"Жизнь в деревне или в городе"
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

задание на определение главной темы каждого высказывания


Файл country_or_city.docx14.65 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

High cost of living

Crowded streets

Low rate of unemployment

Noise and pollution

Shops, cinemas, theatres

Convenient transport


Feeling freedom

Heavy traffic

Peace and quiet

High rate of unemployment

Friendly people

Fresh air

Contact with nature

Vicky: “ I am fond of my life in a big city. Most of all, I like the comfortable buses and trains. I can get the place of my work in 15 minutes. And there was not a problem for me to find a job. There are thousands of advertisements. Choose any you like!”

Judy: “ I live in a small village. My parents are farmers. They want me to be a farmer too. However, I don’t want to do it. There is no another place to work in our village. They do not have enough money to rent me a flat in the city. So I have to help them to do farming”.

Bob: “ I hate my living in a big town. I cannot stand this loud noise from the streets. Thousands of cars and people constantly make a terrible noise! I can go mad! In addition, I cannot breathe this dirty air. What an awful city!”

Tobby: “ I am crazy about the height! I live on the ninety-ninth floor! It’s so cool!”

Nick: “As for me, there is no place like home. I was born in a village. Therefore, I don’t want to change my peaceful country life for cruel city life. I know everybody in my village and everybody knows me. We help each other in different difficult situations”.

Kate: “ I am very cultural person. I try to visit all spectacles and films. During the living in my native country I could not find any good and fashion dress. When I came to a big city, this problem was solved”.

High cost of living

Crowded streets

Low rate of unemployment

Noise and pollution

Shops, cinemas, theatres

Convenient transport


Feeling freedom

Heavy traffic

Peace and quiet

High rate of unemployment

Friendly people

Fresh air

Contact with nature

Vicky: “ I am fond of my life in a big city. Most of all, I like the comfortable buses and trains. I can get the place of my work in 15 minutes. And there was not a problem for me to find a job. There are thousands of advertisements. Choose any you like!”

Judy: “ I live in a small village. My parents are farmers. They want me to be a farmer too. However, I don’t want to do it. There is no another place to work in our village. They do not have enough money to rent me a flat in the city. So I have to help them to do farming”.

Bob: “ I hate my living in a big town. I cannot stand this loud noise from the streets. Thousands of cars and people constantly make a terrible noise! I can go mad! In addition, I cannot breathe this dirty air. What an awful city!”

Tobby: “ I am crazy about the height! I live on the ninety-ninth floor! It’s so cool!”

Nick: “As for me, there is no place like home. I was born in a village. Therefore, I don’t want to change my peaceful country life for cruel city life. I know everybody in my village and everybody knows me. We help each other in different difficult situations”.

Kate: “ I am very cultural person. I try to visit all spectacles and films. During the living in my native country I could not find any good and fashion dress. When I came to a big city, this problem was solved”.

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