2017 - the year of ecology in Russia TEST. “ECOLOGY”
тест по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему
2017 - the year of ecology in Russia
Данный тест, посвящен году экологии в России и может быть использован в качестве упражнений для тренировки и применения, усвоенного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «ECOLOGY », а также для формирования умений и навыков чтения, перевода. Тест может быть применён на уроках в 8-9 классах.
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2017 - the year of ecology in Russia
Данный тест, посвящен году экологии в России и может быть использован в качестве упражнений для тренировки и применения, усвоенного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «ECOLOGY », а также для формирования умений и навыков чтения, перевода. Тест может быть применён на уроках в 8-9 классах.
Цели и задачи: тренировка и применение, усвоенного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «ECOLOGY», формирование умений и навыков чтения, перевода, письма; развитие навыков самостоятельной работы; развитие внимания, мышления; формирование ответственного отношения к природе, к проблемам окружающей среды, воспитание потребности к глобальным и местным проблемам, чувства любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
Методы и приемы:
самостоятельная работа учащихся;
На доске: Плакаты с экологической тематикой, раздаточный материал.
Охрана природы - долг каждого! Земля наш общий дом! Береги природу!
Вода источник жизни! Природа - твой дом! Сохраним природу - наше будущее!
II. Основная часть.
Учащимся раздаются карточки- тесты. Test «ECOLOGY»
- Label the pictures with the expressions from the box
Lcda. Jenny Sangurima Erráez
- Vocabulary. Write the meaning of each word.
1. reduce: 2. waste: 3. landfill: 4. fumes: 5.toxic: 6.energy: 7.habitat: 8. organic: 9. pollution: 10.recycle:
3.Imagine you are a candidate of a ‘Green’ political party .WRITE 3-4 lines of your program.
You can start like this:
Our planet is in danger because of pollution, we should all agree about the best solutions to save it.
1. If you vote for us, we will …(plant trees / ban traffic / build recycling factories/ clean the rivers, etc.)
2.When we take office, we are going to……(oblige factories to re-use old bottles / impose taxes on …,etc.)
4. Read the texts:
On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Our planet, as you know, is full of life: we share it with animals and plants. Our planet is very rich and hospitable. Unfortunately, we don’t take care of our home planet. More and more people are destroying nature. They cut down trees, throw garbage into the rivers and create pollution. As a result of this the climate is changing. Luckily, nowadays, there are associations around the world that try to stop these destructive activities. They tell people to save energy and water and to plant new trees. When we take care of the planet we take care ourselves
Read and Find:
1.The date when Earth day is celebrate -
2.Who lives in our planet -
3.Why is the climate changing -
4.What can you do to help the Earth -
Decide which of these things are good for the Earth and which are bad: true or false
Protect animals - Recycle glass and plastic - Throw garbage into the rivers -
Always take a bus when you walk - Turn off the lights when you leave a room -
Eat fruit and vegetables from your region - Use busses that pollute the air -
Whales have been swimming in the oceans for millions of years. They are large, gentle mammals. Whales are warm-blooded and have no fur. They have a thick layer of fatty blubber to keep them warm. Toothed whales have teeth. Baleen whales have no teeth. Humpback whales and blue whales have no teeth. They sieve tiny sea creatures called krill into their mouths. Killer whales have teeth.
They will eat almost anything in the sea. Whales swim by moving their tails up and down. They must swim to the surface of the water to breathe air. Whales make lots of different sounds. They squeal, groan, yip, and wail. These sounds travel through the water and can be heard from a long way away. A baby whale is called a calf. They are born with very little blubber so females usually give birth in warm seas.
Answer the following questions:
1. How long have whales been swimming in the oceans?
2. Are whales warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
3. Whales have a thick layer of fat. What is it called?
4. Blue whales feed on tiny creatures called: a prawns c seaweed b krill d ants
5. How do whales swim?
6. Why do whales swim to the surface of the water?
7. Write down three different sounds that whales can make.
8. What is a baby whale called?
5. Weather Quiz, use word clues
1. What is the name of a scientist who studies weather?
2. What is the name of a weather instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure?
3. A thermometer is a device used to measure what?
4. True or false? A rainbow is a spectrum of light that appears when the Sun shines onto water droplets in the air.
5. Stratus, cirrus, cumulus and nimbus are types of what?
6. Balls or irregular lumps of ice that fall from clouds (often during thunderstorms) are known as what?
7. An avalanche features the rapid descent of
8. True or false? The lowest recorded temperature on Earth of 89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) was recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica.
9. Earth’s recent temperature rises which have been linked to human activity is known as global ….
10. What country experiences the most tornadoes?
11. At what temperature is Centigrade equal to Fahrenheit?
12. Trying to predict the weather is known as weather
13. True or false? You see lightning and hear thunder.
a barometer true true clouds snow temperature true U.S.A.
a meteorologist - 40 degrees hail stones forecasting warming
III. Заключительный этап.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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