Agricultural ecosystems
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Ecology lesson on a topic:

Agricultural ecosystems

Lesson objects:

-To apprise students of composition, structure and operational characteristics of agro-ecosystem.

- To form students’ vision about resource, biological, economic and ecological limitation.

- To expand students’ knowledge about soil fertility conservation.

Course of the lesson

  • Actualization of backbone notions

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “April. Snowdrop” (A little snowdrop flower, growing directly out of snow, becomes the symbol of the eternal aspiration to life.)

To this background music students speak about the creation of ecosystems agricultural output manufacture and about human agro-ecosystem management.

Agro-ecosystem is artificially created and constantly propped up ecosystem for agricultural output manufacture.

                                                    But few of them ever turn to weaving.
                                                              To know and note the living, you’ll find it
                                                               Best to first dispense with the spirit:
                                                               Then with the pieces in your hand,
                                                                Ah! You’ve only lost the spiritual bond                               

                                                                Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

What is the meaning of given epigraph?

The prefatorial speech of the teacher about courses of the lesson and the using Texas state informational material during the process of learning of the new topic.

  1. Agro-ecosystem- work with the book illustration № 66 on page 179, table № 11, 32 paragraph. The demonstration model of "agrocenosis" application.

- Assignment: Draw a diagram of species relationships in the meadow: clover, bumble bees, nodule bacteria, earthworms, clover weevil, parasitic fungi, molds, soil fungi and specify their role in biogeocenosis meadows.

-Biological production of agro-ecosystem is usually high. The composition of cultivated crops and farm animals bred, people define themselves. Texas is the second largest state in the USA.

Texas is Industrial and agricultural leader in the U.S.A. The main part of the Texas Land is used for agricultural production.

Plant breeding is a leader of the agrarian complex.  Two thirds of the total area is occupied by the Texas grain crops, the main crop is wheat. Texas national culture are: corn and cotton.

  1. Elements of the structure of agro-ecosystems managed by human, the explanation of a teacher using elements of the conversation and illustration 67, § 33 of the textbook.
  2. Resource, biological, economic and environmental constraints, the discussion of the "Agro-ecosystems" presentation.
  • Assignment: in the given list find and underline the names of producers, consumers, decomposers with different colours. (fern, an ant, white fungus, chemosynthetic bacteria, dragonflies, and earthworm).
  1. Soil fertility preservation.  The teacher's narration with demonstration tables "Protection of soil from erosion," "Human influence on the inhabitants of the soil".  Viewing the movie "agrocenosis and agro-ecosystems. Electronic means of educational publications "Ecology" LLC, "Bustard JSC" 1 C ".)

Fill in the table, using this list below:

Artificial System

Natural System

Taiga, a pond, a lake, an alpine meadow, a field, a coral island, a park.

- Fill in the table, “Similarities and differences between natural ecosystems and agro-ecosystems” on the board.




Natural phototrophic


Compare the ecosystem meadows and fields, complete the table.

The Parameters for Comparison


Type of ecosystem




The current selection

The diversity of species

Food chains

Energy source

Circulation of elements


Currently, there is a concern among plant breeders with how to find a suitable system of soil using and maintain soil fertility.

Russia and other countries use a range of techniques to preserve soil fertility. There is a No-Till system in Texas, which implements conservation tillage.

There are many different options for crop rotations which include various types of crops, such as culture of the cold and warm period.

  1. - Individual work with the text in § 33.
  2. To answer the questions.
  1. Why is soil quickly exhausted in agricultural lands?
  2. What are the ways of returning nutrients to the soil?
  3. What are the ways of improving the productivity of agricultural lands?

Object: The researchers found out that at 1 m ² small cabbage fields, there are an average of 69 larvae of cabbage butterflies, and at 1 m ² large fields - no more than one track. And pests are concentrated in the boundary strip of width 30-40 m. Why is the number of insect pests much higher at the edges of fields? What measures can be recommended to reduce the pest?

Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Conclusion on the theme.

 - Work in copybooks with the concepts of "Agroecosystems", "Soil fertility", "Moldboard less Soil," "Crop rotation", "Green manure"

 - Tour around Texas - a presentation of the students.

 - How would you explain the meaning of the epigraph?

 - Control of knowledge adoption.

1. Autotrophic ecosystem, created for agricultural products is called: a) industrial techno systems; b) agro-ecosystem; c) urban ecosystem; d) natural ecosystem.

2) The main source of energy for agro-ecosystems is: a) solar energy b) chemical energy derived from organic matter) chemical energy derived from oxidation of inorganic substances d), the energy coming from the surrounding autotrophic substances.

3) Peas, wheat, corn, beets, barley, field sow-thistle, couch grass, bindweed in the agro-ecosystem are a) producers b) consumers b) producers and (or) consumers d) reducers.

4) Cows, sheep, pigs, squirrels, hamsters in the agro-ecosystem are a) producers b) consumers b) producers and (or) consumers d) reducers.

5) Bacteria in the agro-ecosystem are a) producers b) consumers b) producers and (or) consumers d) reducers.

  6) The alternation of crops grown in the same field is called a) polyculture; b) succession of plants; c) crop rotation; d) fertility.

7) The reason for the erosion of agricultural land can be a) the application of mineral fertilizers b) the cultivation of high yielding crops) the effect of wind and water d) moldboardless soil

8) The increasing factor soil fertility in agricultural lands is called a) the introduction of high doses of fertilizer b) deep tillage plow dump c) cultivation of legumes g) copious irrigation.

                   9) Tillage of soil without changing the arrangement of its layers-horizons is called: a) subsurface treatment b) the treatment of moldboard; c) aeration; d) liming.

                    10) Wheat, corn, sunflowers are a) soil build back cultures b) the green manure crops) soil demolishing cultures; d) vegetable crops.

Correct answers: 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) g, 6) b, 7 b), 8 b), 9) a, 10) b.

The sound recordings of the forest and singing birds is switched on.

Home task:

  1) Examine § 32, 33, to answer the test questions at the end of paragraphs.

  2) To revise the material about Biological Diversity, § 6 of the textbook.

Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for your attention and remember: : A wonder of wonders - living alive”.

Equipment: Presentation on a topic "Agroecosystems"

 Students’ reports.

Tables "Protection of soil from erosion." "Human influence on the inhabitants of the soil."

Video clip  "agrocenosis and agroecosystem" "Soil Protection".

Handouts with the test tasks.

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