Тесты, контрольные работы. 6 класс
тест по английскому языку на тему

Добрынина Екатерина Николаевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Страноведческий тест  « Соединённое королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»»

Данный тест предназначен для проверки знаний по страноведению  в 6 классе по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

The UK Quiz

  1. The UK consists of … parts.
  1. 5              b) 3              c) 4
  1. The flag of the UK   is called…
  1. St. George’s Cross     b) the Union Jack     c) The Stars and Stripes
  1. The capital of Wales is  …
  1. Edinburgh     b) Cardiff        c) Belfast
  1. The capital of Scotland  is  …
  1. Edinburgh     b) Cardiff        c) Belfast
  1. The capital of Northern Ireland   is  …
  1. Edinburgh     b) Cardiff        c) Belfast

6. The climate of the UK is …

     a) warm     b) changeable     c) fine

7. The symbol of the UK is…

     a) Taj Mahal    b) Eifel Tower   c) Tower Bridge

8. The national symbol of England is…

      a)  the clover       b) the red rose  c) thistle

9. The national symbol of Scotland is…

      a)  the clover       b) the red rose  c) thistle

10. The national symbol of Wales is…

      a)  the clover       b) daffodil   c) thistle

11. The national symbol of Northern Ireland is…

      a)  the clover       b) daffodil    c) thistle

12. The patron saint of Wales is …

      a) St. David       b) St. Andrew    c) St. Patrick

13. The patron saint of Northern Ireland is …

     a) St. David       b) St. Andrew    c) St. Patrick

14. The 1st of March is the national holiday in …

     a) England     b) Wales     c) Scotland

15.  The kilt is the national holiday of …

     a) England     b) Wales     c) Scotland

16. Manchester is famous for …

     a) two well-known football clubs  b) the birthplace of W. Shakespeare c) the Beatles museum

17. Stratford-upon-Avon is famous for …

     a) two well-known football clubs  b) the birthplace of W. Shakespeare c) the Beatles museum

  1. .Liverpool  is famous for …

a) two well-known football clubs  b) the birthplace of W. Shakespeare c) the Beatles museum

19. Wales is full of ….

      a)  waterfalls    b) lakes     c) oil rigs

20. Scotland is full of ….

      a) waterfalls    b) lakes     c) oil rigs

21. The biggest oil centre in Great  Britain is…

  1. Aberdeen    b) Glasgow   c) Brighton

Предварительный просмотр:


Animals in our life.

1.Find the unnecessary word:

1)hamster                                      3)parrot

2)cat                                               4)zebra

2.Choose the necessary auxiliary verb:

My friend …  not joined the local football team yet.

1)have                                             3)do

2)did                                                4)has

3.Mark the right  answer.

Have you ever been to the Zoo?

1)Yes, I have.

2)No, I don not.

3)No, I has not.

4) Yes, I has.

4. Choose the correct   form of the verb.

I always   …  my pets properly and regularly.

1)has fed                                               3)feed    

2)have fed                                            4)feeding

5.Ask a question. Begin your question with the word in brackets.

My sister has already been to Paris. (Where…)

6. Have you got a pet? Write in four sentences what it has not done today.

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по чтению по английскому языку

Данная работа предназначена  для  проверки навыков изучающего чтения по английскому языку в 6 классе в конце 4 четверти по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Reading Test ( Form 6, Term 4)

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy, about the year 1446. When he was only ten years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography.

He was fourteen years old when he first sailed to the East. After that time he made many voyages before he could buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean. He wanted to reach India and at the same time to that the earth is round. He wanted to discover a new shorter way to the East. He was on the Ocean for ten weeks and saw land. The land was America.

Christopher Columbus continued his trip but he always thought that the land he had discovered was  the East India and he died never knowing that he had discovered a  new continent.


I.  Translate from Russian  into English.

1.морской порт   2.знаменитая школа   3.поплыл на восток   4. достичь   5. земля

6. открыть  7. всегда думал 8.  новый материк

II. Complete the sentences

1. The text is about…

a) C. Columbus’s voyage to Spain   b) C. Columbus and his discovery   c)  the discovery of India

2. C. Columbus was born in…

a) Spain     b) India    c) Italy

3. C. Columbus studied … at a famous school.

a)  arithmetic  and  geography   b) arithmetic and geometry  c) history and geography

4. He  was  …    years old when he first sailed to the East

a)    thirteen          b) ten    c) fourteen

5. He wanted to reach …

a) Spain     b) India    c) Italy

6. He wanted to discover …

a) America b) a new longer way to the East    c) a new shorter way to the East

7. He was on the Ocean … and saw land.

a)    thirteen weeks         b) ten weeks    c) fourteen weeks


III. Translate from English into Russian. Mark True | False

1. Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa.

2. When he was only nine years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa.

3. He wanted to prove that the earth is round.

4. He always thought that the land he had discovered was America.

5. He died knowing that he had discovered a  new  continent.

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