Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Вечер английской поэзии»
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Внеклассное мероприятия стихи английский фольклер в переводе Маршака С.Я.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
«Вечер английской поэзии»
Ведущий 1 : Good afternoon, boys and girls! Good afternoon, dear guests! Nice to meet you! Today's party is devoted to English poems. Dear friends! Welcome to our party. We like poems very much and we are going to show you our favorites.
Ведущий 2: Let's listen to some more English poems! The poem about little mouse.
Little Mouse
P 1: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Where is your house?
P 2: I am a poor mouse
I have no house,
P 1: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Come into my house.
P 2: Little Cat, Little Cat,
I can't do that,
You want to eat me.
Жила-была мышка Мауси
И повстречала Котауси.
У Котауси злые глазауси,
И злые презлые зубауси.
Подбежала Котауси к Мауси
И замахала хвастауси.
Ах Мауси, Мауси, Мауси
Подойди ко мне милая Мауси,
Я спою тебе песенку, Мауси,
Чудесную песенку Мауси.
Но ответила умная Мауси:
Ты меня не обманешь, Котауси!
Вижу злые твои глазауси,
И злые презлые зубауси,
Так ответила умная Мауси
И скорее бегом от Котауси.
Ведущий2: The next poem is "Little girl".
Little Girl
Pupil 1: Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
Pupil 2: I've been to see grandmother
Over the green.
Pupil 1: What did she give you?
Pupil 2: Milk in a can.
Pupil 1: What did you say for it?
Pupil 2: Thank you, Grandma.
Маленькая девочка
Ученик 1: Маленькая девочка,
Скажи, где ты была?
Ученик 2: Была у старой бабушки
На том конце села.
Ученик 1: Что ты пила у бабушки?
Ученик 2: Пила с вареньем чай.
Ученик 1: Что ты сказала бабушке?
Ученик 2: "Спасибо" и "прощай".
Ведущий1 : And now it's time to listen to some English riddles. The first one is «Beautiful girl".
Ведущий 2: Look at the activboard and match the pictures and words.
1) She is a beautiful girl. She is slim. She has got dark hair and lovely eyes. She wears a long blue and yellow dress. She is very kind and has a lot of friends. She lives in the forest. (Snowhite)
2) She is pretty. She has got fair hair and beautiful lips. She is slim and wears a long blue dress. She is kind and not lazy. She can do everything about the house and she can dance well. (Cinderella)
3) He is very funny and brave. He is poor. He has got a long nose and big eyes. He is wooden. He wears a yellow hat, a yellow T-shirt, red shorts and red shoes. (Pinocchio)
Ведущий 1 : Let`s sing the song “I am the music man”
Ведущий2 : The next poem is "Pussy cat"
P 1: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
P 2: I've been to London
To look at the Queen.
P 1: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you do there?
Р 2: I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.
В гостях у королевы
У 1: Где ты была сегодня, киска?
У 2: У королевы - у английской.
У 1: Что ты видала при дворе?
У 2: Видала мышку на ковре
Ведущий1 : And now it's time to listen to some English riddels.
1) He is very funny but not very clever. He is yellow and fat with a big tummy. He is kind and he has got a lot of friends. He wears a small red T-shirt. He likes honey. (Winnie-the-Pooh)
2) She is very angry and strong. She is tall, slim and ugly. She wears a blue and black dress and a crown. She doesn’t smile. She lives in a castle. (Angry queen)
3. This cat is very kind. It has yellow blouse and violet bow. Нe always says:» Let`s live in peace!» (Leopold)
Ведущий 2: Can you dance? Let`s dance and sing.(зарядка)
Put your hands up in the air
and shake your bodies round
Hands upon your toes
and turn around around
Hands wave up high
Hands wave down low
Stamp with your feet and
jump jump jump
Ведущий 1: Listen English riddles.
4 He is small and fat. He has small legs and arms. And he likes jam very much (Karlsson)
5 He is an orch. He is very big and strong. His skeen is green. (Shrek)
6. This is a girl. Her father is a King. She asked the witch to turn her a man. Her name is Ariel.
7. It is a bee. It is very kind and fun and it can help everybody. It`s friend is Willy. (Maya the bee).
8. He is the smallest. He had blue hair and the same clothes. He also has a sister and mother and father. His sister name is Simka. (Nolik)
9. It is lion. It is strong and brave. It has friends Timon and Pumba. (Simba).
10. She is funny, naughty. She has friend Bear. (Masha)
Ведущий2: The next poem is about black sheep.
Baa, baa, black sheep
P 1: Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
P 2: Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
У 1: Ты скажи, барашек наш,
Сколько шерсти ты нам дашь
У 2: - Не стреги меня пока.
Дам я шерсти три мешка:
Один мешок - хозяину,
Другой мешок- хозяйке,
А третий - детям маленьким
На теплые фуфайки!
Ведущий1 : The next poem is about Humpty-Dumpty
Sat on a wall,
Had a great fall;
All the King's horses
And all the King's man
Couldn't put Humpty
Together again.
Сидел на стене.
Свалился во сне.
Вся королевская конница,
Вся королевская рать
Не может
Не может
Шалтая-Болтая собрать.
Ведущий2 : The next poem is about Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain;
He stepped in a puddle,
Right up to his middle,
And never went there again.
Доктор Фостер
Отправился в Глостер.
Весь день его дождь поливал.
Свалился он в лужу,
Промок еще хуже,
И больше он там не бывал.
Ведущий2 : The next poem is about boys and girls
What Are Little Boys Made of?
What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs` tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all things nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.
Мальчики и девочки.
Из чего только сделаны мальчики?
Из чего только сделаны мальчики?
Из колючек, ракушек и зелёных лягушек –
Вот из этого сделаны мальчики.
Из чего только сделаны девочки?
Из чего только сделаны девочки?
Из конфет, и пирожных, и сластей всевозможных –
Вот из этого сделаны девочки.
.Ведущий2: Let's sing and play!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-Oh.
And Bingo was his name-Oh!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-Oh.
And Bingo was his name-h!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-h.
And Bingo was his name-h!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-h.
And Bingo was his name-h!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-h.
And Bingo was his name-h!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-h.
And Bingo was his name-Oh!
Ведущий1: Our poem`s party is over. Thank you for attention! Good bye!
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