Сценарий сказки "The Little Red Hen"
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Сценарий сценки по сказке «The Little Red Hen» во 2 классе
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Сценарий сценки по сказке «The Little Red Hen» во 2 классе
Narrator Андрей (ведущий) -
Hello! This is a little red hen. Her name is Jen, or Jen The Hen. She has got three children – two sons and one daughter. They are very, very nice. They live in a brown house in Green Street. They are a happy family
Jen The Hen: (Настя) - That’s my daughter,
That’s my son,
That’s my son,
Together:( вместе с цыплятами) - We are very happy,
and we are fine!
The 1st Chicken: (Саша Балакина) -Spring is here – we can play,
The 2nd Chicken: (Вася) - We can play the whole day,
The 3rd Chicken: (Ваня) - We can jump and we can run,
Together: - We can have a lot of fun!
Ведущий 2 (Саша П.) -Jen The Hen Has got three friends. Here they are!
(отходит в сторону)
Pam The Cat: (Юля) - I’m a big grey cat. My name is Pam, or Pam The Cat.
I live in Green Street, too.
Tug The Dog: (Паша) - I’m a big black dog. My name is Tug, or Tug The Dog.
I live in a doghouse.
Chuck The Duck:(Давид) - I’m a big yellow duck. My name is Chuck, or Chuck
The Duck. I’m a good swimmer. I live near the lake.
Ведущий 2 - Jen The Hen has got five seeds and wants to plant them!
Jen The Hen: - My dear friends, can you help me plant the seeds?
Pam The Cat (Юля) - I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m not well. I can’t work.
Tug The Dog: - I’m sorry, but I don’t like to work. I like to play.
Chuck The Duck: - Oh, no. I want to go to the lake. I want to swim.
Jen The Hen: - I’m sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy.
They don’t like to work. Can you help me plant the seeds?
The 1st Chicken: - Don’t worry, Mummy!
The 2nd Chicken: - We are not lazy!
The 3rd Chicken: - We can help you!
Ведущий 2 : Then Jen The Hen makes bread and three friends come to eat the bread
Pam The Cat: - Hello, Jen The Hen!
Tug The Dog: - Hello, little chickens!
Chuck The Duck: - We want to help you!
Jen The Hen: - Do you want to help me plant the seeds?
Tug The Dog: - Oh, no!
Jen The Hen: - Do you want to help me make bread?
Chuck The Duck: - Oh, no!
Jen The Hen: - Do you want to help me eat the bread?
The Friends: - With great pleasure!
Jen The Hen: - But I don’t want to give you the bread. I want to give the bread to my chickens. They are not lazy. They always help me!
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