Тест, контрольные работы. 7 класс
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:


I Написать 1 и 3 формы глаголов

















II Образовать предложения использую Present Perfect

1. She _____the dishes. (already, wash);

2.They _____their  teeth. (just, clean);

3.Tom and  Jess ____this film. (recently, see);

4. Jack ___ his tea. (already, drink);

5.My classmate _____ the text about London Zoo. (not yet, translate)

III Составить предложения

1. Has, he, his keys, found, recently;

2.Has, his mother, cooked, a very tasty dinner, just;

3.Has, Kate, a lot, recently, travelled


I Написать 1 и 3 формы глаголов

















II Образовать предложения использую Present Perfect

1. She _____the dishes. (already, wash);

2.They _____their  teeth. (just, clean);

3.Tom and  Jess ____this film. (recently, see);

4. Jack ___ his tea. (already, drink);

5.My classmate _____ the text about London Zoo. (not yet, translate)

III Составить предложения

1. Has, he, his keys, found, recently;

2.Has, his mother, cooked, a very tasty dinner, just;

3.Has, Kate, a lot, recently, travelled

Предварительный просмотр:



Unit 3

  1. Translate into English

1. Спина -

2. На самом деле –

3. Сытый-

4. Удивленный-

5. Смех-

6. Собственный-

7. Утконос-

8. Ехидна-

9. Сумка, мешок-

10. Веселый-

  1. Translate into Russian
  1. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in small groups.
  2.  Koalas eat one kilo of leaves each day but drink nearly nothing.
  3. There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia.
  4. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world.
  5. These strong trees grow very fast and do not die when there are forest fires.



Unit 3

  1. Translate into English

1. Спина -

2. На самом деле –

3. Сытый-

4. Удивленный-

5. Смех-

6. Собственный-

7. Утконос-

8. Ехидна-

9. Сумка, мешок-

10. Веселый-

  1. Translate into Russian
  1. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in small groups.
  2.  Koalas eat one kilo of leaves each day but drink nearly nothing.
  3. There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia.
  4. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world.
  5. These strong trees grow very fast and do not die when there are forest fires.

Предварительный просмотр:


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

  1. At last I gave up the idea of travelling in such bad weather.

  1. Why did you give up the idea of learning French?

  1. I have read all these books and I want to give them back.

  1. Now I’d like to give you out some books.

  1. I don’t want to keep this money, I prefer to give it away.

  1. Don’t give up hope.

  1. She decided not to give up music, though it wasn’t easy to find time for it.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the right word: back, out, away, up.

  1. Oh, I’ve given________ my collection of badges. I’m not interested in badges anymore.
  2. My friend Liza says she will never give ________ singing.
  3. I want to ask Mike to give me my bicycle__________: I’d like to ride it after school.
  4. Who can help me to give this food________?
  5. Please, don’t give_______ the idea of joining our basketball team. You are one of the best player I’ve ever met.
  6. She always gives________ old newspapers and magazines after she has read them.
  7. Have you given the books ________ to the library yet?
  8. My father gave ________ skiing after he broke his leg.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

  1. At last I gave up the idea of travelling in such bad weather.

  1. Why did you give up the idea of learning French?

  1. I have read all these books and I want to give them back.

  1. Now I’d like to give you out some books.

  1. I don’t want to keep this money, I prefer to give it away.

  1. Don’t give up hope.

  1. She decided not to give up music, though it wasn’t easy to find time for it.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the right word: back, out, away, up.

  1. Oh, I’ve given________ my collection of badges. I’m not interested in badges anymore.
  2. My friend Liza says she will never give ________ singing.
  3. I want to ask Mike to give me my bicycle__________: I’d like to ride it after school.
  4. Who can help me to give this food________?
  5. Please, don’t give_______ the idea of joining our basketball team. You are one of the best player I’ve ever met.
  6. She always gives________ old newspapers and magazines after she has read them.
  7. Have you given the books ________ to the library yet?
  8. My father gave ________ skiing after he broke his leg.

Предварительный просмотр:

_________________________ Name, Surname

Unit 1.

  1. Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect.
  1. She (be) to London.
  2. They (not, see) Buckingham Palace.
  3. Ann and Mike (open) the window.
  4. I (already, do) the work.
  5. Polly (meet) him twice this week.


  1. Complete the table.

















  1. Complete the sentence with the derivatives f the words on the right.
  1. Jane has grandparents are ______________s.               | farm
  2. California is famous for its ___________ beaches. | sand
  3. They decided not to go to the ___________. | meet
  4. I am ___________ at cooking/ Do not ask me to help. | use
  5. Speak ________, please. I cannot hear you. | loud
  6. That was a very difficult ___________. | translate
  7. The Mississippi is a ___________ river in the USA. | power

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the article a/an where necessary.
  1. Bob has never seen such ___ interesting film.
  2. Fanny is such ____ beautiful woman.
  3. Such ____ people also live near us.
  4. I hate such ___ rainy weather.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Заимствовать, занимать
  2. Нести
  3. Развивать (ся)
  4. Даже
  5.  Единственный, только

  1. Translate into Russian.

  1. Probably
  2. Tongue
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Air
  5. Follow
  6. Maybe
  7. Need
  8. Prefer
  9. Pronounce
  10. Sound
  11. Speech
  12. Such
  13. Library
  14. Handy
  15. Dictionary

  1.  Use in, out, back, over to complete the sentences.

  1. The teacher asked us to hand_____ our exercise books o Friday.
  2. Could you please hand ____ these pencils to everybody?
  3. Jane handed the letter ____ to him.
  4. Wait, I will hand the newspapers ____.

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по чтению 7 класс. Name _______________________

 I. Read the text and say why people put up monuments to animals and even insects. Fill in the words: a. world,  b. economy,  c. damaged,  d. discovered,  e. discoveries,  f. various.

                                                 MONUMENTS TO ANIMALS

In every country there are monuments to people. But in some countries there are also monuments to animals. People have built those monuments to express their attitude to the animals.
In a small town near St. Petersburg there is a monument to a dog, the `Pavlov` dog. It was the dog  that helped the famous physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov to make great  1. ______ .
Another monument to a dog stands in Paris. It is the monument to the dog, called Barri. Barri had saved forty men. When he was saving the forty-first man, the latter wounded him badly, thinking that it was a wolf.
Not only dogs helped people to make discoveries. Scientists also use frogs for their experiments. There are two monuments to the frog: one in Paris and the other in Tokyo, Japan.
Holland built a statue to a cow. The cows of Holland are famous all over the 2. ______   for good milk and meat. They play an important role in the 3.________ of Holland. The people call the cow “Us-Men”, which means “Our Mother”. You can read these words on the statue.
In Wellington, New Zealand, there is a monument to a dolphin, Jack by name. This dolphin served sailors for 40 years helping their ships to pass dangerous reefs.
There is even a monument to a pig. The people of a German town saw that a pig often was digging in one and the same place. When they dug up the soil of the place, they 4. _______  salt under it. Salt was very dear at that time. So the people of the town got salt and the pig got a statue.
It’s interesting to know that there is a monument to a pest. It’s a monument to the weevils that stands in the centre of Enterprise, a town  in the south of the USA. The farmers of that place grew cotton, which was constantly  5. _________  by the weevils. They could do nothing against it and had to turn to peanuts which brought them suddenly more money than they ever made from cotton. They were so happy that they even built a monument to the weevils.
And at last we can tell you that there is a monument to the last wolf in Germany killed by a hunter.
So there are many monuments to animals in 6. _________  countries, and many of the monuments to those animals which were true friends of people.

II. Which animal is NOT mentioned in the text?
a.  A pig.  b. A cow.   c. A cat.  D. A dog.
III. Match the parts of the sentences:

There is a monument to

a dolphin
a pig
a cow


New  Zealand.

IV. Choose the right answer:
1. There is a monument to a wolf in Germany because they disappeared there.
2. There is a monument to a pest in the USA because it saved the cotton crop.
3. People put up a monument to a pig because it had found gold for them.
4. The French erected a monument to a frog because it is their national food.

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST № 4 (Unit 4, 7th form)

Task 1.  Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive:

  1. My parents (own) this house for 15 years.


  1. The girls (dance) since 3 p.m.


  1. They (travel) for a month already.


  1. Sue (know) Jill all her life.


  1. Alice always (want) to visit Australia.


  1. How long you (know)  Mr. Morgan?


  1. He (work) as a manager for 5 years.


  1. Diana (be) a photographer for 7 years.


  1. They  (live) here since 2010.


10)He (work) at this hospital for 5 years.



Task 2. Complete the sentences with up, off or out.

  1. Every day he made _____ a new story for his grandchildren.
  2. The boys made _____ as fast as they could.
  3. They made him _____ as a clown for the evening performance.
  4. I can`t make _____ what he is saying.
  5. Don`t make ____: I`ve got something to tell you.
  6. They stood far from me and I couldn`t make ____ what they were saying.

Task 3.  Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words:

 1. We know little about the system of _______________ in Canada.

2. Robert is a well-known______________, a very good one indeed.

3. Little children like to make sandcastles on ____________beaches.

4. This is a __________________ radio station.

5. This is a very ______________ rule.

6. People in Europe have Christmas _____________s in December.

7. The Mississippi is a great and _________ river in North America.

8. It was a very ___________ and interesting book.

9. My ______________ friend lives in Toronto.

10. Wooden chairs are not always _______________.











Task 4. Complete the sentences. Use another, other, others, the other,

 the others.
1) Jane's house is on _______________ side of the street.
2) There are three cakes on the plate. I'd like to have one and you may take _____________.
3) This is a very bad road. Are there ____________ roads to the castle?
4) Some people like fish and __________________ don`t.
5) There is _______________ big river in this part of Scotland.
6) One boy fell off the chair and _______________ laughed.
7) I can carry this bag and some ______________ too.
8) Tomorrow will be ___________ sunny day.
9) This pencil belongs to Betty, ________________ pencil is mine.
10) Some people travel by train, __________________ like travelling by car.

Task 5. Write the three forms of the verbs and translate their.























Task 6. Translate the these words.

  1. a magpie –
  2. a swan –
  3. a starling –
  4. a swallow –
  5. insect –
  6. soil –
  7. include –
  8. breathe –
  9. an elk –
  10.  land –
  11. curious –
  12.  relative –
  13. especially –
  14. squirrel –
  15. ground –
  16. a caterpillar –
  17.  a moth –
  18. thistle –
  19. oak –

Предварительный просмотр:

Lexical test.  Form 7th.  Unit 4. (1вариант)

Name ________________________

№ 1. Translate from English into Russian.












№2. Choose the correct verb form (present Perfect Simple or Continuous).

  1. I’m very sorry that I____________ (broke) your cup.
  2. Oh, it’s not ready! You _________(write) this composition  for the whole day.
  3. Ann’s clothes are covered in stains. She ______(paint) since whole day.
  4. I _______(know) her for many years.
  5. Where is Tom? I _____________(not/see) him today.
  1. Используя суффиксы –an, -al, -ing, -ly, -less, -tion  и приставку un-, чтобы образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.
  1. The sun was shining __________________in the blue sky.    BRIGHT
  2. The sky  was blue and ____________________.                     CLOUD
  3. There are a lot of _______________s in English.                    BORROW
  4. Have you finished your __________yet?                                 TRANSLATE
  5. This song is _________with my classmates. We don’t like it.   POPULAR
  6. Carla’s speech was very ____________.                                   EMOTION
  7. Paul has already visited five _____________cities.                   CANADA

Lexical test.  Form 7th.  Unit 4. (2 вариант)

Name _______________________

№ 1. Translate from English into Russian.






Species _____________________________






№2. Choose the correct verb form (present Perfect Simple or Continuous).

1) You are so dirty! What have you ______(do)?

2) This is the best I ________(ever/read).

3) Someone ________ (eat) my sweets. They are nearly all gone but it was quite full a week ago.

4) You _________(drive) all day. Let me drive now.

5) You are very red. Have you ______(run)?  

  1. Используя суффиксы –an, -al, -ing, -ly, -less, -tion  и приставку un-, чтобы образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.
  2. The sun was shining __________________in the blue sky.    BRIGHT
  3. The sky was blue and ____________________.                     CLOUD
  4. There are a lot of _______________s in English.                    BORROW
  5. Have you finished your __________yet?                                 TRANSLATE
  6. This song is ______________with my classmates. We don’t like it.   POPULAR
  7. Carla’s speech was very ____________.                                   EMOTION
  8. Paul has already visited five _____________cities.                   CANADA

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