Брейн-ринг «Новый Год» (8 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Московскова Александра Валерьевна

Викторина для 8 класса на звание новогодних и рождественских традиций Великобритании




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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока-викторины по английскому языку для 8а кл «Новый Год»

Цели: актуализация материала по теме «Рождество» и «Новый год», развитие лексических и графических навыков, тренировка навыков чтения и письменной речи, чтения и аудирования, расширение кругозора, повышение интереса к английскому языку, ознакомление с традициями и обычаями стран изучаемого языка.


Познавательный аспект: учащиеся познакомятся с традициями и культурой страны изучаемого языка на основе праздника Christmas and New Year.

Развивающий аспект: целенаправленное развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, таких как внимание, способность к анализу и синтезу, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых закономерностей, языковая догадка, зрительная и слуховая память,  фонематический слух.

Учебный аспект: работа, направленная на овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности: говорением, аудированием, чтением и письмом.

Воспитательный аспект: повышения интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умения внимательно слушать собеседника.

Языковой материал: слова, речевые образцы, монологические и диалогические высказывания по теме «Christmas and New Year»

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Технологии: игровые, личностно-ориентированые, развивающие.

Методы: информационно-рецептивные, репродуктивные, частично-поисковые, проблемные, систематизирующие, контролирующие

Формы организации познавательной деятельности:

- фронтальная работа,

- групповая работа.

- интерактивное обучение

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, презентация PowerPoint, проектор


1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя (5 мин)

- Hello, my dear friends! Today is the 10th of December, and that means that the most magical time of the year is coming… Can you guess, what is this? Of course, New Year!

There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. But the holidays we like most of all are New Year’s Day and Christmas Day. People prepare for these holidays in advance: they buy presents, make fancy dresses, send greeting cards and decorate their houses.

Our competition is devoted to these great holidays!

We have two teams today. They are going to show us, if they know everything connected with Christmas and New Year. I hope you are ready to start.

At first our teams will introduce themselves. Tell us, what the name of your team is.

The team gets 1 point for each correct answer. The winner is the team that gets the most points. Good luck!

2. Основная часть.

Task 1. The first task is a small quiz about Christmas and New Year. (3 мин)

We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents? (Stockings)

The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents (fireplace)

We dream about them all night before Xmas? (Presents)

What is Santa’s means of transport? (sledge, reindeer)

How does Santa get into the house? (chimney)

This symbol of Xmas has wings and often wears white (angel)

Who helps Santa? (elves)

What country is the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree from? (Germany)

(подсчитать кол-во баллов)

Very good! Let`s go further

Task 2. Просмотр видеоролика/презентации. Ответить на вопросы после просмотра. (8 мин)

  1. How do Englishmen call Christmass?
  2. Where do people place stockings in the USA and Britain?
  3. What people do for sending letters to Santa in America and in Britain?
  4. What things are inside the cracker?
  5. Recite a terrible joke.
  6. What British leave for FC?
  7. What thing is mandatory to wear?
  8. Name the dishes for Christmas meal.
  9. What’s for Pudding in both countries?
  10. Who speaks the Royal message?
  11. When is the Boxing day and what people do in reality?
  12.  When do people take down the Christmas tree?


  1. Greenbow
  2. Around the fire place/ around the bed.
  3. To mail box/ to the fire to send them directly to North Pole with the smoke
  4. Plastic prize, a paper crown and a terrible joke.
  5. Why ghosts so bad at lying. Because you can see right through them.
  6. Brandy and pastry as he is grown up.
  7. A paper crown.
  8. A turkey, sausages, Brussels sprout, bread with souse.
  9. Pumpkin pie and peanut cake in America/ Christmas pudding flavored with dried fruit, spices and soaked in brandy.
  10. A Mother Queen.
  11.  The next day after Christmas/ Shopping.
  12.  12 days after Christmas.

    Task 3. Ответить на вопросы викторины (5 мин)

1. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

a) on the 7th of January b) on the 25th of December c) on the 31st of December

2. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

a) Jesus Christ b) Santa Claus c) Queen Victoria

3. What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?

a) Norway b) Italy c) Germany

4. What does Santa Claus look like?

a) is dressed in white b) fat and merry c) thin and unhappy

5. How does Santa Claus enter the houses to give children Christmas presents?

a) knock at the door b) through the window c) climb down the chimney

6. Where does Santa Claus put Christmas presents?

a) under the Christmas tree b) in long socks called “Christmas stockings” c) in

colourful boxes

7. What is the traditional Christmas food?

a) roast chicken b) vegetables c) roast turkey and Christmas pudding

8. How do British people decorate their houses at Christmas?

a) with tinsel and candles b) with angels c) with such plants as holly, mistletoe

and ivy

9. How does Santa Claus travel?

a) by horses b) on a sleigh pulled by reindeer c) on foot

10. What do British people put on the top of the fur tree?

a) an angel b) a star c) a figure of Santa Claus

11. What do British people traditionally do at the start of Christmas meal?

a) sing carols b) pull a cracker c) give presents to each other

Ключи к заданиям викторины: 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.a 11.b

Task 4. Найти 13 слов, связанных с Рождеством. (5 мин)

d          c          h          i           m         n          e          y          u

e          h          a          e          l           f          t           s          q

c          r           e          I          n          d          e          e          r

o          i           s          a          n          t           a          v          w

r           s          t           o          c          k          I          n          g

a          t           a          s          s          b          e          l           l

t           m         r           d          l           l           e          v          e

I          a          p          r           e          s          e          n          t

o          s          v          s          I          k          b          t           r

n          m         l           e          g          o          I          s          e

s          b          a          c          h          t           o          n          e

Task 5. Read the sentences and state if they are true or false. Be ready to tell the correct answer if the sentence is false. (8 мин)

1. Christmas Day, December 30th is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain.

2. Presents are put near the fireplace.

3. People get prepared for this holiday very carefully.

4. In Great Britain, the Christmas tree became popular while Queen Elizabeth ruled the country.

5. On a Christmas day children hang their bags, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them.

6. Watching TV is an essential part of Christmas.

7. Santa Claus can put a piece of coal in stockings as punishment if the child didn’t behave properly.

8. Besides the Christmas tree, holly and oak are used to decorate the house.

9. Usually a ring or two are hidden inside the pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.

10. So, Christmas is a merry family holiday for all the people of Great Britain.

11. The French are believed to be the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations

12. Carols were used for the first time during Christmas in the fourteenth century.

13. A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding.

14. Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. George

15. An artificial «frost» is scattered over the branches of Christmas tree

16. Christmas trees are decorated only with lights

Task 6.  Новогодние обещания. (5-7 мин)

There is one interesting tradition. Do you know, what people usually write before New Year’s Eve? – New Year resolutions. What is it? Can you explain? Yes, promises… they promise something to their parents, to themselves…

And our next competition is to write as many resolutions, as you can, you have 5 minutes.

(подсчет баллов, объявление победителей)

Now that`s all for today! Thank you for your work, see you next time

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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