Исследовательская работа на тему «Экология и безопасность в современном мире на примере родного региона»
статья по английскому языку (11 класс)
Данный материал содержит тезис и презентацию исследовательской работы по теме: "Экология и безопасность в современном мире на примере родного региона". Презентация будет полезна студентам и преподавателям при подготовке доклада или проектной работы на конференции.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Экология и безопасность в современном мире
на примере родного региона»
Автор: Халикова А. Ф.
Научный руководитель: Каюмова Г. И.,
ГБПОУ Уфимский профессиональный колледж Имени Героя Советского Союза Султана Бикеева
The modern world is a world full of various technologies and it is impossible to imagine it without the development of science and technology, without introducing technological innovations, but the rapid increase in the role of science and technology as a factor of social transformations actualizes a complex range of ideological, socio-ethical and other problems. Of course, first of all, a person inflicts damage to himself by bringing a permanent and catastrophic impact on nature to achieve his goals.
Fortunately, people began to solve these problems, creating a variety of programs to preserve the ecological situation in the world. It is environmental issues that are currently being given special attention by the public, scientists, and politicians. This is explained by the fact that everything that affects nature directly affects a person, affects our health, mood, and even success.
The research purpose: to study the causes of the emergence of environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan, find out the existing solutions and suggest ways out of this situation. According to purpose the following main tasks were solved:
1) To define the concept and reveal the essence of the environmental problem.
2) Consider the causes, factors of environmental degradation.
Subject of the study: environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The scope of the study is analysis and ways to solve environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Environmental problem is a change in the natural environment, leading to a violation of the structure and functioning of nature. Perhaps, both anthropogenic and natural disasters, but we decided to look at the example of environmental pollution, affecting all environments of the terrestrial sphere: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere [2].
The global environmental crisis is approaching: change, climate, degradation of the biosphere, imbalance of water, water sources, increase in waste, huge amounts of non-recyclable garbage (plastic bags and bottles), soil pollution, increased pollution with various gases, particulate matter and mist-like compounds of atmospheric air. Climate instability (floods, storms, hurricanes) make sacrifices, destruction of infrastructure, damage, and therefore deterioration of living conditions and quality of life, diseases caused by environmental pollution [1].
The Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the developed industrial regions of the Russian Federation. The concentration of industrial production here is significantly higher than all-Russian indicators, especially in terms of the location of oil refineries and chemicals. By volume of industrial production, the Republic of Bashkortostan today ranks fifth in the Russian Federation.
This is undoubtedly a good indicator for the republic and Russia as a whole in terms of the economy. But after all, the likelihood of emergencies of a natural nature is very high due to the modernization of the industry, that is, the fact that there are more than 3000 industrial enterprises and organizations in the republic whose production activity leads to emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere [4].
The main feature of the republic’s ecology over the next 5-10 years will be a decrease in the share of pollution that industry gives, and an increase in the share of pollution from utilities and vehicles. The actual problem will be the problem of pollution of water sources with sewage of utility systems, pollution from road transport and waste. The problem of wastewater treatment can be solved by reconstructing and expanding the third stage of urban sewage facilities with financial support from federal authorities [5].
Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to environmental safety, which has become an important component of the national security of the republic. To prevent pollution, the following solutions can be proposed: update of outdated equipment at industrial enterprises and vehicles; reduction of water consumption and discharge of pollutants into the rivers of the republics; use of modern waste treatment systems at enterprises; pay great attention to the preservation of water protection and protective functions of forests, the preservation and reproduction of flora and fauna, and the prevention of air pollution; greening cities, reducing deforestation and reforestation; establish systematic control over the use by enterprises and organizations of land, water, forests, mineral resources and other natural resources; to increase attention to the issues of preventing pollution surface and groundwater [3].
Therefore, to prevent and reduce the level of environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources, it is necessary to widely introduce resource-saving technologies. The state of the environment leaves much to be desired, therefore environmental safety is very important. All efforts will continue to be in vain if environmental safety is not ensured on time. We hope that over time, due to the introduction of new technologies for cleaning industrial waste and livelihoods, as well as more rational use of natural resources, most of the environmental problems of the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan will be resolved.
1. Bobrov A.JI. Sustainable development and environmental economics. - M.: 2012. - 245 p.
2. Gerasimov A.B. Ecological safety of modern Russia: provision policy.- M.: 2008. - 177 p.
3. Gosteva S.S., Gosteva S.R., Lopatina S.A. State policy in the field of ecology and environmental protection. - M .: Evroshkola, 2014. – 207p.
4. Lagunova A.I. The structure of the ecological safety of Bashkortostan. - Krasnoyarsk, 2013. - 185 p.
5. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Bashkortostan. – Ufa, 1999. -145 p.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Introduction : The modern world is a world full of various technologies and it is impossible to imagine it without the development of science and technology, without introducing technological innovations, but the rapid increase in the role of science and technology as a factor of social transformations actualizes a complex range of ideological, socio-ethical and other problems.
The relevance of research: But now, in the 21st century, the problem of ecology and its safety attracts the close attention of scientists and the public due to the fact that first of all humanity pollutes nature more and more every day.
The research purpose: to study the causes of the emergence of environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan, find out the existing solutions and suggest ways out of this situation. According to purpose the following main tasks were solved: -To define the concept and reveal the essence of the environmental problem. - Consider the causes, factors of environmental degradation. -How to prevent pollution? Ways to solve.
Research methods: -processing, analysis of scientific sources; - analysis of scientific literature, textbooks on the studied problem. Subject of the study: environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The scope of the study is analysis and ways to solve environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The main environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan The Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the developed industrial regions of the Russian Federation. By volume of industrial production, the Republic of Bashkortostan today ranks fifth in the Russian Federation. In the republic, 16 percent of Russian oil is processed, every second ton of caustic soda is produced, a third of Russian oil and oil products are transported through the republic. Ufa is the capital of the multinational sovereign Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation.
The Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the developed industrial regions of the Russian Federation. The concentration of industrial production here is significantly higher than all-Russian indicators, especially in terms of the location of oil refineries and chemicals.
The main feature of the republic’s ecology over the next 5-10 years will be a decrease in the share of pollution that industry gives, and an increase in the share of pollution from utilities and vehicles. The actual problem will be the problem of pollution of water sources with sewage of utility systems, pollution from road transport and waste. The problem of wastewater treatment can be solved by reconstructing and expanding the third stage of urban sewage facilities with financial support from federal authorities
Solutions to environmental problems of the Republic of Bashkortostan - update of outdated equipment at industrial enterprises and vehicles; - reduction of water consumption and discharge of pollutants into the rivers of the republics; - toughening of state supervision and control over potentially dangerous enterprises; - government support for environmental activities, increasing its funding; - improvement of industrial equipment, technological measures to reduce the formation of harmful substances; - use of modern waste treatment systems at enterprises;
- greening cities, reducing deforestation and reforestation; - increase of sanitary culture of the population; - to increase attention to the issues of nature conservation and the rational use of natural resources; - Strengthen the fight against industrial and domestic noise .
Conclusion We hope that over time, due to the introduction of new technologies for cleaning industrial waste and livelihoods, as well as more rational use of natural resources, most of the environmental problems of the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan will be resolved.
However, each of us must do everything possible to keep the earth, the air and the water clean. Based on the research conducted in the work, it can be assumed that environmental problems will increase, and each new catastrophe, be it a hurricane, flood, earthquake or other natural disaster, will force humanity to change priorities towards greening development.
Thank you for attention!
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