Тест, контрольные работы. 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа в 9 классе

Unit III


  1. Complete the sentences. Use about, for, from, of, in, to.
  1. John’s mother complains __ his constant use of the mobile.
  2. My granny thanked me __ helping her.
  3. I will do everything I can to prevent you__ going there.
  4. We are looking forward __ our visiting Greece.
  5. We are not going to participate __ decorating the hall.
  6. They are sure Alexandre is guilty__ spreading such rumours.
  7. My parents strongly object _my working on the computer more than 3 hours a day.

  1. Translate these sentences into Russian.
  1. Who will be the first to finish the job?
  2. John is a difficult person to understand.
  3. James is the person to ask for help.
  4. Kitty was the last to know the truth.
  5. I think it is the most interesting book to read.

  1. Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives: to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see.
  1. This is the book for you__.
  2. She will be the last person __ the truth.
  3. The old lady is difficult __.
  1. Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences.
  1. The car broke __ at the beginning of our trip.
  2. The whole situation was so absurd that the friends broke __ laughter.
  3. Space exploration was a real break__ in science and technology.
  4. The storm broke__ at night and in the morning the garden looked terrible.

Контрольная работа в 9 классе

Unit III


  1. Complete the sentences. Use about, for, from, of, in, to.
  1. I think you should apologize __ your rude words.
  2. I have been dreaming ___ visiting London since I started learning English .
  3. They will never forgive you __ your telling lies.
  4. Justin stopped us ___ buying that camera.
  5. I am not used __ drinking coffee without milk.
  6. My friends really succeed__ learning French.
  7. My sisters have always been interested__ collecting Barbie dolls.

  1. Translate these sentences into Russian.
  1.  I think the article is easy to translate.
  2. This is a performance to see.
  3.  That was the cheapest camera to buy.
  4.  Who was the man to discover Australia?
  5. This is just the hotel to stay at.

  1. Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives: to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see.
  1. This is the film __.
  2. Who was the first man __ into space?-Y.Gagarin was.
  3. This is the money __ the dictionary you need.
  1. Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences.
  1. The burglars broke __ the house at midnight.
  2. The storm broke __ at night and ruined a lot of plants in our garden.
  3. My washing  machine was broken__ .
  4. After five hours of rain the sun finally   broke__ the clouds.

Предварительный просмотр:

 Контрольная работа в 9 классе Unit_3


  1. Write this in English. 4 points

Лук и стрелы, запустить космический корабль, знаменитый изобретатель, исследовать вселенную.

  1. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.  4 points

1.I think you should apologize (to/for) your words.

2.She has complained (of/for) the low level of service in the hotel.

3.I dreamt (from/about) going to Australia.

4.He couldn’t forgive her (for/of) telling a lie.

  1. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 3 points

1.Our (civilize)_________ is not the only life form in the universe.

2.Some (science)______believe that UFOs are real and try to prove it.

3.Ufologists all over the world have become very (act)________.

  1. Complete the sentences using these words. 8 points


2.my/mother/to/my coming/home/late/objects.

3.the children/ were/ forward/looking/to/visiting/ the British Museum.

4.he/succeeded/getting/in/good marks/only/in physics.

  1. Choose suitable prepositions (down, into, in, through).  5 points

1.We can’t move further. Our car has broken _____. 2. he dances so funny, that I broke _______laughter. 3. Sally broke _______my talk with Sue. 4. Because of John’s rude words, she broke _____tears. 5. The sun managed to break __________for a while in the afternoon.

  1. Translate these sentences into English. 4 points

1.Люди начали исследовать вселенную много лет тому назад.

2. Юрий Гагарин – первый человек, полетевший в космос.

Контрольная работа в 9 классе Unit_3


  1. Write this in English. 4 points

Наука и техника, опасное ядерное оружие, искусный рабочий, бесполезно спорить.

  1. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.  4 points

1. He talked (about/from) leaving London.

2.I thanked you (of/for) helping me.

3.Don’t prevent me (of/from) writing a letter.

4.He blames her (of/for) breaking the window.

  1. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 3 points

1.They use hi-tech (equip)______to measure (magnet)________effect which comes from Ufos.

2.They think these objects fly from (distance) _____ galaxies.

  1. Complete the sentences using these words. 8 points

1.are/students/capable/learning/of/English/long/texts/by heart.

2. my/is/brother/interested/your/in/joining/club.


4.my/elder/to/spending/sister/objects/a lot of/on clothes/money.

  1. Choose suitable prepositions (down, into, out, in).  5 points

1. The criminal broke _______ the window. 2. Having seen the police officer, Jack broke ______ a run. 3. At the end of the performance, the audience broke ______applause. 4. The washing machine was broken ________. 5. A fire broke ______in the garage.

  1. Translate these sentences into English. 4 points

1.Они работают, используя компьютерные технологии.

2. Необходимо развивать науку и технику.

Предварительный просмотр:

1 variant







2.Вставить предлог ( after, at, through, for, to)

  1. It`s hard work looking _______ the three children all day.
  2. We spent half the morning looking _____ the keys.
  3. I`ll look _____ these files and see if I can find a copy of the letter.

2 variant







2.Вставить предлог ( after, at, through, for, to)

1)  John was looking _____ work as a manager.

2) Would you like to look _______the magazine before I take it?

3) I`m really looking forward _______working with you.

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