Тест, контрольные работы. 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test  Reported Speech 8 класс

  Name ______________________________      

Задание 1. Проверка теоретических знаний по теме Reported Speech (Косвенная речь).

  1. На какое время изменяется время Present Perfect при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?

  1. На какое время изменяется время Future Simple при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?

  1. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол can при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?

  1. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол may при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?

  1. На какое местоимение меняется местоимение this при переводе из прямой в косвенную речь?

  1. На какое время изменяется время Past Simple  при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?

  1. На какое слово меняется слово yesterday при переводе из прямой в косвенную речь?

  1. На какое слово меняется слово tomorrow при переводе из прямой в косвенную речь?

Задание 2. Решите 5 тестов (только 1 ответ верный).

1. He says, “You are right.”
a) he says that I am right
b) he says which I right
c) he says I was right
d) he said I are right

2. She says to him, “I have a right to know.”
a) she tells him that she would have a right to know
b) she tell him she have a right to know
c) she says him she has a right to know
d) she tells him that she has a right to know

3. We said to them, “We have no money.”
a) we told them that we have no money
b) we told them that we had no money
c) we told them we have no money
d) we told to them that we had no money

4. He said, “I have changed my opinion.”
a) he said that he had changed his opinion
b) he said that he have changed his opinion
c) he said that he would have changed his opinion
d) he said that he changed his opinion

5. “I will bring you a book tomorrow,” he said.
a) he said that he would bring me a book the next day
b) he said that he will bring me a book the next day
c) he said that he brings me a book tomorrow
d) he said that he would bring me a book tomorrow

Задание 3. Переведите повествовательные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Peter said: “ It will be windy tomorrow”

  1. Helen said: “ I did my homework 2 hours ago”

  1. My father says: “ I have already been in Britain”

  1. Pupils say: “ We don’t like reading”

5. Mike said: “ This artist is known all over the world.”  

Предварительный просмотр:

Name __________________________

Variant 1.

  1. Write the same in English. Don’t forget about using such verbs as “do,go,play”

Заниматься аэробикой

Заниматься футболом

Заниматься лыжным спортом

Заниматься боксом

Заниматься прыжками в высоту

Заниматься тяжёлой атлетикой

Заниматься скейтбордингом

  1.  White what Mrs Stevenson used to do at school, but doesn’t do now
  • play tennis
  • play computer games
  • work in the garden
  • dance
  • sleep in the afternoon

  1. Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT to complete the sentences
  1. When I (get)__________to the party, it(already start)___________raining.
  2. I (just finish)___________writing my essay, when Laura (phone) _________.
  3. Jason (open)_______the window. A white sheet of snow (cover)__________the ground.
  4. Sue gave me a call to say they (not buy)_________the necessary sportswear yet.
  5. Lucy (not can)______________remember the fact her friend (mention)__________the day before.
  6. When I (meet)_____Fohn, I (understand)______ that I (see)_______him before.
  7. When the second group of tourist(arrive)_______in London, the first group (already leave)____.

  1. Use the functional words from the box to complete the sentences.

(with, over,for,in,of,about,up,at)

  1. Our team has an advantage____________yours. We can train ____________the g ym every day.
  2. I am sure John is a man _______________honour.
  3. We discussed our possible route and decided to end___________in Moscow.
  4. We ended the dinner_____________coffee and chocolate cake.
  5. How many goals did John score _______________the game?
  6. Pupuls were excited________________the trip to the mountains.
  7. Sue smiled_______________us and said she had won the competition.
  8. Is Andrew playing______________your hockey team?
  9. After their long travels they ended ___________________in London.

  1. Write this in English:

Национальная команда, плакать от боли, сложное состязание, выиграть битву, важное событие, благородная профессия, кричать на помощь, выиграть приз.

Name __________________________

Variant 2.

1.Write the same in English. Don’t forget about using such verbs as “do,go,play”

Заниматься йогой

Заниматься альпинизмом

Заниматься конькобежным спортом

Заниматься лыжным спортом

Заниматься боксом

Заниматься баскетболом

Заниматься конькобежным спортом

2.White what Mrs Smith  used to do at school, but doesn’t do now

  • spend time with friends
  • watch comedies
  • eat many sweets
  • do lessons
  • play football

3.Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT to complete the sentences

  1. Jenifer (complete)____________the training by 7 o’clock.
  2. The children (run)______into their playground and (see)______that the storm (ruin)______everything on it.
  3. When we (meet)__________, John (already do)__________everything for our next class.
  4. Bob was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He (wash)_______his sportssuit.
  5. Yesterday we (start)________our training only after Harry (return)___________.
  6. They (go)____home after the film(finish)________.
  7. The children (go)____to the skating rink as soon as they(return)________from the museum.

4.Use the functional words from the box to complete the sentences.

(with, over,for,in,of,about,up,at)

  1. I don’t think boxing is a sport ______________my taste.
  2. Fred stole the money and ended_________________in a jail.
  3. Soon Alec joined us____________________the game.
  4. Never cry____________________such little things.
  5. Do you know what happened ___________the end _____________the match?
  6. Kitty has always played____________their hochey team.
  7. Peter fell down and cried _________________pain.
  8. The match ended______________the victory of the opponent’s team.
  9. The kids were excited__________________the motor races.

5.Write this in English:

Иметь преимущество, спортивный инвентарь, школьная команда, присоединиться к клубу, возвращаться домой, война и мир, серебряное кольцо, кто-нибудь ещё.

Предварительный просмотр:



Unit 4

  1. Translate into Russian
  1. enjoy –
  2. though –
  3. sociable –
  4. hope –
  5. annoy –
  6. local –
  7. alone –
  8. soap –

  1. Translate into English

  1. Радио –
  2. Большой театр –
  3. Таблоид –
  4. Дискотека –
  5. Шоу –
  6. Видео –
  7. Программа –
  8. Телефон –

  1. Распределите слова:

звук [əu]                                                          звук [ɔɪ]



Unit 4

  1. Translate into Russian
  1. enjoy –
  2. though –
  3. sociable –
  4. hope –
  5. annoy –
  6. local –
  7. alone –
  8. soap –

  1. Translate into English

  1. Радио –
  2. Большой театр –
  3. Таблоид –
  4. Дискотека –
  5. Шоу –
  6. Видео –
  7. Программа –
  8. Телефон –

  1. Распределите слова:

звук [əu]                                                               звук[ɔɪ]

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