Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
В данной работе представлены материалы для подготовки к сдаче ОГЭ по английскому языку: таблицы и упражнения по словообразованию, таблицы и упражнения по грамматике, образец письма, темы для монологов и вопросы для диалогов в устной части экзамена. Материал будет полезен учителям, занимающимся подготовкой учеников 9-х классов к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку, и для учеников, готовящихся к этому экзамену самостоятельно или с учителем.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Кировской области
Кировское областное государственное
общеобразовательное автономное учреждение
«Гимназия №1 г. Кирово-Чепецка»
Реализация программы Региональной инновационной площадки
«Управление качеством образования на основе образовательных
потребностей и интересов обучающихся»
Мусихина Екатерина Васильевна
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
гимназии №1 г.Кирово-Чепецка
Мусихина Е.В. «Сборник для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку». Кирово-Чепецк: Издательство гимназии №1 г.Кирово-Чепецка, 2018
В данной работе представлены материалы о способах и технология словообразования, тренировочные упражнения по словообразованию, грамматические таблицы, упражнения по грамматике, образец личного письма, вопросы и темы для устной части, которые нужны при подготовке к выполнению ОГЭ по английскому языку.
С помощью нашего пособия, рассчитанного на учителей английского языка и учащихся, которые занимаются подготовкой к ОГЭ, вы познакомитесь со структурой раздела по лексике и грамматике и его особенностями. Вы получите информацию об основных способах словообразования в английском языке, различных значениях приставок и суффиксов, частях речи и правилах образования времен, множественного числа существительных, степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий, различных форм местоимений. Вы сможете использовать технологию обучения навыкам словообразования и грамматике. Три вида тренировочных заданий позволят вам развить навыки словообразования и грамматики у учащихся для успешной сдачи экзамена. Пособие содержит настоящие варианты заданий по лексике и грамматике, вопросы и темы для устного высказывания с сайта ФИПИ “Открытый банк заданий ОГЭ”.
При создании пособия были использованы материалы обучающих сайтов в интернете, материалы ОГЭ и созданные автором упражнения по лексике и грамматике, а также технология развития навыков словообразования.
Компьютерная верстка: Мусихина Е.В., Викторова Н.В.
Ответственный редактор: Большакова Н.В.
© Е.В.Мусихина, 2018
© Гимназия №1 г.Кирово-Чепецка
Об авторе
Мусихина Екатерина Васильевна – учитель английского языка высшей категории КОГОАУ «Гимназия№1 г.Кирово-Чепецка Кировской области». Владение различными педагогическими технологиями – информационно-коммуникационными, проектными, игровыми позволяет педагогу выстроить свои занятия в режиме компетентностно-ориентированного образования. Ее уроки отличают благоприятная атмосфера, творческий подход, актуальный материал, ориентированный на развитие коммуникативных и метапредметных навыков и умений, подготовку к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Учитель постоянно использует в работе компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, что позволяет включить в урок аудиозапись или песню, видеофрагмент или страничку из интернета.
Екатерина Васильевна участвует в работе семинаров, творческих лабораторий, педагогических мастерских, видеоконференций, педагогических советов. Она постоянно повышает свою квалификацию путем самообразования, через курсовую подготовку. Учитель обобщает свой педагогический опыт и участвует в профессиональных конкурсах. За последние годы учитель обобщила свой опыт по следующим темам: «Система подготовки выпускников к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку с использованием новых методических пособий и современных педтехнологий» (2009 год), «Формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции через организацию проектно-исследовательской деятельности на уроках английского языка и во внеурочное время » (2010 год), «Создание модели оценивания метапредметных результатов по английскому языку в 5-м классе на основе уровневой дифференциации» (2012 год), «Развитие навыков словообразования как метод подготовки к выполнению части «Лексика и грамматика» в формате ЕГЭ» (2014 год), «Система подготовки к выполнению устной части ЕГЭ в новой форме» (2015 год),«Система подготовки к выполнению устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку в новой форме» и «Развитие навыков грамматики с целью подготовки к выполнению части «Лексика и грамматика» в формате экзаменов ГИА и ЕГЭ» ( 2016 год). В 2016 году две последние работы стали лауреатами на IV всероссийском творческом конкурсе «Инновационные методики и технологии в обучении» Центра дистанционной поддержки учителей «Академия педагогики» «Инновационные методики и технологии в обучении».
В 2008 году она стала победителем конкурса лучших учителей России и была награждена Почётной грамотой Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации «Победителю конкурса лучших учителей Российской Федерации», приказ №197 от 01.07.2008г. Кроме того, Мусихина Е.В имеет грамоты и благодарности за высокие результаты работы, обобщение своего педагогического опыта, подготовку участников и победителей конкурсов и олимпиад от Областного департамента образования, Кировского областного института повышения квалификации, оргкомитета XVI Всероссийских юношеских чтений им В.И.Вернадского (2009, 2014,2016).
Мусихина Е.В. постоянно делится опытом своей работы, выступает на семинарах, конференциях, педсоветах, дает открытые уроки. В сентябре 2016 года она представила опыт своей работы на мастер-классе «Система подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку» на областном семинаре учителей иностранных языков на базе гимназии №1 «Внешняя оценка эффективности образовательного процесса по иностранному языку через государственную итоговую аттестацию».
Опыт работы этого учителя обобщен и находится в областном банке данных передового педагогического опыта, а также опубликован на региональном уровне.
В 2017 году две работы "Развитие навыков лексики и грамматики при подготовке к ГИА и ЕГЭ" и "Развитие умений письма с целью подготовки к выполнению части «Письмо»в ЕГЭ по английскому языку" приняли участие в VII международном педагогическом конкурсе "Педагогический опыт" на портале «Русолимп» и получили два первых места. Также учитель имеет публикации этих работ на сайте "Инфоурок" в 2017 году.
В разделе «Грамматика и лексика» ОГЭ в качестве объектов контроля выделяются знание языковых единиц и навыки их употребления в коммуникативно-значимом контексте:
- распознавание и употребление в речи основных морфологических форм иностранного (английского) языка и различных грамматических структур;
- знание основных способов словообразования и навыки их применения;
- распознавание и употребление в речи изученных лексических единиц (с особым вниманием к лексической сочетаемости);
- знание правил орфографии и навыки их применения.
Раздел представлен тремя видами заданий:
- 18-26 – образовать грамматические формы от основы слова.
- 27-32 – образовать новые слова от основы слова.
Технология развития навыков словообразования
В настоящее время практически все учебные пособия по английскому языку для школы (например, линия учебных пособий с 3-часовой программой ”Spotlight”, линия учебных пособий для школ с 6-часовой программой “Starlight”) содержат упражнения на словообразование. Но их очень мало, и к упражнениям нет комментариев по технологии выполнения данных заданий. Чаще всего формулировка к упражнениям следующая: образуйте правильную форму слова (глагола) и заполните пропуски. Все! А как это делать, как думать, ничего не сказано.
Нужна разработка целой системы подобных заданий и их включение в учебные пособия. Мы предлагаем следующую технологию обучения навыкам словообразования с целью подготовки к ОГЭ.
- Учащимся должны быть предложены таблицы с суффиксами и приставками в английском языке.
- Необходимо обратить внимание на то, что определенные суффиксы используются для разных частей речи.
- Рассмотрев приставки, указать, что они имеют различные значения.
- Дать задание на распознавание частей речи (упр.1, 2 в приложении).
- Рассмотреть группы однокоренных слов и вставить их в пропуски в соответствии с требуемой частью речи (упр.3,4, 5).
- Образовать различные слова с помощью приставок, суффиксом, словосложением от основы и вставить в пропуски (упр.1-11).
- Выполнить задания на словообразование в формате ОГЭ (упр. 1-6)
- Далее можно переходить к выполнению заданий ОГЭ.
При выполнении любых заданий на словообразование предлагается следующий путь решения:
- Прочитайте и переведите предложение.
- Подумайте, какое слово пропущено, какая часть речи. Это можно определить по месту в предложении, словам и предлогам, стоящим рядом.
- Если это существительное, то нужно вспомнить суффиксы существительных, образование единственного или множественного числа.
- Если это прилагательное – соответствующие суффиксы, приставки, возможно отрицательные.
- Если это наречие – суффиксы и приставки.
- Если это глагол – суффиксы глаголов, временные формы, окончания.
- Поставить образованное слово в пропуск и снова прочитать предложение.
Таблицы по словообразованию
1. Образование существительных с помощью суффиксов
От основы глагола
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное слово |
-er/or | Teach, work, mix | Teacher, worker, runner, player, mixer |
-er/ee | employ | Employee, employer |
-ation, -ition | Invite, revolt | Invitation, revolution, opposition |
-ing | Build, dance, swim | Building, dancing, swimming |
-ment | Agree, develop | Agreement, development |
-ion, -tion, -sion | Discuss, produce | Discussion, production, permission |
-ent, -ant | Assist, study | Assistant, student |
-ence, -ance | Perform, independ | Performance, independence |
От основы существительного
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное слово |
-ist | Science, tour | Scientist, tourist |
-an, -ian | Republic, America | Republican, American, Russian |
-ation, -ition | Invite, revolt | Invitation, revolution, opposition |
-ing | Build, dance, swim | Building, dancing, swimming |
-ment | Agree, develop | Agreement, development |
-ship | friend | Friendship, partnership |
-hood | brother | Brotherhood, childhood, motherhood |
-ese | China, Japan | Chinese, Japanese |
-ess | Actor, lion | Actress, lioness |
От основы прилагательного или наречия
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное слово |
-ness | Happy, midly | Happiness, willingness, kindness, mildliness |
-ty, -ity | Certain, safe, secure | Certainty, safety, security |
2. Образование прилагательных с помощью суффиксов
От основы существительного
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное слово |
-ful | beauty | beautiful |
-less | water | waterless |
-able | comfort | comfortable |
-al | form | formal |
-ic | history | historic |
-y | Mud, rain | Muddy, rainy |
От основы глагола
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное слово |
-ive | Act, effect | Active, effective |
-ant | observe | observant |
-ible | access | accessible |
-able | drink | drinkable |
-ent | persist | persistent |
-ing | build | building |
Составные прилагательные
Существительное + прилагательное | Snow-white |
Прилагательное + прилагательное | Dark-blue |
Наречие +причастие | Well-built |
Прилагательное + существительное | Barefooted, bareheaded, black-haired, middle-aged |
3. Образование слов с помощью приставок
Отрицательные приставки
Приставка | значение | Производное слово |
Un- | Наиболее употребительная | Unable, untidy, unpleasant, unfriendly |
Im- | Перед буквами m,p | Impossible, immoral, impatient, important |
Il- | Перед буквой l | Illiterate, illegal |
Ir- | Перед буквой r | Irritated, irresponsible, irrational |
In- | очень редко | Inactive, inaccurate, invisible |
Dis- | лишение | Disable, disappointed |
Non- | лишение | Non-profitable |
Mis- | лишение | mistaken |
Другие приставки
Приставка | значение | Пример |
Re- | повтор | Replay, repeat, remake |
Pre- | до | Pre-war, precaution |
Post- | после | Post-war |
ex- | бывший | Ex-wife, ex-president |
En- | Глаголы от существительных | Endanger, enchain |
Over- | Сверх меры | Overcharge, overweight |
Under- | недостаточно | Underpay, underestimate |
sub- | под | Submarine, subdue |
4. Использование латинских и греческих приставок и суффиксов для словообразования
Некоторые латинские и греческие приставки дают нам слова с числами:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
mono- , uni- | один, единственный | monopoly, unison |
bi-, di-, duo- | два, дважды | bilingual, diagonal, duet |
tri- | три | triangle |
quad-, tetra- | четыре | quadruped, tetrameter |
quin- | пять | quintuplet |
hexa-, sex- | шесть | hexagon, sextet |
sept- | семь | septennial |
oct-, octa-, octo- | восемь | octave, octopus |
nona- | девять | nonagenarian |
dec-, deci- | десять | decimal |
cent-, hec- , hecta- | сто | century, hectare |
kilo- , mil- | тысяча | kilometre, millimetre |
giga- | биллион | gigawatt |
Другие латинские и греческие приставки обозначают количество, размер или градацию:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
micro-, mini- | маленький | microscope, miniature |
maxi-, mega- | большой, огромный | maximum, megalomaniac |
hyper-, super- | сверх, превыше | hyperbole, superhuman |
sub- | под, меньше | submarine |
ultra- | за, по ту сторону | ultrasound, ultraviolet |
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
ad-, pro- | к, по направлению к | advance, proceed |
retro- | назад | retrospect, retro-rocket |
intra- | внутри | intravenous |
inter- | между, среди | international, intermingle |
extra- | снаружи | extraterrestrial |
equi-, iso- | одинаковый, равный | equilibrium, isobar |
auto- | сам, без посторонней помощи | autobiography |
homo- | такой же | homonym, homosexual |
hetero- | различный, другой | heterodox, heterosexual |
dia-, per-, trans- | через, сквозь | diameter, percolate, transport |
pan- | все | panorama |
para- | рядом, бок о бок | parallel, para-medical |
cata- | вниз, прочь | catacomb |
ante-, pre- | прежде | antenatal, premeditated |
post- | после | posthumous |
tele-, telos- | далеко | telescope |
Следующие латинские и греческие приставки обозначают специфические области человеческой деятельности. Из некоторых примеров видно, что два этих языка до сих пор остаются источниками образования новых понятий в науке, медицине и технологии:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
аеrо- | воздух | aerodynamic, aerosol |
anthropo- | человек | anthropology |
bio- | жизнь | biology, biography |
eco- | естественная среда | ecology |
electro- | электричество | electronics |
fluor-, fluo- | поток, течение | fluorescent, fluoride |
haemo-, hemo- | кровь | haemorrhage |
neuro- | нерв | neurotic |
optic-, opto- | зрение | optician |
phil- | любовь к | philanthropy |
proto- | первый | prototype |
psycho- | разум | psychology |
pyro- | огонь | pyrotechnics |
socio- | общество | social |
spectro- | взгляд, образ | spectrograph |
techno- | искусство, ремесло | technical, technology |
therm-, thermo- | теплота, жара | thermometer |
Задания на образование разных частей речи
с помощью приставки или суффикса
Упр.1. К какой части речи принадлежат следующие слова, и по каким признакам это можно определить.
Sleepy, photographer, forgetful, argument, thankful, carelessness, classify, modernize, coolness, lifeless, tasteful, formality, speculate, payable, slowness, thoughtfully, federative, entrance, appearance.
Упр.2. К какой части речи принадлежат следующие слова, и по каким признакам это можно определить.
Correctness, specialize, formality, speculate, monotonous, boyish, brilliance, mysterious, fasten, ceremonious, attendance, instructive, speechless, really, business, incorrect, unfruitful, illness, ninth, television, re-enter, unusual.
Упр.3. Проанализируйте слова, данные «семьями», и подберите необходимое слово в пропуски.
- include, including, included, inclusion, inclusive
1. We were seven, --- Dan and Patsy.
2. Everyone must follow these rules, you---.
3. Megan's --- in the project helped a lot.
4. Did you --- the flight expenses?
5. Our seats are 2-7 ---.
Упр.4. Выберите нужную форму и заполните пропуски.
Travel – traveler, travelling
- We like … to the southern countries.
- Columbus is a famous ….
Perform, performing, performer, performance
- It was a wonderful… !
- I never saw Ann … in this play.
- The actors … a wonderful play.
- Mark is a brilliant …
Adventure, adventurous
- We had many … in our trip to Moscow.
- He is a very … person.
Excite, exciting, excitement, excited
- The film was very …
- We are very … by our future trip.
- I got great … from this film.
Упр.5. Образуйте с помощью суффиксов и приставок нужные слова и вставьте в пропуски
- Strong - 1. I …. Recommend you to come. 2. He showed me his …3. I become … every day.
- Fortune- 1. I was … this day. 2. …., we missed the train.
- Attract - 1. She was a very … girl. 2. The place was dirty and …3. I like this popular ….
- Child - 1. I was unhappy in …2. Many … play in the ground. 3. She was very …
- Act - 1. Reading is an … 3. Many …. were taken to improve the situation. 4. She is a great … 6. She was lazy and …
- Participate- 1. We are … of the competitions. 2. …. in this concert made me famous.
- Athlete- 1. I like …. 2. He is very …. strong.
Задания на образование разных частей речи
(развитие навыков словообразования)
Упр.1. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.
1. Herald Tribune has got a lot of (read).
2. Jim was (help), no one could help him.
3. Ron had a very (pleasant) talk with Mr. Willson, he looked very sad.
4. BBC and CNN work (professional).
5. Comics is a (fun) reading.
6. The flower smells (wonder).
7. I do grammar exercises (regular).
8. Columbus was a great (travel).
Упр.2. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.
1.(Fortunate) he lost all his money.
2. I feel (depress) when I am very busy.
3. John has a drug (addict).
4. What a (fail)! Evidently our team is loosing the game.
5. What room (serve) can you offer?
6. It's often said in newspapers about the (equal) of people.
7 I'm talking (serious), stop laughing now!
8. What a wonderful (image) Jane has got! Her story is really beautiful.
9. I'm sorry for (interrupt), but I must deliver this important information.
10. This program is really (entertain).
11. Did he (threat) you? – Oh, no. He just warned me.
12. It was an (forget) concert. The music was live, we enjoyed it a lot.
Упр.3. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.
1. The kids played (cheer) in the yard.
2. It's the first time I have been to London, I am a (strange) here.
3. The Hermitage is a real (treasure) of Russian art.
4. The (quiet) of the house was very unusual, so they decided to enter.
5. At the (enter) they were stopped by an old man.
6. It's a strange (feel) as if I had been there before.
7. It's a little (peace) village situated far from the city.
8. Matilda had never had the feeling of (lonely).
9. I like Christmas (cheerful).
10. The baby was sleeping (peace) in his crib.
11. Amanda has never spoken a word of (wise).
Упр.4. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.
1. People have made a lot of (discover).
2. Ron is (skill), he can't do anything.
3. Edwards is a famous (produce).
4. Space (explore) is very important for any country.
5. Americans made the (fly) to the Moon.
6. (Create) of a spaceship is a very difficult process.
7. We had a very long (argue) about the terms of the experiment.
8. Alice has a deep (know) of Chemistry.
9. The tool was (use) for us, you needn't have brought it.
10. I didn't like your project, so your mark is (satisfy).
11. Japan is a (lead) country in developing new technologies.
Задания на словообразование из разных вариантов ОГЭ
Упр.1. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слова в соответствии с контекстом.
Greener cars for a greener future Can you imagine the day when you won't need to stop for fuel at petrol stations? Or how about 1 --- in your own car? Let's see what Dr Stephen Green, director of Cars of the Future International says. “Well, our job is to design and test cars that don't cause the environment 2 ----. Scientists from all over the world work for the company. These cars don't run on petrol. They use alternative sources of 3---- such as solar power, 4 --- or 5--- gas. Of course, they can be very expensive, but we are not the 6---. Last year we presented the results of 7--- of our solar car at the conference in Tokyo. We are going soon to start work on a flying cars. No more traffic jams, can you imagine it? |
Упр.2. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слова в соответствии с контекстом.
Leo da Vinci
1____ you have already read The Da Vinci Code or seen the film. But who 2____ was Leonardo da Vinci? Well, he was born in 1452 in Italy. He is 3____ for his painting, the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was also an 4 ____ who designed a helicopter, a submarine before they were invented. Leonardo thought that by 5_______ how each part of a machine worked, he could change them and then put them together in 6 _____ ways. In this way he could improve existing machines or create new ones. He drew his ideas so well that 500 years later his sketches have been used for 7_____ perfect working models. |
Упр.3. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слова в соответствии с контекстом.
The World of War Craft World of War Craft (WoW) is the most popular on line game in the world. It's got more members than the 1___of Portugal. What makes WoW so 2_____ and special? It is a multi-player on line role-playing game that was introduced in 1994. Its played in a fantasy world called Azeroth. 3_____ can control their characters. For just 29 euros you can explore the landscape, fight monsters and get acquainted with millions of other 4____. For many of them the game is a way to find new friends. “I felt accepted for the first time in my life”, admits an 18 year old youth. But when does 5__ fun become a 6___ thing? 10% of on line7___ admit playing too much, forgetting to eat and to sleep 8_____. One 15 year old 9_____ boy even collapsed after playing the game 24 hours non-stop. Psychiatrists are now reporting record numbers of teens seeking help for their online game 10___. But some people believe that the games are not the root of the problem. They say that kids really need their parents and 11 ___. So it is a social problem. Whether it's a social problem or a passion, WoW is 12_____ more than just a game. |
Упр.4. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слова в соответствии с контекстом.
Packaging Products in supermarkets are 1 ___ presented in plastic bags, boxes or trays. People use 2____packaging. But ask yourself what is more important-content or the wrapping? Yes, we do need packaging. It preserves goods, protect them from damages and makes them look presentable for 3____. Most packaging is not 4____. It is dumped in landfills or burnt. This results in more 5____. But supermarkets are now working to cut back.-packages become smaller, so 6_____ use less energy to transport them. All this got to do with you, consumer. Choose products that use minimum packaging, it can be 7 ____ You can use glass jars for storing things. 8_____ a lot of people in Europe started sorting rubbish, which reduces the number of land fills as the rubbish is taken to the 9____ factory and a lot of new goods are produced of the recycled materials. |
Раздел грамматика части «Лексика и грамматика» включает в себя девять слов в ОГЭ, которые нужно преобразовать в нужную грамматическую форму. В основном, применить нужно: двенадцать наиболее употребительных времен глагола в активном залоге, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, формы местоимений и числительных, множественное число и притяжательный падеж существительных, пассивный залог, инфинитив, герундий или причастие. Таким образом, по данным грамматическим разделам и будет подобран и составлен материал.
Грамматические таблицы
- Времена глагола
Для выполнения заданий в ОГЭ и ЕГЭ предлагается преобразовать наиболее употребительные времена: группы Present, Past, Future – Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, PerfectContinuous в активном залоге.
Время | Глагольная форма | значение | Указателивремени-наречия |
Present Simple | V1(s) do/does (he, she, it) + V1 | Расписание, привычки, общеизвестные факты, повелительные действия | always, usually, every day (week, decade, month, year…), sometimes, from time to time, often |
Present Continuous | am is + Ving are | Происходит сейчас, временная ситуация, план на ближайшее будущее, недовольство, раздражение (always!) | now, at the moment, this week (month, year…) |
Present Perfect | have + V3 has | действие произошло в прошлом, а результат видим сейчас (с глаголами, не употребляющимися в Сontinuous) | already, just, ever, never, yet, recently, so far since, for |
Present Perfect Continuous | have + been + Ving has | действие началось, длилось и закончилось или еще длится к моменту в настоящем | since, for, during |
Past Simple | V2 did + V1 | Действие произошло в прошлом, несколько действий произошли одно за другим | when, then, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year, two days ago, in 2009, on Monday |
Past Continuous | was + Ving were | Действие длилось в определённый момент в прошлом, несколько одновременных действий в прошлом, фоновая информация, прерванное действие в прошлом | when, while, at … |
Past Perfect | had + V3 | Действие завершилось к моменту в прошлом, результат в прошлом | by already, just |
Past Perfect Continuous | had + been +Ving | действие началось и длилось до определённого момента в прошлом, результат виден в прошлом | for, since |
Future Simple | shall (I, we) + V1 will | предсказание, основанное на предположении, обещание, сиюминутное решение, просьбы, угрозы | next week (month, year…), tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, in a couple of days |
Future Continuous | shall + be + Ving will | действие будет длиться в определённый момент в будущем, вежливый вопрос, повседневные дела в будущем | at 5 o’clock |
Future Perfect | shall + have + V3 will | действие завершится к определённому моменту в будущем | by Monday, by 10 o’clock, by your coming |
Future Perfect Continuous | shall + have + been + Ving will | действие будет длиться на протяжении длительного времени в будущем | for, since |
- Пассивный залог
время | Глагольная форма | пример |
Present Simple | Am, is, are built | The book is read every day |
Present Continuous | Am, is, are being built | The house is being built now |
Present Perfect | Have, has been built | The car has just been repaired |
Past Simple | Was, were built | The door was broken yesterday |
Past Continuous | Was, were being built | The soup was being cooked when he came. |
Past Perfect | Had been built | The film had been shown when we came. |
Future Simple | Will be built | The trees will be planted next summer |
Future Perfect | Will have been built | School will have been finished by June |
Present Infinitive | Be built | The window must be painted |
Perfect Infinitive | Have been built | The car may have been broken |
Gerund | Being built | I felt terrible being asked by him |
Modals | Can, must, may, should, ought, have to + be built | The rooms should be cleaned |
- Степени сравнения прилагательных
Тип прилагательных | Положительная степень | Сравнительная степень | Превосходная степень |
Односложные и двусложные с окончаниями –y, -er, -ow | Big Dirty Clever slow | Bigger Dirtier Cleverer slower | Biggest Dirtiest Cleverest slowest |
многосложные | Active, serious | More active, more serious | Most active, most serious |
исключения | Good Bad Little Many, much Old far | Better Worse Less More Older-elder Farther-further | Best Worst Least Most Oldest, eldest Farthest, furthest |
Правописание прилагательных
Окончание | примеры |
Опускается конечная –е | Large –larger-largest |
Удваивается согласная после краткой гласной | Fat-fatter-fattest |
-у меняется на -i | Happy-happier-happiest |
- Степени сравнения наречий
Вид наречий | Положительная степень | Сравнительная степень | Превосходная степень |
Совпадающие по форме с прилагательными | Fast Hard Late early | Faster Harder Later earlier | Fastest Hardest Latest earliest |
С суффиксом -ly | Slowly | More slowly | нет |
Особые формы | Well Badly | Better worse | Best worst |
- Множественное число существительных
варианты | Единственное число | Множественное число |
Окончание -s | Book, game, car | Books, games, cars |
Окончание - es После шипящих -s, -x, -ch, -sh, -ss, -o | Bus, box, watch, potato | Buses, boxes, watches, potatoes |
-f меняется на –v -y меняется на -i | Wolf, scarf, wife, life baby | Wolves, scarves, wives, lives babies |
исключения | Child, man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, mouse, sheep, fish | Children, men, women, teeth, feet, geese, mice, sheep, fish |
Составные существительные | Grown-up, passer-by, mother-in-law, manservant | Grown-ups, passers-by, mothers-in-law, menservants |
- Притяжательный падеж существительных
Единственное число | Множественное число | Имеют притяжательный падеж |
Girl’s book Woman’s son Child’s toy Cat’s place | Girls’ books Women’s sons Children’ toys Ann and Mary’s room |
- Местоимения
Personal Nominative | Personal Objective | Possessive adjectives | Possessive nouns | Reflexive | Demonstrative |
I You He, she, it We You they | Me You Him, her, it Us You them | My Your His,her,its Our Your their | Mine Yours His, hers, its Ours Yours theirs | Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Ourselves Yourselves themselves | This-these That - those |
Interrogative | Indefinite | Indefinite | Negative | Universal | |
Who Whom Whose What Which Наречия: Why Where when | Some Somebody Someone something Any Anybody Anyone Anything one | Much Many Little Few Both Either other | No None Nobody No one Nothing neither | All Every Everybody Everyone Everything Each |
- Инфинитив
Tense | Active | Passive |
Present | To write | To be written |
Continuous | To be writing | ----------- |
Perfect | To have written | To have been written |
Perfect Continuous | To have been writing | ----------- |
The use of the infinitive
After modal verbs | Can, may, must, could, might, have to, should, ought to, need to | I can go. He could have gone. She may be sleeping. |
After certain verbs | to agree to arrange to ask to begin – to continue to decide to demand to desire – to expect to fail to forget to hate to hesitate to hope to intend to like – to love to manage to mean to prefer - to promise to remember to seem to try – to want would like to | I agree to come He hesitated to answer We expected him to fail I want you to come |
After senses | Let, make, see, hear, feel, | I saw her go |
After phrases | Had better, would rather, would like to, would prefer | I had better go now |
After phrases be+ adjective | To be afraid to, to be crazy, to be glad, to be pleased, to be ready, to be sorry | I am afraid to swim He is ready to answer |
- Герундий
Active | Passive | |
Present | asking | Being asked |
Perfect | Having asked | Having been asked |
After certain verbs | to admit –to avoid -delay–to deny –to dislike to enjoy – to escape – to excuse –to finish –to forgive – to imagine –to mention –to mind – to miss - to postpone -to risk –to stop -to suggest –to understand – | We admit going to Moscow |
After the verbs with prepositions | to agreeon/to –to complain of –to consist in - to count on/upon -to depend on –to feel like – to hear of - to insist on -to keep from – to look forward to-to look like –to object to –to persist in – to result in -to speak of –to succeed in -to suspect of to thank for –to think of -
| They agreed on travelling by train She looks like sleeping We succeed in learning |
After the phrases with prepositions | to be afraid (of) –to be ashamed (of) – to be engaged in –to be fond of – to be good at –to be interested in – to be pleased (at) –to be proud (of) – to be sorry (for) – to be surprised (at) – to be tired of – to be used to - | I am afraid of travelling She is good at dancing I am sorry for being late I am used to walking |
After phrases | Idea of, manner of, use in, hope of | There is no use in arguing |
After prepositions | On, by, after, before, without, instead of ,through, besides | On coming home I ate After sleeping I cooked |
11. Причастие
Forms | Verb form | Sentences |
Participle 1 | V-ing (action in process) exciting | Ann, reading a book, is my sister. Look at the dog, running in the street. The film is boring. |
Participle 2 | V3 (finished action) | The I see the cake cooked by Ann. I am bored. |
- Упражнения по видам грамматики
- There are a lot of (child) in our school.
- Don’t touch (Ann) book.
- I cannot see any (passer-by).
- Mary is afraid of (goose).
- I take (potato) to cook soup.
- We clean (tooth) in the morning.
- The (earth) atmosphere protects us.
- Did you go to the (city) centre?
- I go to the (parents) meeting.
- It is just (ten minutes) walk.
- Can you see (body) in the room?
- He spoke only about (he).
- We took (every) for our trip.
- I know (who) book this is.
- Don’t close (this) windows.
- I knew (body) in the room.
- We had to build the house (our).
- The car was (they).
- She gave me a pen. I didn’t have (my).
- What is (she) name?
Прилагательные, наречия
- I have (good) friend in my class.
- We came (late) than we expected.
- He was my (old) brother.
- She was (old) than I.
- I always do my homework (good)
- Jane is the (clever) in class.
- She did her work (bad).
- This time try to do it (slowly) than before.
- He is very rude, he is (friendly) person in the office.
- The (many) I study, (good) results I have.
Пассивный залог
- Yesterday he (send) to Moscow.
- He (watch) now.
- Other new house (build) in the future.
- Sorry, the letters (bring) yet.
- Pupils (teach) at school usually.
- Milk (sell) by ten o’clock tomorrow.
- E-mails often (write) by adults.
- We (introduce) to the director last evening.
- Exercises (do) at the moment.
- While the floors (clean), I was sitting in the kitchen.
Настоящие времена
- Every day Ann (hurry) to school.
- They (close) the office now.
- She (live) in hotel at the moment.
- I (break) my vase just now.
- We (not see) him since we came here.
- He (write) a work for 2 hours today.
- While the music (play), he (dance).
- The bus (arrive) at 10 tomorrow.
- We (visit) our museum next Monday.
- The moon (go) round the Earth.
Прошедшие времена
- Last summer we (travel) to Africa.
- While she (look) through the window, he (cook) breakfast.
- We (pack) all our things before the taxi (come).
- She (repair) the radio all evening yesterday.
- They (train) during 2 days when the rain (begin).
- Tom (watch) a new program at 6 yesterday.
- He (sleep) when the hurricane (start).
- I (get) home by 8 o’clock.
- I (look) for my camera for 2 hours when I (understand) that it was stolen.
- She (get) up, (take) a shower and (have) breakfast.
Будущие времена
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, to be going to
- The water is boiling, I (turn) it off.
- After we finish the project, we (to have) a holiday.
- You (turn) on the radio?
- The film (be) over by the time we come.
- They (lie) on the beach at this time next Sunday.
- The plane is falling, it ( crash).
- I am afraid, he (fall) ill.
- Perhaps, we (stay) at home.
- If we (have) time, we (cook) a cake.
- My Dad (be) 50 next month.
- The bus (arrive) at 5 p.m.
- We have arranged everything. We (travel) to Thailand.
- I expect they (get) good marks.
- They (study) for 10 years by 2014.
- Don’t call me, I (have) a lesson at this time tomorrow
Инфинитив и герундий
Open the brackets and form the infinitive or gerund. Add prepositions where necessary.
- The teacher demanded (give) her written works.
- He reminded me (take) the medicine in the chemist’s.
- The police accused him … (steal) the money from the bank.
- She complained … (feel) very exhausted those days.
- The robber denied (go) late at night that night.
- We insist … (give) back our money.
- They suggest (build) a new supermarket in the area.
- He explained he (be) busy last Sunday.
- Bob boasted …(have) a big house with a garden.
- We apologize … (come) late to the party.
- She forbade me (smoke) in the room.
- They refused (help) me in this difficult situation.
- The director threatened ( not let) us to come to school.
- I admit (close) the door too early.
- We informed they (get) the first prize.
- Define P1 and P2: exciting, excited, shown, drawn, swimming, drawing, bought, collected, drying, watched, playing, printed.
- Translate:
- I don’t like dried fruit. 2. I hear him playing music. 3. They want to have baked bread. 4. He sees playing children. 5. I can’t give you back lost money.
- Fill in the correct word:
- A (writing, written) letter lay on the table. 2. (lost, losing) time is never found again. 3. The film (shown, showing) yesterday was interesting. 4. (cooked, cooking) food lay on the table. 5. I saw (played, playing) children.
Смешанные упражнения на образование грамматической формы
Exercise 1. Make a new grammar form from the words:
Happen 1. What … to you now? 2. This … to me many years ago. 3. I just … to see John.
Be 1. Where ... you …already? 2. She … …always late for the lesson. 3. What … you … in the future?
Wear 1. What … she … now? 2. I … never … this dress. 3. The shoes … really … out.
Two 1. It was my … lesson. 2. At … I don’t know him. 3. In … years you will be 34.
Little 1. I have … points than you. 2. This was the … possible chance. 3. When I was … I liked ice-cream.
Bad 1. It is the … day. 2. He writes … than I .3. He spoke …
Foot 1. We have 2 ….
You 1. What is …occupation? 2. Please, do it …. 3. Are you sure it is …?
Hard 1. It was the …. Exercise! 2. It was … than I thought.
Child 1. Many …. сame to the circus. 2. These … shoes are very comfortable. 3. Who is this … mother?
Play 1. I … never squash. 2. They … all day today. 3. She … for 10 years by the next year. 4. We … a new game now.
Old 1. We found … artifact on the Earth. 2. Ann is … than Tom. 3. Look, it is my … son.
Remember 1. She smiled … the joke. 2. … to buy bread. 3. He … the last visit to Rome.
See 1. After … a new film we discussed it. 2. I … my friend tomorrow. 3. This film … by everybody.
Know 1. Not … the truth we can’t decide. 2. Many people … to everyone. 3. We must … what to do.
Exercise 2.
- People can hardly imagine their (life) without modern technologies nowadays.
- It (be) almost impossible to go out without a mobile phone or an MP3 player.
- (This) devices (become) already an important part of our life.
- Moreover, almost every day either a new technology (be) invented or an old one is being improved.
- To stay up-to-date people keep (buy) newer items.
- Soon our houses and work places (look) like electronic stores.
- Technology is all around (we). (one) of all, we need it for work.
- One of the (more) important devices today is the wi-fi modem as it provides access to the internet.
- Secondly, technologies surround (we) at home, in cars and everywhere.
- It (include) TVs, radios, refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, (wash) machines, CD-players, e-books, cameras and else.
Exercise 3
- Why is it that so many of (you) favorite singers and bands start out with songs that strike a chord with you but end up (record) stuff that is unbelievably bland?
- The really powerful songs are often (that) that express the life of an individual for (who) social reality is a problem.
- The individual reacts either by wanting to give (some) a good kicking or by withdrawing.
- The bands that can give such a perfect musical form to feelings like these generally lose (they) magical touch for one or (many) of the following reasons.
- Contrary to popular belief drugs (be not) a great source of inspiration to the artist.
- Users are more likely to slip into a routine of spending all their time (watch) daytime television in rooms with the curtains (draw).
- Since the (member) of a band need to be working together on the same finely tuned wavelength.
Exercise 4
- Ada Lovelace (be) the daughter of the poet Lord Byron.
- She (teach) by Mary Somerville, a well-known researcher and scientific author, who introduced her to Charles Babbage in June 1833.
- Babbage was an English mathematician, who first (have) the idea for a programmable computer.
- In 1842 and 1843, Ada (translate) the work of an Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, on Babbage's Analytical Engine.
- Though mechanical, this machine (be) an important step in the history of computers; it was the design of a mechanical general-purpose computer.
- Babbage (work) on it for many years until his death in 1871.
- However, because of financial, political, and legal issues, the engine (build) never .
- The design of the machine was very modern; it anticipated the (one) completed general-purpose computers by about 100 years.
- Типовые задания раздела «Грамматика» в ОГЭ
Задание 1. Преобразуйте слова в новую грамматическую форму.
I woke up but couldn't open my eyes. The curtains B3____ and still the light seemed too bright. All my body hurt and I had a sore throat. I knew that it was warm in the room, but my B4_____ felt as cold as ice. I looked at the clock - it was about nine o'clock. I could hear that mum was cooking Sunday breakfast. But I B5_____ hungry at all. I felt very thirsty and I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. | CLOSE TAKE GOOD NOT HAVE |
Задание 2. Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали предложению.
Emma opened the envelope and got the card from inside. What could it be? It was anB10____ to a New Year party in the local Jazz Club. It wasn't a B11____ party for children with Santa Claus, Christmas Carolsand reciting poems. There have been lots of parties of that kind in Emma's life. She enjoyed them in her B12____, but they didn't attract her any more - now she found them very B13____ . A party in the Jazz Club sounded like a good plan. There was only one thing Emma worried about - what to wear for the event? Who could she ask for advice? Her elder sister worked as a shop B14____ in the central department store. She probably could give her some idea of an outfit. | INVITE |
Задание 3.
It was about 6pm when I heard a knock on the door. It _________BE_________ Jason, my teenage neighbour. He looked cold and upset.
“What’s wrong, Jason?”
“I _________LOSE_________ my key and I can’t get into my house.”
“Come in. Today’s not a day for long walks, or long waits,” I looked out the window. It _______SNOW_________ hard and it was windy. The weather was getting ________BAD__________ every hour.
Jason _________TAKE_________ off his coat and boots. His ________FOOT__________ were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm.
“Where are your parents, Jason?”
“I _________NOT/KNOW_________. I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen _________BREAK_________ and the phone was obviously dead.
Jason focused on the food again. He took his _________FOUR_________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could make biscuits like this.”
Задание 4
By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone _________NOT/DO_________ much. Most of my friends wish they _________HAVE_________ smartphones because they are cool and trendy. They say the _________GOOD_________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones _________USE_________ mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games. Grown-ups as well as ________CHILD__________ like playing games. Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my ________ONE__________ mobile phone. When I bought it, it didn’t cost _________I_________ very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it. It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It _________FLY_________ down the staircase and hit the wall. I thought that _________BE_________ the end of it and I would have to buy a new one. But nothing of the kind – it still works properly!
Задание 5
Last spring my best friend Isabelle and I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented a small apartment for a week with a _________WONDER_________ view of the town. At the last moment another friend, Linda, asked if she could come with us. She was a _________FRIEND_________, cheerful girl and we were glad to have her join us. Venice was a _________FANTASY_________ place and we enjoyed our trip greatly. Linda was fond of history and she told us lots of ________INTEREST__________ facts about the town. We also liked the Italian food very much. The waiter in the nearby pizzeria was a boy from Britain, so we never had any problems with _________COMMUNICATE_________. The only _________PLEASANT_________ thing about Venice was the weather. It was unusually cold and windy that week.
Как писать личное письмо
Критерии оценки письма
К1 2 балла | Решение коммуникативной задачи | Задание выполнено полностью: содержание отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании(даны полные ответы на все вопросы, заданы три вопроса); стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (соблюдается неформальный стиль), соблюдены принятые в языке нормы вежливости. |
К2 2 балла | Организация текста | Высказывание логично, средства логической связи использованы правильно; текст разделён на абзацы, оформление текста соответствует принятым норма в стране изучаемого языка |
К3 2 балла | Лексика и грамматика | Используемый словарный запас и грамматические структуры соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче; практически нет нарушений в использовании лексики, грамматики и орфографии, допускается не более 2 ошибок. |
Writing an informal letter
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I couldn't answer it earlier. I was busy with my schoolwork.
Well, I want to answer your questions. I'm only 16 and I can't help relying on my parents now, but most of my friends and I dream to be independent. As soon as I leave school, I'll go to university. If I find a part-time job, I'm ready to leave my family and start living on my own. Of course, it's hard financially to rent a house or an apartment in Russia, especially if you are a student and don't have much money, but I'm prepared for this.
I have to go now. Mum wants me to do some shopping for her.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Устная часть
Устная часть в ОГЭ состит из трех частей: чтение вслух текста научно-популярного характера, принять участие в условном диалоге-расспросе, то есть ответить на вопросы по определенной теме, построить монологическое высказывание по предложенной теме с опорой на план. Для подготовки учащихся использованы материалы открытого банка ОГЭ с сайта ФИПИ. Учащиеся получают вопросы и планы для тем, чтобы приготовить ответы.
1 Вопросы для диалога
1. School
- How many lessons do you usually have?
- What subjects do you find the most difficult?
- What is your favorite week day, why?
- What sport facilities do you have in your school?
- Do you think school uniform is necessary? Why?
- What would you recommend your friends to do to improve English?
2. Shopping
- Who usually does the shopping in your family, why?
- What can you buy in your nearest shopping centre?
- How often do you usually go shopping?
- Why are shopping centers so popular nowadays?
- Why do some people hate shopping?
- What time do you think busy people should go shopping?
3. Films
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- What kinds of films do you like most?
- Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- How can films in English help improve English?
- What film would you recommend your friend to see and why?
4. Reading
- What kind of books do you like to read?
- Who is your favorite writer?
- How often do you borrow the books from the library?
- Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less nowadays?
- How can reading English books help students improve their English?
- What book would you recommend your friend who wants to read for pleasure and why?
5. Free time
- How much free time do you have on weekdays?
- How do you and your friends usually spend free time?
- Who do you prefer to spend your free time with?
- What after school activities do you take part in?
- Do you think that everyone should find some free time for sports, why?
- What hobby would you do if you had more free time?
- What is your favorite season?
- Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?
- What do you like to do during your winter holidays?
- How often do you and your family travel?
- What type of transport do you find the most convenient, why?
- What place in your country would you recommend a foreign tourist to visit, why?
- School events
- How many classes do you usually have a day?
- What sports facilities do you have in your school?
- What clubs and societies can you attend in your school?
- What school events like concerts and performances do you usually have during the school year?
- Do you enjoy taking part in school events, why?
- What event would you recommend organizing in your school, why?
8. Sports
1. How many lessons of PE do you have a week?
2. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
3. What sports do you do regularly?
4. What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?
5. Would you like to do any extreme sports, why?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager if he wants to be fit?
1. How old are you?
2. How much time do you spend on the internet every day?
3. What do you use the internet for?
4. What do you do in the information technology or computer studies lessons?
5. Why are computer skills useful for everyone?
6. What would you recommend a person who spends too much time on the internet?
10. Television
1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2. How often do you go to the cinema or to the theatre?
3. How much time do you usually watch TV every day?
4. What TV programs are popular in your family?
5. Do you prefer TV or the internet, why?
6. What TV program would you recommend your friends to watch?
11. Mobile phones
1. How old are you?
2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
3. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?
4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
5. Do you think that it is right that mobile phones are not allowed at some schools?
6. In what place would you recommend to switch off your mobile phone, why?
- Where would you like to live: in a big city or in the country?
- What are the advantages of living in the country?
- What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?
- Do you and your friends care about the ecological problems? Why?
- Have you ever taken part in any of ecological projects at school?
- What would you recommend a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his/her town?
13.Daily routine
- When do you get up on week days?
- What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?
- How long does it take you to get to school?
- What is your favorite part of the day? Morning, afternoon, evening. Why do you like it?
- What do you do to help your parents about the house?
- What would you recommend teenagers who are often late to school?
14. English
- What is your favorite subject at school?
- When did you start learning English?
- What do you do in your English lessons?
- Do you find learning English easy or difficult, why?
- What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?
- What would you recommend a person do if he/she wants to improve English?
15. My town
- How long have you been living in your town?
- What is the place where you live famous for?
- When was your town founded?
- What season is the best for visiting your town, why?
- What is your favorite place in your town? Why do you like it?
- What place in your home town would you recommend visiting?
16. Foreign languages
- What f.l. can you learn at your school?
- How many English lessons a week do you have?
- For what reason do people learn f.l. today?
- What is the most effective way of learning f.l. in your opinion?
- Do you think English will be useful for you in the future, in what way?
- What language would you recommend your English speaking friend to learn, why?
17. Daily routine
- What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?
- How much time do you spend doing your homework?
- What sports do you do regularly?
- What do you do to help your parents about the house?
- How do you spend your weekends?
- What would you like to change in your daily routine?
18. Sports in your region
- How old are you?
- How many times a week do you do sports?
- What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?
- What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?
- Why do you think it is important to keep fit?
- What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?
4.2. Темы для устного высказывания
1. Give a talk about clothes and fashion.
- why people buy expensive clothes;
- what style of clothes you and your friends prefer;
- whether you approve of the idea of school uniform or not and why.
2. Give a talk about your school.
- when your school was founded;
- what clubs and sports facilities the school has;
- whether there is anything special about your school.
3. Give a talk about the coming exams.
- whether you think the exams are necessary, why
- what subjects you have chosen as your exams this year, and why
- how you are preparing for your English exam
4. Give a talk about books.
- why reading books is getting less popular with children and teenagers;
- whether you prefer electronic or traditional paper books, why;
- what kind of books you prefer to read.
5. Give a talk about holidays.
- why most people like holidays;
- what your favorite holiday is and how you celebrate it;
- what holiday you dislike, why.
6. Give a talk about your home town (city or village).
- about the general description of the place (size, age, location);
- what makes it interesting or / and important (historical facts, architecture, industries, etc);
- what you like about it most (nature, people, lifestyle, particular streets or places).
7. Give a talk about environmental problems.
- what environmental problems our country has;
- what environmental problem you consider to be the most serious, why;
- what people can do to improve the situation.
8. Give a talk about foreign languages.
- why it is useful to study foreign languages at school;
- how many languages you would like to speak; what they would be;
- what you do to improve your English.
9. Give a talk about travelling.
- why travelling has been so popular since the beginning of the 20th century;
- what the best means of transport for travelling is (from your point of view);
- what people like doing while travelling.
10. Give a talk about libraries.
- what we need libraries for;
- whether you use your school library, why/why not;
- what you prefer: using libraries or Internet resources, why.
11. Give a talk about books.
- why people continue reading books nowadays;
- what kinds of books are popular with Russian teenagers;
- what book you would take with you to a desert island and why.
12. Give a talk about TV.
- why TV is important in modem society;
- when you watch TV;
- what you prefer: watching TV or reading a book, why.
13. Give a talk about the place where you live (about your home town).
- what your home town looks like;
-whether you have some favourite places in your home town, what they are;
- what you would do for your home town if you were the President .
14. Give a talk about keeping fit.
- why lots of people try to keep fit;
- what you do to keep fit;-
- what sports are popular with your friends.
15. Give a talk about the Internet.
- why Internet activities are so popular;
- how the Internet can help students in their studies;
- whether the Internet can be dangerous, why.
16. Give a talk about your favourite writer
- who is your favourite writer
- why you like his books, what style are they written in
- what kind of books do you prefer
17. Give a talk about weather and seasons
- what season you are fond of
- what weather is the best for, what is the weather today
- what do you prefer: living in a country with one season or in the country with changeable seasons
18. Give a talk about TV programs:
- what your favorite TV programs are
- what programs you can’t stand
- why you like/ dislike them
19. Give a talk about pets:
- describe your pet, what you like in it
- why is it important to have pets
- what you prefer: having a usual or exotic pet
20. Give a talk about sport:
- whether teenagers should do sports, why
- whether you prefer doing or watching sports
- what you do to keep fit
21. Give a talk about mobile phones
- whether you use a mobile phone
- what the advantages of using mobile phones are
- what the disadvantages of using mobile phones a
22. Give a talk about your school uniform
- whether you wear school uniform in school or not
- what the advantages of wearing school uniform are
- what the disadvantages of wearing school uniform are
24. Speak about important inventions.
- what invention you consider the most important
- what devices you often use and what for
- why it is difficult for people to do without computers and mobile phones
25. Speak about money.
- what today’s teenagers usually spend their pocket money on;
- whether you have ever thought about taking a job; why it can be a problem for a student;
- what you would do for your town/city/village, if you had lots of money.
26. Give a talk about free time.
- what you enjoy doing in your free time;
- whether you prefer spending your free time with your friends or alone, why;
- what you would do if you had more free time.
27. Speak about a famous person from history.
- what he/she is famous for;
- when and where he/she lived;
- whether he/she played a positive or negative role in history, and why.
28. Speak about your school holidays.
- what your favourite school holidays are, and why
- which you prefer: to spend holidays in the city or in the country, and why
- what the best holidays you ever had were
29. Speak about animals.
- why some wild animals have become endangered;
- how people can protect endangered species of animals;
- whether it is right to keep wild animals as pets.
- Speak about friends.
- what people need friends for
- how long you and your friend have known each other
- what you enjoy doing together
- Speak about films.
- what kind of films most people enjoy
- where you prefer watching films: on TV or the internet
- what film you have seen recently
- Speak about your future career.
- what job and education opportunities young people have after finishing the 9-th form
- what jopb you would like to do in the future
- what advice your parents have given you about your future career
- Speak about wild animals.
- what wild animals live in your region
- why people build zoos in cities and towns
- whether it is a good idea to keep wild animals as pets
- Бим И.Л., Биболетова М.З., Е.Е Бабушис, В.В.Копылова Т.М.Фоменко. ГИА. Английский язык. Сборник заданий для проведения экзамена в 9 классе. Москва, 2009г.
- Газета «English», Издательского дома "Первое сентября" http://1september.ru/
- Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок» («Первое сентября») – Режим доступа: http://festival.1september.ru/
- Российский портал открытого образования – Режим доступа: http://www.openet.edu.ru/
- Портал информационной поддержки Единого государственного экзамена- Режим доступа: http://www.ege.edu.ru/
- Интернет-ресурс: http://www.fipi.ru
- Интернет-ресурс: http://www.prosv.ru - сайт издательства «Просвещение» (рубрика «Иностранные языки»)
- http:/www.drofa.ru - сайт издательства Дрофа (рубрика «Иностранные языки»)
- http://www.center.fio.ru/som - методические рекомендации учителю- предметнику (представлены все школьные предметы). Материалы для самостоятельной разработки профильных проб и активизации процесса обучения в старшей школе.
- http://www.edu.ru - Центральный образовательный портал, содержит нормативные документы Министерства, стандарты, информацию о проведение экзамена.
- Интернет сайт http://www.internet-scool.ru – школы издательства Просвещение.
- Эванс В, Английский язык.[Текст]: учебник для 8-го класса для общеобразовательных школ/В.Эванс, Д.Дули - Москва, Просвещение, 2012- 216 с.
- Учебник В.Эванс, Д.Дули Английский язык. Учебник «Старлайт» для 9-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Москва, Просвещение, 2013 г.
- Учебник В.Эванс, Д.Дули Английский язык. Учебник «Старлайт» для 10-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Москва, Просвещение, 2013 г.
Словообразование в английском языке суффиксы – Режим доступа:http://engood.ru/wordform/angliyskie-suffiksy, свободный.- Заглавие с экрана.
Уроки английского языка онлайн "с нуля" по темам бесплатно – Режим доступа: http://www.homeenglish.ru/uroki_online21.htm, свободный. – Заглавие с экрана.
Приставки и суффиксы в английском языке. – Режим доступа: http://engblog.ru/prefixes-and-suffixes, свободный. – Заглавие с экрана.
Демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ по английскому языку 2016 – Режим доступа: http.www.fipi.ru// oge, свободный. – Заглавие с экрана.
Федеральный компонент государственных образовательных стандартов среднего (полного) общего образования М.: Астрель, 2009.
- Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В., Мильруд Р.П., Эванс В. Английский язык. Учебник «Старлайт» для 9-го класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Москва, Просвещение, 2014 г.- 216с.
- Открытый банк заданий ОГЭ по английскому языку 2016 – Режим доступа: http.www.fipi.ru// oge, свободный. – Заглавие с экрана.
- Мерфи Р., Практическая грамматика английского языка, Кембридж юнивесити, Великобритания,2003 г. – 350 с.
Мусихина Екатерина Васильевна
Министерство образования Кировской области
Кировское областное государственное
общеобразовательное автономное учреждение
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Кировская область, проспект Мира, 52
Директор гимназии Ходырев Александр Петрович
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