Урок в 5 классе "Пасха"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Семенова Марина Вячеславовна

Конспект урока и материалы для использования на урокахв 5 классе


Предварительный просмотр:


Семенова Марина Вячеславовна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «СОШ № 29» городского округа г. Стерлитамак


Английский язык


5 класс («Английский с удовольствием», Биболетова М.З.)

Тип урока

Комбинированный урок


Формирование универсальных учебных действий на лексическом материале по теме «Пасха в Великобритании»


Достижение учащимися личностных, предметных и метапредметных результатов.

Личностные результаты: осознавать возможность использования имеющихся знаний в новой языковой ситуации, проявлять интерес к новому содержанию, оценивать уровень собственной языковой компетенции и необходимость ее повышения; формировать эстетические потребности, ценности и чувства; развивать самостоятельность и личную ответственность за свои поступки, в том числе в информационной деятельности, на основе представлений о нравственных нормах.

Предметные результаты:

-  догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по контексту (глагол  “like”);  

- понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников при непосредственном общении и вербально/невербально реагировать на услышанное;          

- употреблять изученную лексику по теме «Цвета» в устной и письменной речи;

- практически использовать грамматические умения (утвердительные предложения в Present Simple);

- воспроизводить графически и каллиграфически корректно буквы английского алфавита, сравнивать такие языковые единицы как звук, буква, слово;

- адекватно произносить и различать на слух звуки английского языка, соблюдать нормы произношения звуков.

Метапредметные результаты:

Регулятивные УУД:  определять цели и задачи урока, устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом, планировать собственную деятельность, интересоваться чужим мнением, высказывать свое.

Познавательные УУД: соотносить содержание текста с иллюстрацией, пользоваться изученными правилами чтения для уточнения произношения слов, сравнивать и анализировать грамматическую информацию, делать обобщения.

Коммуникативные УУД: работать в парах, группе, участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблемы, слушать товарища и обосновывать свое мнение, выражать мысли и идеи.

Ход урока:

Организационный момент: Good morning, children! How are you? How are you, Artur? How are you, Nikita? (опрашиваю всех детей)

Речевая разминка:  Let’s begin our lesson! We shall work today in groups. We will speak about spring holiday. What holiday is it? What do you think? Look at these pictures. I want you to guess it. Yes, we are going today to speak about Easter and Easter traditions of Great Britain.

Фонетическая разминка: But first of all, remember some sounds! Look at the slide and read these poems after me. Please, read altogether! And you, you…And now the 1st group! The 2nd! The 3rd

Easter is the time of joy

For all people, girls and boys

Joyfully today we sing:

Jesus is arisen King

Now, find these sounds in the given poem. Let`s start our first task.





Look at the screen.

Have you got any mistakes?

Well done! I think we are ready for the work!

Вводный этап: Look at the next slide. And match the British holidays and the days and months when they are celebrated.


the 2nd Sunday in May

New Year's  Day

April or May

St. Valentine's Day

December 25


October 31

Mother's Day

February 14


January 1

Check your answers. Have you got any mistakes? And when do the British celebrate Easter? In spring or winter? In December? In April or May. Say me please English spring month and Russian spring month. (первые 5 слайдов посмотрели)

Основной этап: Children, do you know how Easter is celebrated in England? I would like tell you about it. Look please on the screen. (с 6-го по 9-ый слайд) Yes, Easter rabbit is the main symbol. Let`s play a game «Who has gor an egg?» Stand up and go in a circle. Who want to be tha Easter bunny?

Музыкально-релаксационная минута.

Thank you, sit down please.

And let`s continue our work. (слайды 10 -13)

Now I think you have just known more interesting information about Easter. Let`s check your knowledge. I give you the text, you must read and answer the questions. And the last task for you. Match the sentence. Who can read it? I think so too.

Завершающий этап:

Well my dear friends, our lesson is over but before you leave I want you to estimate our lesson and your work today. If you liked the lesson, and everything was clear and interesting for you, and you were very active and positive today hang on this egg the red hearts. If you didn’t like the lesson, and there was something unclear, uninteresting for you hang on this egg the yellow stars.

Ok, I’m happy, you liked our lesson, I liked it very much too. You must at home mini-project, or short telling, or crosswords by your choice about Christmas. O.k. Our lesson is over. Good bye!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Easter is the time of joy For all people, girls and boys Joyfully today we sing: Jesus is arisen King [z] [ η ] [ i :] [ oi ] By Evelyn Stein

Слайд 2

[ oi ] [ i :] [ η ] [z] joy boys Joyfully Easter people sing King is girls boys arisen Jesus we

Слайд 3

Easter in Great Britain

Слайд 5

Christmas – December 25 New Year's Day – January 1 St. Valentine's Day – February 14 Easter – April or May Mother's Day – the 2 nd Sunday in May Halloween – October 31

Слайд 6

Easter comes in spring (in March or April). It is a religious celebration and lasts for a week.

Слайд 7

This holiday dedicates to Jesus Christ resurrection ( воскрешению Иисуса Христа)

Слайд 8

Easter Symbols Rabbits ( bunnies ) Eggs Chickens

Слайд 9

There are many symbols of Easter. German settlers to Pennsylvania brought with them the story of the Easter Bunny. Children believed that if they were good, the Easter Bunny would lay a nest of colored eggs. Because rabbits are known for producing a lot of young, especially in the springtime, they symbolize new life. As the Easter Bunny custom spread across the country, it led to other traditions such as Easter baskets and gift giving.

Слайд 10

Birds lay a great number of colorful eggs in the spring which has brought about the use of Easter eggs, egg dyeing and egg hunts. Long ago, the egg was honored during many springtime festivals. Egg dyeing was popular in ancient times and continues to be popular today. To the Christian, the egg represents the rebirth of the earth and of man.

Слайд 11

Traditional food for Easter is hot cross buns . Crosses on the buns mean 4 seasons of the year and the spring is the start of a new one.

Слайд 12

The three most important days are: Maundy Thursday (Великий четверг) Good Friday (Страстная пятница) Easter Sunday (Пасхальное воскресенье)

Слайд 13

Maundy Thursday In England today the Queen follows a very traditional role off giving Maundy money to a group of pensioners. Every year on this day the Queen attends the royal service in one of the cathedrals and gives money to poor people .

Слайд 14

We live in Russia . So we are Russian and orthodox ( православные) people . Our Easter will be soon . I congratulate you with this holy and light day ! I wish you to meet it with joy and hope ! Happy Ester !

Слайд 15


Предварительный просмотр:


Questions, group 1

Answers, group 1

When do people celebrate Easter?

People celebrate Easter in March or April.

What animal is a symbol of this holiday?

A rabbit called Bunny is a symbol of this holiday.

Why do Bunny rabbits symbolize Easter?

Because they are born in the spring.

What do people give to their families at Easter?

People usually give the chocolate eggs to their families at Easter.

What activities do the British do on Easter Monday?

The British play the game «Egg rolling» on Easter Monday.

Questions, group 2

Answers, group 2

What do people celebrate at Easter?

People celebrate resurrection of Jesus Christ and beginning of spring at Easter.

What flowers are the symbols of this holiday?

Lilies and daffodils are symbols of this holiday.

What symbolizes a new life?

An egg is a symbol of new life.

Where does the Easter bunny hide the eggs?

The Easter bunny hides the eggs in the garden.

Why do hot cross buns have a cross on the top?

Because a cross is a symbol of Christianity.

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