Урок-дебаты по английскому языку на тему "Образование" 11 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)

Костяева Елена Вениаминовна

Разработка урока посвящена теме образования и будущей карьере выпускников школы. Существуют разные мнения на эти вопросы и обменяться ими стало интересно не в форме традиционного урока, а провести дебаты с делением на команды, с высказыванием идей "За" и "Против". Динамичный, интересный по форме урок привлек внимание учащихся и педагогов нашего Лицея.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока в 11 классе на тему «Карьера и образование. Стоит ли учиться в престижном вузе?»

Форма урока - дебаты

по УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.

Цель: формирование культуры общения учащихся. Улучшение  межличностных отношений в классе. Ознакомление с системами образования Великобритании и России.


  • Образовательные: 
  • Расширить кругозор учащихся в рамках данной темы.
  • Развивающие:
  • Развивать навыки монологической речи, умение вести дискуссию.
  • Воспитательные: 
  • Воспитывать у учащихся общеязыковую культуру общения. 
  • Формировать у учащихся уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
  • Практические: 
  • Учить употреблять ранее изученную лексику в ответах на вопросы.
  • Развивать умение понимать на слух сообщения, построенные на языковой и речевой базе данной темы.
  • Активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «The world of professions».

Оборудование и оформление: мультимедийные  презентации, персональный компьютер, проектор.

Форма: урок-дискуссия.


  1. Подготовительный этап:

- оргмомент
- целеполагание.

2. Проверка д.з., закрепление лексических и грамматических оборотов по теме.

3  . Основная часть:

- проведение дискуссии на тему «Учеба в престижном университете»

3. Заключительная часть:

- подведение итогов

Ход урока:

  1. Учитель здоровается с детьми, отмечает отсутствующих.

Нello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today. (ответы учащихся)

Is everybody present?  (ответы учащихся)

  1. Речевая разминка. Определение темы урока.

During last lessons we were speaking about choosing a profession. I think to choose the right profession is a crucial point in everybody’s life, isn’t it? When people have a perfect job they feel happy and satisfied. Have you chosen your profession yet? What are your plans for future? What are you going to be, Sasha?

  • I’m going to be a …. It is a stressful, but rewarding job.
  • I’m going to be a…  It’s been my dream from my childhood.

Уч. -  What should you do after school to become a good specialist?

(Ответы) -  To get good education, to enter the university and to graduate from the university.

Уч. - You are right. I think that is a very important question for you now. That’s why our today’s topic is “Universities”

We will speak about the opportunities which universities can give for your future career. Which university to choose?

Today we are opening our discussion club on the topic  “Prestigious universities – for or against?”  Are you ready to organize a debate?  - (Ответы учеников.)

        But a debate is a special form of the discussion. So we should make  2 teams and try to discuss the problem from the different sides. Now you must be divided into two groups: if you are for the idea ,please, sit in the left part of the class and if you think that you can make your career after any university – you are welcome to the right part. Think a little and make your decision.

(Учащиеся делятся на две группы).

        Now we have group A and group B with their different positions.

We shall start with the warming up.  Your  homework was to learn some new words about  higher education. Open your books at page 54  №3 and repeat the words: alumnus, graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, Bachelor, Master, retraining course, refreshing course, major in.  I ask Sasha Novikov  to help me  check your knowledge. He wants to suggest you to match the words with their definitions, using the computer.

Проверка Д.З. – соотнесение дефиниций и слов по теме «Высшее образование» (презентация ученика Новикова С.)

          Thanks for cooperation and a very inventive quiz. Your marks are…

Now you are ready to start the debate. Who will be a chairman, a leader of the debate?

Уч-ся: We think you will be the best candidate.

(Учитель объявляет о начале дебатов.)

Уч. - Ladies  and gentleman, look at the screen.

(Презентация учителя 1 слайд)

Уч. - The motion for the debate is “You can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a prestigious university”  Who can translate this statement? (Ответы учеников). It’s a disputable question, isn’t it? That’s why we are arranging the debate today and it has some rules.

(Презентация 2 слайд)

(Читают ученики) We shall work in two groups… and at the end of the debate we will know which group is stronger. (Комментарии учителя по слайду)

Уч. -   I know that you are thinking about the university to study in. Our city is rich in universities and academies.

(Презентация 3 слайд)

Do you know these universities? Read their names.

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Уч. – Today you have opportunities to choose a prestigious university in our country and abroad.

(Презентация 4 слайд, последний)

Уч. – But what does it mean – a prestigious university? Give me some characteristics.

(Ребята дают характеристику)

Р. - It is a university with a good reputation. It is famous and well-known. It has qualified teachers with scientific degrees. There is a wide rate of faculties and departments there. The standard of education there is very high.

Уч. - Thank you. To know more about teenagers from other countries let’s read the students’ opinions on where to learn after school. Open your books at page 59, ex. 46. and  read the phrases. (Уч-ся читают высказывания детей)  Their opinions are different.

Уч.- To discuss a problem correctly we need some special polite phrases, addressed to our group mates and opponents. Write down some of them and use them in your work.

(Dialogue vocabulary: I agree, I don’t think so, on one hand, on the other hand, besides, although etc. Используется запись на доске)

 Let’s start our discussion.  How do you think, what is the first argument  for studying at a prestigious university? (Ответы ребят)

1 argument – ….quality of education

(Ученик записывает на доске)

Уч.- Group A, give your opinion, please.

Группа А

1 - Students choose prestigious universities because they offer  high quality of education. Young people want to receive deep knowledge in their field, and  they are ready to work hard to be  good specialists.  Besides, the best universities are provided with modern equipment – computers, laboratories, workshops and others. Is it right?

2 – Exactly. They also have many interesting and useful  projects for students like exchange programmes (when teenagers go abroad to continue their education). Such universities make contracts with factories and companies (when you work  at plants  and get practical experience)

Уч. – Thank you for your arguments. Now I’ll give the floor to group B. Can you develop your group’s counter- arguments?

Группа B

1 -        I think it’s not necessary to spend your time and money on a very prestigious university. If you are not a very bright student  you should choose an ordinary university  in your town. The educational  programmes are not very difficult there. You feel comfortable in studying and you can catch up with the group without problem. Do you have anything to add? 2 -2 -  Yes, of course. The fact is that modern means of communications like the Internet give you a chance to get new information about your future profession. If you are ready for self-studying and you know computers very well,  you can provide a modern level of knowledge by yourself. You also have more time for taking optional courses.

Уч. – Both groups gave interesting ideas. Does anybody want to tell us about their future profession and a university to study in?

Выступления от группы  А – Саша Бубнов

Выступления от группы  В – Даша Березенцева (монологи, диалог)

(Учитель поощряет группы цветными жетонами за активность и убедительность)

2 argument – … getting a good job

Уч. – Now I’ll give the floor to group A. Have you got any other arguments on this issue?

Группа А

1 - Yes, sure. After graduating from the prestigious university alumni have an opportunity to get a better job. I think they will earn much money and make their successful career. Employers trust the graduate degrees of Moscow state University or Cambridge University. We live in a global world and in our days it’s very popular to study abroad  and get an international diploma.

Уч. It’s an interesting idea – to go abroad for studying. Can you say some words about any prestigious universities in Great Britain?

Выступление от группы А – Саша Ильюшенков и Саша Сеземин.

Уч. Do you believe that a degree from a prestigious university guarantees a high salary in future?

2 - Big companies need many qualified graduates – managers, engineers, doctors and  architects. Good specialists are employable. For example, military  academies provide their graduates with work completely. Young  officers get a good salary.

Уч. – What does  group B  think about  getting a job after some not very famous university?

Группа В

1 - I understand the opponents, but on the other hand, the graduates of an ordinary university can also find a good job. They have more free time and they  can study the second speciality as well or combine work and studying at the university.  They can start their own business if  they are  active and ambitious.

2 - I agree with you. We know the graduates of our school who studied in traditional universities and became a very successful people.

Уч. – Oh, really? Who are they? Please, give some facts from their lives.

 Выступления от группы  В – Альфия Суханаева

Уч. – Thank you very much. It was a  very informative and interesting discussion. Does anybody have any questions?

Unfortunately, the lesson is going to an end  and we must make a conclusion.

Учащиеся переводят на английский язык итоги дискуссии:

- престижный вуз имеет много преимуществ

- он дает возможность найти хорошую работу

- ты можешь получить образование высшего качества

- университеты за рубежом  дают дипломы международного образца

-  учась в обыкновенном  вузе, ты становишься уверенным в себе и чувствуешь себя комфортно

-  ты можешь совмещать работу и учебу

- обучение не такое  дорогое

- ты можешь сэкономить деньги и время

Уч. – Thank you for the discussion. Both groups were convincing and talkative. You helped your group mates in dialogues and were polite with the opponents.

Your marks for the lesson are …

As a home task  I suggest that you  work in your A.B. and write a composition about  your educational plans.  Write down your H.W., please.

 A,B.p.32 №8, S.B. p.58№44 reading

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