Visual Art
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Федосихина Дарья Константиновна

Презентация с вопросами для обсуждения на уроках англйиского языка, посвященных культуре. Например, Rainbow-11. Unit 2.


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Слайд 1

Visual art

Слайд 2

1. What kind of visual art do you like most? How often do you go to museums/art galleries? Do you have a favourite art gallery? Do you visit art galleries/museums while travelling? What is the best exhibition you have ever been to? What is the longest/the shortest you’ve spent at an art gallery? Why? What is your list of “must visit” Russian museums/galleries for foreigners? Why?

Слайд 3

Do you think all children should study Art at school? Why is it important to know the history of art/ works of art/ the names of famous people? What art lesson do you remember as the most interesting one? Why? What world-famous artists do you know/ like? Who is your favourite painter? What is your favourite painting?

Слайд 4

Which of the two genres-portrait or landscape painting –attracts you more? Many artists produced pictures of scenes at sea. Can you give any names of famous seascapists ? Can we name photography a visual art? Why?/Why not? Have you ever tried your hand at any of these arts: painting, sculpture, photography? How successful were you?

Слайд 5

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat __ DENY___of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its ____GLORIOUS__. I __SINCERE___ hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really __TREND__. His face seemed __VAGUE__ familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 6

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its ____GLORIOUS__. I __SINCERE___ hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really __TREND__. His face seemed __VAGUE__ familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 7

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I __SINCERE___ hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really __TREND__. His face seemed __VAGUE__ familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 8

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I SINCERELY hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really __TREND__. His face seemed __VAGUE__ familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 9

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I SINCERELY hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really TRENDY. His face seemed __VAGUE__ familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 10

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I SINCERELY hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really TRENDY. His face seemed VAGUELY familiar to me. His apology sounded __SINCERE__. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 11

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I SINCERELY hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really TRENDY. His face seemed VAGUELY familiar to me. His apology sounded INSINCERE. We can’t put up with the _ DENY___of human rights.

Слайд 12

Change the word in capitals to make it fit the sentence. His flat DENIAL of the incident surprised us. We were sure he had taken part in it. The bright moonlight showed the palace in all its GLORY. I SINCERELY hope that your father will be well again soon. His clothes are always fashionable and really TRENDY. His face seemed VAGUELY familiar to me. His apology sounded INSINCERE . We can’t put up with the of DENIAL human rights.

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