Методическая разработка урока по теме "Туризм", 11 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
План - конспект урока «Туризм в Санкт-Петербурге»
Девиз урока: Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. (G.Flaubert)
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Plan of the English lesson for 11 class
Subject: «Tourism in SPB»
Type of the lesson: Project (summing up the project work) TV conference. Presentation
Equipment: computers
TV presenter (TEACHER)
Travel agents from different countries (STUDENTS)
Journalists (STUDENTS)
1. TV presenter’s introduction. Greetings.
The problem we are going to discuss today is the problem that concerns both tourists and residents of Saint Petersburg. How to make Saint Petersburg a tourist attraction in all seasons? We have invited representatives of different travel agencies, who have been studying the situation in our city. They have come here to share their impressions and ideas.
2. The students’ reports.
- Eco-tourism
Eco-tourism is growing more and more popular these days.The New Russian Project Company from London, UK, has done a research if this kind of tourism is possible in SPB.
Victoria James
John Green
These ideas sound very interesting. Would anybody like to ask about details?
Let me introduce Roger Carter to you. He is n experienced eco-tourist from New Zealand.
- Night life
Travel agency The Holidays from the USA have studied the nightlife of Saint Petersburg which is not much spoken about.
Valery Adams
It was very informative. Does anyone have questions to this agency?
- Winter tourism
Most tourists prefer visiting Saint Petersburg in summer. The Extreme Tourist Company from Australia could see the city in winter and think we have a lot to offer tourists in all seasons.
Helen Black
With this, we could really improve the situation. Who would like to ask the representatives of this company?
- Development of the suburbs
The center of the city is famous all over the world. The most popular attractions are located there. The Globe Company from Canada have explored the suburbs of the city and will tell us what can be done there to attract to them as many tourists as the center.
Julia Smith
Jennifer Marmеr
If this were done, the residents would benefit from it a lot.
- Cultural events
People coming to SPB would like to be spectators of something unusual, or to participate in it, feel the part of the celebration. Many festivals are held here, the representative of The Traditional Travelling Company, Scotland is ready to share her impression of such events.
Britney White
3. Summing up
Let us thank our guests who could find the time to inform us about the results of their research. We have to finish our program, but the problem still needs to be sold. We hope the authorities will take these ideas and suggestions into consideration and we will be able to name Saint Petersburg a real attraction for tourists and a comfortable city for local residents.
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