Сценарий "The Little Mermaid" для 3 класса
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Сценарий "The Little Mermaid" для 3 класса
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid Ariel
Sister 1
Sister 2
Prince Eric
Flounder (Dolphin)
King Poseidon
Scene 1 Narrator: Not many people know that there is a wonderful world hidden from human eyes. Song There are some people Who live in the sea They do not walk Like you and me. Chorus: They swim Like fish They’ve got fishtails They dance with dolphins Crabs and whales. The merpeople make Homes of sand. (There are some people Who live in the sea) And live in the ocean, In Poseidon’s land. (They do not walk like you and me). Repeat Chorus Narrator: There was a Great Kingdom Under the sea Where all the merpeople Live and swim free. The king of the mermaids Poseidon the Great Had seven pretty daughters. Ariel was a little mermaid princess who lived beneath the sea in a beautiful palace. She was very pretty But the most beautiful thing about the girl was voice. When she sang all the creatures in the sea stop to listen She had a very interesting collection of unusual things which she found in the drowned ships. Ariel: Oh, what a nice day today! Maybe today I will find some more nice things for my collection? I want to see the world of people so much! My father and sisters don’t understand me. (Песня русалочки+ танец морских обитателей) Narrator: Ariel’s best friend were dolphin Flounder and her two sisters. They often played together. One day two friends and also two Ariel’s sisters swam up to play in the waves and suddenly... Ariel: Look! (поверхность)? What is this big thing on the surface? Flounder: I don’t know Ariel, but we’d better not find it out! It can be dangerous. They will cook us for dinner. Imagine us as the main course of the feast. Brrr. Sister 1: Remember your father’s words! He will be very angry! Don’t go, listen to my advice. Ariel: No, my friends, there is nothing that can stop me now. There can be something interesting. Narrator: So they swam up and saw a big ship. On the deck of the ship there were sailors singing and dancing to happy music. Sister 2: Look! One man is wearing rich clothes and a crown! He must be a prince. Ariel: I’ve never seen a human this close before. Oh, he’s very handsome, isn’t he? Narrator: Suddenly there was a loud crash of thunder in the sky, the wind started blowing and a huge wave hit the ship. The Ship crashed and all were thrown overboard. Sister 1: Ariel, hurry up! Let’s go back home! Ariel: No! !! I must save the prince, if I don’t do it he will drown! Where is he? I can’t see him now! Flounder: He is under the waves! Ariel: I must save the prince! Narrator: The little Mermaid pulled the prince above the waves and swam towards the shore. Her friends were near her Sister 2: Is he dead? No, look! He’s breathing!!! We have to go! Ariel: I wish I had legs so I could live on land and see you every day…I wonder if the wicked witch can help me! Oh, if I were a human…. Scene 2. Narrator: Still dreaming about the prince Ariel swam back to the palace. Poseidon: Ariel! I just don’t know what we are going to do with you, young lady!!! Where have you been? You missed our celebration. Ariel: But father! It’s so interesting to discover the world above. Poseidon: What? You went up to the surface again, didn’t you? What are you hiding? Show me! Ariel: No, it’s nothing! (Отец видит брошь принца у дочери и вырывает ее из рук) Poseidon: Oh, my disobedient daughter! What is it? How many times must I tell you: you couldn’t be seen by one of those humans!!! They are very dangerous! Ariel: They are not dangerous. Especially he…he is the best of all…Father, I love him! Flounder,Sister 1,Sister 2: Who!? Ariel: The Prince…I have just saved him! Poseidon: Stop talking! You mustn’t go to the surface again .Is it clear?? Now you are punished! I will lock you in your room, Sisters, Flounder, help me! Ariel: No, no! (Русалочку уводят и запирают в комнате) Scene 3 Ariel: He loves me…I want to see him again!!! Sister 1: Ariel, stop talking in this way. Down here is your home. But he can’t be with you… Ariel: I’ve got an idea. I’m going to see Ursula. … Flounder: Shhh! She’s a demon, she’s a monster.… Аriel: I don’t care…Let me out, please!!! Flounder, Sister 1,2: We are with you, Ariel!!! Ariel: Thank you, my friends! A friend in need is a friend indeed! Now I have some business to do, see you later. Flounder, Sister 1,2: But ..But….Come on… (Ариэль плывет к морской ведьме Урсуле) Narrator: Deep in the sea , into a big cave lived the sea witch Ursula, the ugliest and the most cunning creature ever seen. Ursula: Come in, my child, I’ve been waiting for you and I know your sad story. Ariel: Can you help me? Ursula: It’s very easy to help you, darling. You love a human being and the only way to get what you want-is to become a human yourself. Ariel: Can you DO that?? Ursula: My dear, sweet child! I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for 3 days. But before the sun set on the third day the prince must kiss you. It will be a kiss of true love. Ariel: If not… Ursula: If he doesn’t do it you will turn back into a mermaid and –you will belong me… Flounder, Sister1, Sister 2: No, Ariel… Song Ariel is sad She looks at the potion But how can she leave Her home in the ocean. Chorus: It’s very hard to make the choice To leave her life To lose her voice She thinks of her Prince And his beautiful land She must have her legs She must learn how to stand. Repeat Chorus She must have her feet. She must learn how to stand To leave her life And lose her voice. Ariel: I agree… Ursula: But we haven’t discussed the subject of payment. You can’t get something for nothing… Ariel: But I don’t have any… Ursula: Why do you think so??? It’s just a trifle.What I want from you is… your charming and sweet voice…. Ariel: My voice? But how can? I… I agree. Ursula: Are you sure? Ariel : Yes, I love him more than my life! Let’s have a deal right now!!! (Ведьма превращает русалочку в человека. Ее голос оказывается в ракушке на шее у Урсулы!!!) Друзья русалочки помогают ей оказаться на берегу) Ursula: Now you magic voice is mine. I will be able to keep it here into this shell!!! Scene 4. (Русалочка сидит на берегу и друзья сидят рядом с ней) Sister 2: Ariel! What’s the matter with you? You look so strange…Where is your tail? Flounder: Look! She has human legs, she is not a mermaid anymore! Sister1 : I know, Ursula has transformed her into a real girl! Stupid girl, now she looks terrible! Flounder: Shhh, somebody’s coming, let’s hide! (Появляется Принц Эрик) Prince: Oh, oh…Are you ok , miss? You seem very familiar…to me. Have we met before? Ariel : (кивает) Prince: What’s wrong? You can’t speak? You are not the girl I am looking for, but I will help you, let’s go to my palace. Come on, you’ll be ok. (Принц берет ее за руку и ведет во дворец.) Scene 5. (Выходит русалочка в красивом платье. Обед. ) Все восхищаются красавицей. За столом Принц, Русалочка и Дворецкий) Prince: You look…wonderful… Butler: It’s not often that we have such a lovely dinner guest!!!Oh, my Prince, she is a real beauty but she is so strange, look, what is she doing? (Русалочка причесывается вилкой) Butler: It’s not a comb, it’s a fork, you use it like this...(показывает) (Русалочка дует в трубку, сажа на лице дворецкого. Дворецкий говорит с Ариель с глазу на глаз.) Butler: It is amusing. I know that are you not a princess and a real girl. Who are you? Ariel: Shows that she is a mermaid. Butler: Be careful and good luck! You are a very nice girl and you should be happy!
Ariel: Кивает. (Под столом сидят Sister 1, 2, Flounder, едят и следят за русалочкой). Sister 1: Are you happy now? Sister 2: Is it what you wanted? Flounder: Let’s go back to the palace, you have only two days to kiss the prince or you will be unhappy forever. Prince: I want you to enjoy seeing some of the sights of the kingdom. Do you want to accompany me? Ariel: ( кивает, показывает жестами, что не может говорить).….. Scene 6. (Русалочка с принцем катаются на лодке. Sisters и Flounder плывут за лодкой Песня “Kiss the girl”) Narrator: They left town and had a trip. They ended up rowing on a still lagoon in the evening. Their friends decided to create a little vocal romantic stimulation. Sister 1: We must help them and create the mood. Flounder: I am ready … Играет песня Kiss the girl Prince: I feel bad because I don’t know your name, let me guess. ..Diana? Mildred? Rachel? Flounder: Ariel! Her name is Ariel! Prince: What? Flounder: ARIEL! Are you deaf? Prince: Ah, Ariel! Ariel: кивает Prince: What a beautiful name, it’s as beautiful as you! If only I could hear your voice! (Принц пытается поцеловать русалочку , но Урсула мешает им и опрокидывает лодку) Ursula: It was a nice work. I will have to take this matter into my tentacles!!! Poseidon’s daughter’s will be mine!!!I have a plan! (Урсула превращается в красивую девушку и очаровательным голосом русалочки и поет, сидя на берегу. ЕЕ голос околдовал принца.) Scene 7.(Помолвка Ванессы и Принца) (Ванесса (Урсула) поет на берегу, завлекая принца) Narrator: The Prince heard a familiar and exciting voice, his heart started beating, he was placed under her voice!!! He ran to the shore as quickly as he could. Vanessa: Eric, do you recognize me? I saved you the other day! Prince: It’s you, my only and true love; I’ve found you at last! Come to the palace, will you marry me? Vanessa: It’s high time for your proposal; hurry up, my future husband! The wedding will be in the evening, it’s my wish! Prince: I’ll do everything you want. Nothing won’t part us!!! Narrator: They decided to arrange the wedding on the same day. Poor Ariel found out this sad news and cried bitterly. What could she do? Sisters and Flounder decided to help her. Sister 1: Ariel! Do you know who this woman is! She’s Ursula, the witch! I saw her real reflection in the mirror. Sister 2: We must stop the wedding, I have an idea, and I’ll call our sea friends. And his royal highness Poseidon!! Flounder: We’ll follow the wedding ship; I will take you there because you can’t swim now. You should be there. Sisters, hurry up!!! Scene 8 ( Vanessa and her friend Magician) Vanessa: You know, Magician, soon I will be married. Magician: Really? Who is your husband? Vanessa: Prince Eric! He is very handsome and he loves me very much! Magician: Why? Vanessa: Because he thinks that I saved him after the ship crash. He doesn’t know the truth! Ha-Ha-Ha! Magician: Who saved him? Vanessa: Stupid Ariel! She gave me her voice in order to become a human! She wanted to marry the prince, but I will be his wife and Ariel will be my servant forever! Magician: You are the best, as usual! Now, let’s dance our favourite dance! Vanessa: With a great pleasure! Magician and Vanessa are dancing Rock-n-Roll. Scene 9 (Появляются все морские обитатели, Sisters, Flounder и Poseidon) Narrator: Eric and Vanessa were ready for the wedding; there were a lot of guests on board the ship. The Prince took the girl’s hand and led her to the altar. Ursula was happy. All was according to her wicked plan. At this moment Ariel and her friends reached the ship and saw everything. Flounder found a way to stall the wedding –he teared her shell with Ariel’s voice off and Ariel quickly broke it. The spell was broken. Narrator: Vanessa started turning into Ursula and Ariel turned into a mermaid again. She could speak at last !!!. Ariel: Eric! Prince: You –you can talk…It was you-all the time… Ariel: I wanted to tell you all the time. She is a liar! Don’t listen to her. You wanted to marry this witch! I am your real savior. Ursula: It’s too late! He didn’t kiss you and you‘ll be my servant now! Poseidon: Ursula no… Ursula: Not a chance , Poseidon!!!We made a deal!!She is mine now!!It’s too late!!! Poseidon: Let her go. Ursula: Say “good bye” to your sweetheart!!! Prince: I won’t lose you anymore .You can’t stop me!!!…I will kill you, oh witch! Принц ножом убивает Урсулу. Она падает за борт. Poseidon: Oh my dear daughter, why didn’t you tell me everything at once! She really does love him, doesn’t she, Sisters? Sister 1,2: Yes. Children got to be free to lead their own lives. Poseidon: Only one problem. How much I’m going to miss her..ok… You will be human again. Do you want to be together with the Prince? Ariel: It’s my only wish! Отец превращает русалочку в девушку. Prince: Forgive me! It’s all -my fault! But now we can be together at last. Will you…? Ariel: Oh, yes! Narrator: A few days later the wedding took place. All the sea creatures were invited and they could watch the ceremony. It was the most beautiful wedding ever seen. Звучит финальная песня и танец всех участников под песню “ ”) Narrator: So our story has come to an end Thank you for your attention! Don’t forget that miracles can happen every moment of your life! Финальный поклон. Занавес. |
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